
Zeng Xiangwen presided over the coordination meeting of the remaining problems of the resettlement of the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital and the resettlement of Jixing Middle School

author:Lou Xing released
Zeng Xiangwen presided over the coordination meeting of the remaining problems of the resettlement of the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital and the resettlement of Jixing Middle School

On the morning of October 22, Zeng Xiangwen, deputy secretary of the district party committee and secretary of the political and legal committee, presided over the coordination meeting of the resettlement of the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital (Municipal Children's Hospital) and the resettlement of Jixing Middle School. He stressed that it is necessary to further unify thinking, enhance understanding, respect history, seek truth from facts, promote resettlement work in accordance with laws and regulations and in an orderly manner, make every effort to ensure the construction of key people's livelihood projects, and promote the high-quality development of central urban areas.

The meeting listened to the report of the Dake Street Office and the Nan'an Community on the specific situation of the remaining problems in the resettlement of the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital, and the responsible persons of the Municipal Requisition and Relocation Office, the Municipal Health Commission, the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital and other relevant departments discussed and exchanged views on the remaining problems of resettlement, put forward solutions to specific problems, and further clarified the responsible units, responsible persons and time nodes.

Zeng Xiangwen pointed out that the resettlement work has always touched the hearts of the masses, and the construction of the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital and the Jixing Middle School Project is a key people's livelihood project vigorously promoted at the two levels of the urban area. He stressed: All levels and departments must fully understand the importance and urgency of doing a good job in solving the resettlement work, and make up their minds to solve the problems left over from the resettlement work; they must persist in taking the people as the center, respect history, seek truth from facts, do a good job in calculating the economic, people's livelihood, and project accounts, and earnestly protect the vital interests of the demolition and relocation masses; they must advance in accordance with laws and regulations and in an orderly manner, make overall plans and coordination to solve the resettlement work, make every effort to ensure the advancement of the people's livelihood projects such as the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital and the Jixing Middle School, and earnestly grasp the construction of key projects in the city and district; and persist in putting life first. We should make overall plans to grasp the two major issues of development and security, ensure safety, stability and safety, and create a good environment for the high-quality economic and social development of the whole region.

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