
"Poisonous Tongue" Ke Yimin: Crazy playing big cards was banned, ask for forgiveness, zhang crazy after the fall of the unexpected

author:The most beautiful is now

There is a woman in the entertainment industry, just saying "I wish everyone a smooth New Year", will be angrily scolded by netizens to spew dog blood, and has been rumored to have been banned before.

This woman is: Ke Yimin.

"Poisonous Tongue" Ke Yimin: Crazy playing big cards was banned, ask for forgiveness, zhang crazy after the fall of the unexpected

Ke Yimin learned piano from an early age, was sent to the United Kingdom to study music at the age of 9, returned to Malaysia at the age of 19, participated in a singing competition, won the first place, and launched his debut album "Too Silly" at the age of 21, and since then "a singing become famous in the world".

However, no matter how good her music is, it is not as well-known as her "poisonous tongue".

Because of his musical achievements, he has served as a judge for "Super Girl" twice.

Her poisonous tongue is the feeling that she is a teacher and that the contestants are useless.

"Poisonous Tongue" Ke Yimin: Crazy playing big cards was banned, ask for forgiveness, zhang crazy after the fall of the unexpected

When the contestants are a little helpless because of nervousness on the stage, normally, the judges should try to ease the atmosphere when they encounter this situation, so that the contestants will not be so nervous, and Ke Yimin directly angrily rebuked "Don't sing, roll!" ”

After the video was broadcast, it caused a heated discussion among netizens.

Also on the same show, a female contestant came up and said: "I may affect the effect of singing because of a cold, and Ke Yimin directly said: You roll down."

Another time, a female contestant who was a little fat, but sang very well, and she said: No one wants to watch a sow sing on stage.

These words have triggered the dissatisfaction of netizens all over the Network, and they have begun to condemn her.

"Poisonous Tongue" Ke Yimin: Crazy playing big cards was banned, ask for forgiveness, zhang crazy after the fall of the unexpected

After being scolded by Ke Yimin, the female contestant tearfully withdrew from the show, and our teacher Ke Yimin was also banned because of these two things.

The crowd also shouted for Ke Yimin to get out of the entertainment circle.

"Poisonous Tongue" Ke Yimin: Crazy playing big cards was banned, ask for forgiveness, zhang crazy after the fall of the unexpected

Afterwards, Ke Yimin cried and begged for forgiveness, but to no avail, netizens are not so easy to forget what she did, and then her acting path is really more and more obstacles.

"Poisonous Tongue" Ke Yimin: Crazy playing big cards was banned, ask for forgiveness, zhang crazy after the fall of the unexpected

So she gradually disappeared from everyone's vision.

"A hundred causes must have results", if you don't speak through the brain, then no one can save you, although as a mentor, you have the right to point out the mistakes of the players, but please don't be too "rude" in your words.

As a public figure, you should pay more attention to your own image in front of the public, especially Ke Yimin, who does not know who he is with a little achievement.

"Poisonous Tongue" Ke Yimin: Crazy playing big cards was banned, ask for forgiveness, zhang crazy after the fall of the unexpected

Finally, let's end with a sentence said by Ke Yimin, dedicated to Ke Yimin: "Are you very good?" Put your body down! ”

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