
Which jun is loyal? Which country to love? During the Ming, Qing, and Yi Dynasties, this was a big problem

author:Storyteller Ah Wei
Which jun is loyal? Which country to love? During the Ming, Qing, and Yi Dynasties, this was a big problem

In the chaotic years of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the so-called "loyalty to the king and patriotism" encountered a crisis of understanding to the greatest extent.

Which jun is loyal? Which country to love?

This huge question mark hovered over every people in the land of Shenzhou at that time, forcing them to make a choice.

Which jun is loyal? Which country to love? During the Ming, Qing, and Yi Dynasties, this was a big problem

In September 1645, the Hongguang Emperor was captured in Nanjing. A group of subordinates fell to the ground one after another to show their loyalty, spitting on their former monarchs. And there was a "discordant" voice: a cry of grief.

The voice came from an old man named Qian Qianyi.

35 years ago, the 28-year-old Qian Qianyi was a first-class and three-in-a-class high school and was taught the editor of the Hanlin Academy, and since then, his official eunuch career has undergone several twists and turns: he has been excessively implicated in the science field fraud case and has been ostracized by the so-called "castration party", but Qian Qianyi's status has not diminished, and he has become the actual leader of the Donglin Party.

Which jun is loyal? Which country to love? During the Ming, Qing, and Yi Dynasties, this was a big problem

At that time, the Donglin Party could be described as a model in the hearts of the scholars, who removed the greasy and idealistic idealism of the officialdom. Their claims also included the Jiangnan people's tolerance of the commodity economy and the call for political rights for a new gentry, which was a kind of progress from a historical point of view.

Today's Donglin Party has long been deconstructed as a general role of "stinky public knowledge", saying that they "usually talk about their hearts and minds, and repay the king when they are dying", while some people do not have the courage to repay the king when they are in danger.

Which jun is loyal? Which country to love? During the Ming, Qing, and Yi Dynasties, this was a big problem

In the torrential rain, Qian Qianyi and a group of courtiers opened the gates of Nanjing, leaving behind such an outrageous and absurd wild history as the water was too cold and the scalp was too itchy.

Later generations often like to use some symbols to define historical figures, good/evil, good/bad, patriotic/treason... This Manichaean two-pronged judgment always brings the pleasure of judgment to posterity, ignoring that no matter how we construct this old fellow, we are getting farther and farther away from him.

Perhaps, Qian Qianyi is just an ordinary person.

The so-called Huaxia Yiguan and Huayi debates have long penetrated deep into his brain marrow. But the gravitational pull of reality is too heavy, and in the face of the crisis of life and death, he has neither the ability to turn the tide nor the courage to be righteous.

Cowardly, he knelt down in the torrential rain of Nanjing, shattering the old dream of The invincible Nanke and the dignity of the Donglin Party.

Which jun is loyal? Which country to love? During the Ming, Qing, and Yi Dynasties, this was a big problem

No text can truly reveal Qian Qianyi's real state of mind when he shaves his hair, and we have no way of knowing whether Qian Qianyi's old tears are mixed with qian Qianyi's heavy rain in Nanjing in the fifth month of the lunar calendar.

Qian Qianyi, who shaved his hair, dragged his old body and wrapped up the "remnants of the remnants" (Nanming Guiwang, Zheng Chenggong, etc.), but he was unable to "sweep the lungs of Jinling and return the lungs, bury Hu Zisai to comfort the heavenly heart", and the "miscellaneous prisoners are upside down, still Nandou is China" in his heart has finally become a bubble, and he has to sigh that "ten years old eyes are re-polished and washed, sitting and watching the porpoises and waves". (Quoted from the poem: "Jinling Qiuxing Eight First Caotang Rhymes With The First Work of The Beginning of July")

Which jun is loyal? Which country to love? During the Ming, Qing, and Yi Dynasties, this was a big problem

Such a "twisted attitude" of "loyalty to the king and patriotism" is indeed not recognized by everyone. Liu Shengmu unceremoniously criticized: "Knowing that the Great Festival has been lost, I want to use this to relieve shame, this so-called desire to cover up, what is the benefit of repentance?" ”

Historian Wu Han even said that Qian Qianyi's character was extremely poor: "After a lifetime of upheavals, there is no position, there is no national integrity, and I have never thought of anything other than wanting to be an official." ”

Maybe, he was just confused, just too confused.

Which jun is loyal? Which country to love? During the Ming, Qing, and Yi Dynasties, this was a big problem

Compared with Qian Qianyi's entanglement and confusion, Fan Wencheng who saw it in the history books "seems" to have never experienced such entanglement, but if you read history carefully, it will always make people have some reverie.

Fan Wencheng, a native of Shenyang, was originally just a captive, and although he said that he had the meritorious name of Xiucai, he did not eat a single grain of qilu from the Ming Dynasty. (If it is insisted that the subsidy given by the imperial court to Xiucai is not considered to be Feng Lu, it is true)

From show talent to slave, the broad life of a 21-year-old suddenly became a narrow choice. Has Fan Wencheng ever thought about the struggle? Have you ever thought about the future and youth, life and death in the night of loss?

