
There are you along the way


"You are my eyes, taking me to appreciate the changes of the four seasons, you are my eyes, taking me to read the vast sea of books..." The song of gratitude reminds me of the most brilliant profession under the sun, the transmitter of human civilization - the teacher.

Even if the road ahead is full of thorns, you resolutely choose to be our pioneer. The green silk is not exhausted, and the spring silkworm does not die. The tears had dried up and the wax torch had turned to ash. This is your philosophy adherence. You do not give up on us, do not abandon, you move us with your efforts, you push us with your spirit, how amazing your strength is.

The sea of books is endless, and children are ignorant. We grow up every day, you are slowly aging, and the torch of civilization passes with the flowers and grasses for years, boundless.

You are the other shore, and you lead us to the other shore. You are the helmsman, and you teach us to be the helmsman. When you arrive safely, we also find the address of happiness.

You are an extension of the hand, you are the probe of the mind, and we grow up in your world and breathe in your breath.

You hold our hands with both hands, the strengths superimposed, the blood gushing, the hearts talking to each other, and our beliefs are becoming more and more consistent.

You and we, seek together, explore together. The world is wonderful because of this, life is moved by this, life is vivid because of this, and life is successful because of this.

With you all the way, we are wonderful because of you. All the way with you, you are enriched by us. In the season of falling leaves, we can only praise the nourishment of the earth, sing the praises of the sun, and thank nature for its gifts. A growth, a world's maturity, a person's life, begins with you.

With you along the way, with your support, with your whipping, we have yesterday's lessons, today's progress, tomorrow's happiness.

Praise you with the most beautiful poems, thank you with the most sincere emotions, our dear teacher.

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