
GERT Grebler: China has always been a cherished and reliable partner for Africa

Source: Guangming Network

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on global public health governance and the world economy. While effectively curbing the epidemic and gradually resuming work and production, China has actively called for global anti-epidemic cooperation, provided epidemic prevention materials for many countries, and sent medical expert teams to help local fight against the epidemic.

The friendly relations between Africa and China have become even closer because of cooperation in fighting the epidemic. In the process of fighting the epidemic, African countries have been supporting China's fight against the epidemic in various forms, and China has also shared its experience with Africa without reservation and provided timely assistance to African countries, including South Africa. Solidarity and cooperation are the most powerful weapons in the fight against the epidemic.

China has always been a cherished and reliable partner for Africa. Many African countries have received China's support in the process of getting rid of colonial rule and gaining independence, and the same is true on the road of development and construction. During the epidemic prevention and control period, Africa-China cooperation continued, and many "Belt and Road" projects successfully resisted the adverse effects of the epidemic, ensured the start and operation, and contributed to the economic development and improvement of people's livelihood in African countries. The China-aided CDC Headquarters Project (Phase I) will start construction within the year, which will lay a solid foundation for Africa's future disease prevention and control work.

South Africa and China are both MEMBERS of the BRICS and the G20. At present, the epidemic has accelerated the adjustment of the international political and economic pattern, and the world economy is full of uncertainty. In addition to strengthening bilateral cooperation, South Africa and China should also strengthen strategic consultation and cooperation at the multilateral level to jointly address the challenges posed by the epidemic. The prospects for cooperation between the two countries in the multilateral field are broad.

At present, the global epidemic prevention and control situation is still grim, and the international community needs to work together to defeat the epidemic. In the process of fighting the epidemic, China has demonstrated the responsibility and responsibility of a major country and is an important force in maintaining global stability.

At present, the world economy is in a downturn, the uncertainties affecting the world situation are increasing, the international and regional security risks are prominent, global health governance still needs to be further improved, and African countries, including South Africa, look forward to closer and more lasting cooperation with China, and look forward to China playing a more important role in global governance.

(Author: Gert Grubler, senior diplomat of South Africa, senior researcher of the Institute of African Studies of Zhejiang Normal University, and interviewed by Wan Yu, reporter of this newspaper in South Africa)

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