Did he choose to discipline himself to be a qualified "slave", or to become a hypocrite who stood on the surface and flies behind his back?

Is he hesitant, or is he making a decision?

We don't know.

Which jun is loyal? Which country to love? During the Ming, Qing, and Yi Dynasties, this was a big problem

During his 9-year slavery, no credible material about his state of mind is left in the current text. According to one document, he and his brother went to see Nurhaci and were personally received, how did the slaves meet the Khan? Nurhaci said, "This famous courtier Houye (Fan Zhongyun), good encounter! This material, I suspect, has undergone a certain amount of whitewashing, but it reflects Fan Wencheng's final decision.

He handled government affairs at the Imperial Taiji's Pavilion,

He wore armor and his hand blade was also a cropper who suffered two sins,

This gave him the identity of a guerrilla and got rid of the status of a slave, when Fan Wencheng was 31 years old.

Later, he persuaded famous generals to be demoted, reformed the official system, agreed on state affairs, and finally urged him to enter the Central Plains and became the founding father of the Qing Dynasty.

Which jun is loyal? Which country to love? During the Ming, Qing, and Yi Dynasties, this was a big problem

The message reads: "When the righteous soldiers come, they will avenge their fathers and fathers, and they will not kill the people, but those who are now condemned are thieves." Those who return from officials return to their officials, and those who return from the people return to their professions. The teacher is strict and will not be harmed. It can be said that the pen of the god clip laid the historical position of Fan Wencheng, and there was the sentence in the "Draft History of the Qing Dynasty": "Wencheng set a big plan, Zuotai praised Xiang, Zuo Mingxun was the highest, and there was the sentence in Kangxi's mouth, "The strategy of Wencheng can reach a million male soldiers!" ”

Just as the so-called "food Junlu divides the jun's worries", Fan Wencheng has never eaten a grain of Ming Ting' Lu, since it is to choose a good tree and live, the identity is not so complicated, the so-called "loyal to the king and patriotic", in his heart, has been defined as loyal to the boss who pays himself money?

Which jun is loyal? Which country to love? During the Ming, Qing, and Yi Dynasties, this was a big problem

"Fu guo can be called a true bachelor, and loving the people is a great hero." This is a far-fetched excuse for future generations to Hong Chengzuo, but we also don't know whether Hong Chengzuo will recognize this as the true thought in his heart if he is alive.

When Hong Chengzuo was 11 years old, he was forced to drop out of school to sell dried beans, and with the help of the squire and the benefits of the scientific expedition system, he gradually became an official official. "Jun'en is as deep as the sea, and the subjects are as heavy as mountains", Hong Chengzuo wrote this couplet at that time and hung it on the hall, which should be regarded as an outpouring of true feelings.

Which jun is loyal? Which country to love? During the Ming, Qing, and Yi Dynasties, this was a big problem

Chongzhen, the suspicious young emperor, had suspected many people, but maintained some trust in Hong Chengyu. In 1631, the 38-year-old Hong Chengzuo was inaugurated as the governor of Shaanxi On the Three Sides, and under the suppression of the eight years, the peasant revolt became more and more scattered, and Li Zicheng was beaten and only 18 horses escaped, worthy of the reputation of the imperial court.

Helplessly, the strategy of the Battle of Songjin was improper, and Hong Chengyu was captured and unable to return to heaven. According to the theory, he was the least deserving of betrayal and deserved to be martyred, but he knelt down in front of the seat of the chieftain and turned the muzzle of his gun to call Daming an "enemy country", becoming the most recalcitrant person in the world. Chongzhen heard that Hong Chengzu had been captured, and he was afraid that the fierce Duoji would be generous with the state funeral ceremony, and in contrast, Hong Chengzu's surrender behavior could not help but be laughed at by the people of the world.

Which jun is loyal? Which country to love? During the Ming, Qing, and Yi Dynasties, this was a big problem

Appease the people, promote Sinicization, offer suggestions and suggestions... Hong Chengzu was blessed by Daming and grew up in Daming, but he left his talents to this newborn dynasty that was once his enemy country, "recognized his hometown as his hometown", and became the first Han chinese scholar in the Qing Dynasty.

If it was just to live, Hong Chengzuo must be a genius here. But people always have to be meaningful in life, so where is the meaning of Hong Chengzu? Our descendants far-fetchedly said that he was doing this for the common people, and if he had not surrendered, those Han people might have suffered even more. Sun Yat-sen once said: "The living soul is not ruined, and no one knows the merits." Full back to the Central Plains, Han Qi survived for a long time. Wen Xiangtao strategized, and an-descendant changed his clothes. ”

Which jun is loyal? Which country to love? During the Ming, Qing, and Yi Dynasties, this was a big problem

But the Manchus always want to sit firmly in the country, one more Hong Cheng domain and one less Hong Cheng domain, will there be a big difference for the Qing court? The significance of Hong Chengzuo to the Qing court was nothing more than the establishment of a negative teaching material of "loyalty to the king and patriotism", making him the first person in the "Biography of the Second Minister".

