
How many kinds of fish do you know in the sea?

author:Croak the best

They have accompanied human beings through thousands of years of history, formed an indissoluble relationship with human beings, and become an extremely important food and ornamental pet in human daily life. Let's get closer to the world of fish and appreciate the style of fish.

Fish like a fan - ray (yáo) fish

The body of the ray is flattened, the bones are relatively soft, and it can even be bent at will when swimming. Their bodies are monochromatic or patterned , most species have a stiff or spiny spine , and some have tails that generate electricity. Ray Ben

It is a shark of the same kind, and later in order to adapt to life on the seabed, to avoid enemy attacks. He often buried himself in the sediment on the bottom of the sea. Over time, a circle of fan-like pectoral fins (qí) evolved around the body.

Lionfish - Suō (suō) (yóu)

The biggest feature of the scorpion is that it has a colorful pectoral fin like a fan, and some of it resembles the mane of a male lion, so it is also called a lionfish. The scorpion prefers to live in coral thickets so that it is not easy for enemies and prey to spot it. When it encounters danger, it will open its dorsal fin in demonstration. Don't think it's bluffing, its dorsal fin spines (jí) contain poisonous glands (xiàn) that can stun and even poison other fish.

The king of fish - sharks

Sharks have been on Earth for more than 400 million years, much earlier than they were feared. There are about 300 species of sharks on Earth, the smallest of which is less than 1 meter long and the largest of which can reach more than 20 meters. Some sharks are considered the most ferocious animals in the ocean. Their ability to tear is amazing, they like to fight, they are brutal, and even their injured counterparts have become a good meal in their mouths. However, there are also many sharks that are very gentle, such as whale sharks.

Fish that can get out of the water - mudskipper fish

As the saying goes, "fish can't do without water", but mudskippers are an exception. Although they spend most of their time in the water, they can also crawl in the wet mud on land. When the tide recedes: a tidal flat is exposed, the sun shines on the fertile mud, and various small creatures flourish, these are the food of the mudskipper. When the mudskipper eats, the eyes that grow above the head are high, always paying attention to friends, and Jane is worried about enemies.

Anemone's best friend - clownfish

The clownfish has a warm orange-red color all over its body and only has one or two white stripes on its face, which is similar to the face of the clown in Peking Opera. Clownfish mostly live in anemone bushes. Clownfish are female-headed. But if the female in the family is gone, the female's husband will fully become a female in a matter of weeks to months. At this time, one of the strongest males will become the husband of the female.

Cannibalistic fish - striped fish

The striped fish is an extremely ferocious carnivorous fish with well-developed teeth and many sharp edges. They become ferocious when they are hungry, and their peers will bite each other. If there is a fish in the school, if there is a fish with a dying, or scarred. Other striped fish not only will not sympathize. Instead, they will rise up and eat them.

The fish live in the deep sea, and when they leave the water, they will die immediately because they cannot withstand the pressure.

A fish with a large forehead - a parrotfish

Also known as parrotfish, the parrotfish is a large fish that grows in the coral reef waters of the tropics and has many small teeth, much like the mouth of a parrot. When the male parrotfish grows up, it will grow a forehead, and the older it gets, the larger the forehead, and eventually it will grow like a large tumor.

At night, the body of the parrotfish produces a kind of slime that forms something like a bag that can wrap itself around itself

Your own body, and then rest and sleep in it. Since there are holes in the front and back of the bag, it will not hinder breathing.