
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the only person who was executed by "Ling Chi", the Japanese army scolded him for being inferior to animals, and his name was very familiar


The years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression were a test for many people, whether they could keep the feelings of home and country in a difficult environment. Some people have defended, and for the liberation of the motherland, they can sacrifice their youth and throw their own blood and even their heads. And some people do not hold on, either out of personal political ambitions, or out of personal self-interest can not be satisfied. In the end, he turned out to be a traitor who defected to the enemy and betrayed the country, and ended up in a disgraceful and stinky end, forever nailed to the pillar of shame of history.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the only person who was executed by "Ling Chi", the Japanese army scolded him for being inferior to animals, and his name was very familiar

Generally speaking of han traitors at that time, most of the people who come to mind are Wang Jingwei, Zhou Gongbo, and Wang Kemin. But people think of them, in fact, more because of their status, just in a more conspicuous position. In fact, some traitors do more evil things than they do, and they make the people hate them even more, such as the one I want to talk about today. At the public judgment meeting, more than 10,000 people asked Ling Chi to execute him, and what was even more surprising was that even the Japanese army commented that he was inferior to animals.

Who is this traitor who has been ordered by thousands of people? What did he do?

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the only person who was executed by "Ling Chi", the Japanese army scolded him for being inferior to animals, and his name was very familiar

He is Zhang Baikui, born in 1917 in Dongzhangzhuang Village, Julu County, the child of a peasant family. The simplicity and kindness of his parents, the gentleness of the peasants, he did not learn at all, and he did not do good things since he was a child. He likes to fight and scold people, and usually runs amok in the township, which is a famous little bully in the eight townships. The people in the village had long been angry with him, and did not think that in 1935, Xiao Bawang was still a patrol policeman in the county government.

After this relationship, he became more arrogant, and in 1936 he joined the Fifty-third Army of the Nationalist Army and returned to the county security corps in November 1937. Not long after, the Eighth Route Army incorporated the county security team, and Zhang Baikui was honest for a while. Fighting guerrillas with the guerrillas is difficult to change, even if the Eighth Route Army always leads by example and carries out ideological persuasion. None of them could change Zhang Baikui, and in November 1938, after the Japanese occupied Julu County.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the only person who was executed by "Ling Chi", the Japanese army scolded him for being inferior to animals, and his name was very familiar

Zhang Baikui, who did not want to be restrained, actually led his subordinates to defect to the devils, acting as traitors, and killing people. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, there was a famous three major murderous demon kings, one was Zhang Xiaoyan of Nangong, and the other was Wei County and Meng Jiu. Another person was Zhang Baikui, all three of whom were heavily in blood debts and had the blood of innocent compatriots on their hands. From 1938 to 1945, for seven years, burning and looting were all evil.

According to incomplete statistics, Zhang Baikui personally and ordered the killing of at least 62 anti-Japanese fighters and 74 people. The means are also very cruel, including slashing, burying alive, lighting sky lanterns, skinning and so on. In addition to the common tools of criminal law, such as bundling, tying, hanging, and beating, there are also tiger stools, bamboo sticks, pepper water, soldering irons, etc., which are more than the devil's means. For example, in 1942, he personally killed Li Zhonghou and arrested Yang Xiufeng.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the only person who was executed by "Ling Chi", the Japanese army scolded him for being inferior to animals, and his name was very familiar

Cut off his breasts, pull off his hair, and use all kinds of torture. By the time she was killed, it was hard to identify who she was, and another correspondent was burned alive by him with cloth and cotton oil. For the masses, it was even more groundless scolding, and once Zhang Baikui met an eighty-year-old man. Just because he was old, he hacked him to death, and said: Thank you for meeting me, otherwise you would have become an adult. Another time I met a pregnant woman, who actually bet with Zhang Xiaoliu whether it was a man or a woman, and opened the pregnant woman's stomach.

His crimes are not enough to describe in a book, and the people of Julu County are bitter. Popular folk songs say: Julu County is really unlucky, there is a traitor Zhang Baikui, the light people killed a thousand and six, killing no matter who you are. It is no wonder that the people hate him so much, and Zhang Baikui also understands his evil deeds and absconds in fear of his sins after liberation. He burned his face into numbness, but evil had evil retribution, and he showed no mercy to those people at first.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the only person who was executed by "Ling Chi", the Japanese army scolded him for being inferior to animals, and his name was very familiar

Retribution will naturally come one day, and the legal net will not let him escape, and in October 1951, the public security organs arrested Zhang Baikui and brought him to justice. As soon as the news spread, the people of Julu County rushed to tell each other and clapped their hands and applauded. All kinds of exposé letters and accusation letters flew like snowflakes to the organs to make bloody and tearful accusations. On December 29 of the same year, a general meeting of 10,000 people was held across the board to bring Zhang Baikui to justice on the spot. The people were still angry, and in anger, they used their own knives to carry out a fragmentary attack on him.