How Hong Chengyu disciplined himself, we have no way of knowing, perhaps his seventy-year-old mother beat him and scolded him, but the reality is too hungry, eating his dignity and ideals, giving posterity a bloody wake-up call:

The so-called "loyalty to the king and patriotism" talks about starting from one end to the other.

Which jun is loyal? Which country to love? During the Ming, Qing, and Yi Dynasties, this was a big problem

When complex identities plagued the high-ranking intellectuals of Daming, the people at the bottom did not have so many twists and turns.

The vast majority of people do submissiveness in order to survive. Although it is easy for us to accuse them of being condescending from the perspective of posterity, as the editors of "Empire Disqualification: Sixteen People of the Ming and Qing Dynasties" said: "Any evaluation will inevitably have its subjectivity, and the best way to enter history may be to return to the scene at that time, to look at an event, a choice, a detail from the perspective of the parties, and in the end, it will be the humble human heart that will talk to us." ”

Which jun is loyal? Which country to love? During the Ming, Qing, and Yi Dynasties, this was a big problem

The Daming that the common people face is not a mighty dynasty in which "the son of heaven guards the gate of the country and the king dies", but a decadent empire full of exploitation and oppression. The kings of the clans, bureaucrats, and bandits filled the peaceful countryside with the rough suffering of cannibalism. What they have realized is only the iron-blooded law of "the suffering of the prosperous people and the suffering of the dead people."

As a result, the law of the jungle of "natural selection and survival of the fittest" is brewed at the bottom, and in the furnace called the chaotic world, it has also created people who are most convinced of loyalty, filial piety and shame, such as Li Dingguo.

Which jun is loyal? Which country to love? During the Ming, Qing, and Yi Dynasties, this was a big problem

This young man from a poor peasant background in northern Shaanxi could not read big characters but knew all the righteousness. His initial uprising was nothing more than a rebellion against corrupt officials, and what he wanted was a clean and clean man, but not necessarily a change of dynasty. Naturally, we can also interpret it as a "limitation of the peasant class."

Li Dingguo followed Zhang Xianzhong to the south and into the north, and the Great Western Army rolled bigger and bigger in the cracks, and finally settled in the southwest. When Zhang Xianzhong "slaughtered" the population of Sichuan on a large scale, we do not know how Li Dingguo, who "wrote alone with forgiveness and kindness," reacted.

Is he involved in the killings? Or argue on the basis of argument? Or stay out of the way?

We don't have exact historical data.

Which jun is loyal? Which country to love? During the Ming, Qing, and Yi Dynasties, this was a big problem

After the unification of the Great Western Army and the King of Yunnan Mu, the division within the Great Western Army became more and more obvious. The contradiction between Sun Kewang and Li Dingguo became the last fuse of the remnants of the Ming Dynasty' downfall, but After all, Li Dingguo was "two famous kings, and the world was shaken", and this former rogue Kou supported the last backbone of this dynasty and became a strange picture of Chinese history.

This peasant boy preserved his most simple patriotic enthusiasm, and loyalty and patriotism became a discipline that needed to be enforced like iron in his heart, and he shamed countless intellectuals and made countless future generations stand in awe.

Which jun is loyal? Which country to love? During the Ming, Qing, and Yi Dynasties, this was a big problem

Just as it is hard to describe, the warmth that overflows in the heart of the heart when the person is in front of him. It is also difficult for us to reproduce from the surviving texts the true state of mind of the ancients in the face of great changes in the times. Words are either too clumsy to express, or cunning enough to favor one over the other.

The so-called loyalty to the king and patriotism, in which chaotic era, became the concept of their own expression, and became the evocative floating appearance of the people, allowing people to cut and interpret.

Only honest and vivid texts can make people feel the pleasure and necessity of interpretation, and can they provide real materials that make people "wander and meditate" (Chen Yinke). The aforementioned "Imperial Disqualification: Sixteen Men of the Ming and Qing Dynasties" is such a treasure. History has never been as fascinating as this book depicts, and it is worthy of the evaluation that "the appearance is ridiculous and improper, and the inner blood has a bottom line".

Which jun is loyal? Which country to love? During the Ming, Qing, and Yi Dynasties, this was a big problem

"Empire Disqualification: Sixteen People of the Ming and Qing Dynasties" is the masterpiece of millions of fans, who use honest brushstrokes to paint the real lives of the sixteen people of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Do not read this book in the library, so as not to laugh and affect others.

I am also jealous that the teenagers of this era can have such masterpieces to read, skipping the lack of reading the Romance of the Three Kingdoms three times or seven or eight times at that time.

The original price of this book is 59 yuan, and the current price is 28 yuan (the headline channel has won the lowest price on the whole network), but the price of a pack of cigarettes / one or two meals can enjoy this spiritual feast, and it is hoped that those who need it will buy it.

Which jun is loyal? Which country to love? During the Ming, Qing, and Yi Dynasties, this was a big problem

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Empire Disqualification: Ming and Qing Dynasty Sixteen people to buy for 28 yuan

Which jun is loyal? Which country to love? During the Ming, Qing, and Yi Dynasties, this was a big problem