
"All the Way with You"

author:Ice Hui Rain
"All the Way with You"

Do you know

Loving you is not easy

Love takes a lot of courage

It's providence

Make me fall in love with you

But you left me

Maybe reincarnation is already predestined

I should give it back to you in this life

A heart in the wind and rain

Floating around

It's all for you

There are you along the way

Bitter is willing

Even if it is to separate and meet me

I'm willing to hurt a little

Even if this life is destined to be separated from you

Morning light drizzle

Return to this earth

People are lonely and hiding

Turn around for a moment

On the side of this familiar road

Notice that the passerby behind you is you

Always escape from a certain period of time on a rainy day

But the raindrops have prompted this encounter

Always on rainy days people will think about the past

Never said goodbye after crying and hugging goodbye

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"All the Way with You"

Every time I want to write something, it's the quietest time for me. Outside the window, the leaves are lush and the sun is soft, and the small camel fan at the table is persistently shaking a breeze. A person, facing the computer, thinks of many things, and is also thinking about his own pain.

All day long, from morning to night, I didn't smile; many things, entangled in my thinking, seemed to take me into a space of doom! Every time I look back, it will be a heavy memory of the past, full of melancholy colors.

From the ambition and youthful struggle to the persistence of bowing down and working hard and not saying much; from the small countryside of a foreign country and a thousand lakes to the rushing and spectacular, loess-filled Yellow River; I have no regrets, every life journey is always the ink of my own writing, and at all times I portray colorful pictures that are thick or light, just like the moss on the water's bank will always leave some resentment.

I have never had much attachment to flowers and plants, and I like the strength of the grass; but when I saw a cold plum erected in the snow, the shock in my heart also made me unforgettable for a long time; it was in this northern winter, the touch of seeing plum blossoms began to make me have a deep understanding of this flower, which was more shocking than the fragrance of the peony's magnificent osmanthus flower, and brought the beauty of loneliness the beauty of loneliness.

"All the Way with You"

People say that ten years to sharpen a sword, but the frost blade has not been tried, ten years of hard work and no complaints, in the face of all kinds of unfair things, can quietly taste; I am very anxious, straightforward, but I am very tolerant. The ancients often said that asking Jun he could not be wrong, and that no one in this world could make mistakes, and everyone was not perfect, so they needed to be more tolerant and more accepted. However, the drunken mistakes of two years ago became the biggest tragedy of my decade, it was all my fault, no one would forgive me, and all the pain I suffered myself.

Thinking about it behind closed doors is the most important thing I have at the moment, and in these quiet years, I have begun to make a lot of choices: to give up the communication of many friends, to give up a lot of former sharp edges, to give up a lot of emotional expressions; to give up some people who have helped me a lot, to give up some people who once liked or loved me, and now I have to give up the persistent thoughts in my heart, although I know that there is still your existence along the way!

Having you along the way is a very old song. I was sad that day, and suddenly heard someone playing this song outside the window, so I casually posted this post. In fact, it is time to write about you. Because with you along the way, my life has changed a lot. I've never been so obsessed with anyone, only you. Because you are not influencing people, but the heart, at least I am beginning to change from evil to righteousness. Writing this, your shadow flashed by, and I felt a sharp pain in my heart, telling me that I didn't know how to use words that began to be strange to paint you who had begun to be strange.

"All the Way with You"

There are you along the way, you are not around but you are in your heart. The most recent loneliness is the pain of separation. Do you know? This way to love and pain, I don't know that the drift of this road may be the last bittersweet blend, in the future, the two heavy water and fire of ice and fire will not tolerate the north and south, and the north and the south will be a regret that cannot be forgiven until death!

The only difference between the days with you along the way is going to become the road of the past and the future will be slowly walked the only difference is that your happiness is my pain, you blossom and still be lonely to me, the car line in the rain Rain on the window glass to draw a tear mark on the window glass mercilessly wash the reason for the persistence in the heart, the tree is still green grass and flowers are still blooming, but the sky has been established Autumn always in the early morning facing the morning sun to seek hope at noon Against the scorching sun sweating in the night Calm night to bear the autumn coolness.

What you gave me was from full of hope to fiery passion to parting heart cold, silently I walked all the way to drift all the way to tears, afraid of not being able to control just let myself silently let the tears flow silently all the way to the sadness, I know that this departure will create a lifetime of separation, that bridge that room that road that person disappeared in the distance of the field of vision brought me is the desolation of the back of the beautiful person on the water side!

"All the Way with You"

You find a lot of reasons to hurt me and keep hurting my weak heart and keep ravaging my strength, because you changed your original intention to make all the promises become a castle in the air, in fact, you didn't go far this way and you You just laughed and laughed at my sadness not far away, admiring my face with tears enjoying the happiness I brought you when I was hurt.

Get up early every day to miss your little cute miss your smile Miss your gentle taste. It is not easy to have you along the way, it is not easy to miss you, always looking for spots and traces of being with you in a variety of people and things, without your days will always think of the wayward you fool around, unreasonable, your mind is full of memories involving you.

"All the Way with You"

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