
The strange "beriberi", which once spread throughout Japan, is actually a nutrient at work?

author:Orthopedic Liu Gang

During the Tokugawa shogunate period, this uncontrolled "beriberi" plagued them for many years.

The main symptoms are: poor mental health, decreased mobility, and frequent dozing. As it progresses, the whole body is slurred, the sense of touch is lost, and it gradually dies.

After the development of modern medicine, Japan also began to study this strange beriberi disease. Because the characteristics of the disease are very similar to beriberi, at first it is always thought that it is caused by a bacterial or microbial infection. However, no amount of investigation can find the cause. And the symptoms had gradually begun to spread from the nobility to the commoners. Even the strong soldiers in the army could not escape the clutches of beriberi. However, it was accidentally found that the probability of beriberi in the Japanese troops stationed in the United States gradually decreased. So since then, the army has begun to be equipped with "American food", and sure enough, the incidence of "beriberi" in the army has been greatly reduced.

The strange "beriberi", which once spread throughout Japan, is actually a nutrient at work?

What's going on? This problem has plagued Japan for many years. It turned out to be because of a popular habit among the nobility that "did not eat the meat of a four-legged animal". In addition, the nobles were picky about the types of rice and only ate "polished rice". This results in a deficiency of vitamin B1 in the body, which happens to be found in four-legged land animals such as pork and brown rice. The fish and shrimp eaten by the nobles are relatively small in polished rice. Prolonged deficiency leads to an impact on the development of the body. Later, with the development of industry, civilians also began to eat white rice, resulting in beriberi began to spread among civilians.

Bacteria and viruses that have been studied for decades are ultimately caused by a small vitamin B1? yes. During the Russo-Japanese War alone, the disease killed more than twenty thousand Japanese soldiers. The number of deaths in the war is very high, but the most common is disease.

The strange "beriberi", which once spread throughout Japan, is actually a nutrient at work?

In fact, in addition to Japan, there is also an unknown disease that occurred in the ocean-going fleet in the 16th century. After a period of sailing, the crew began to develop "bleeding sickness". The gums swell and bleed until they die. Many of the crew carried the wind and waves, but they lost to the bleeding disease. It was later discovered that because the staple food of sailors on ocean voyages was meat and seafood, fresh vegetables and fruits were quickly consumed due to poor preservation. Long-term insufficient intake of vitamin C is prone to symptoms of sepsis. Later historians also studied why Zheng He did not have sepsis when he went to the West, it turned out that the crew of Zheng He's fleet had the habit of drinking green tea food, and there were many fruits and vegetables along the way, and bean sprouts were also planted on the ship, so the vitamin C during the voyage was sufficiently supplemented.

The disease that plagued Japan for hundreds of years, the disease in the 16th century sailors who traveled far away was not caused by viruses, but by bacteria, but because of an unbalanced diet.

Diet is the source of the body, and the impact of a lack of nutrients in the body on health is much more serious than imagined!

How to supplement with vitamin B1, here are a few suggestions for you:

Eat more lean meat foods in moderation. For example, lean pork, beef and mutton, duck and other livestock meat.

Supplement with cereals. In addition to polished rice refined pasta, brown rice can also be appropriately added to the staple food, and the shell of the grain is rich in vitamin B1.

The strange "beriberi", which once spread throughout Japan, is actually a nutrient at work?

In addition to paying attention to vitamin B1 supplementation, in fact, the lack of other vitamins and other trace elements has a great impact on the overall function of the body.

Vitamin A deficiency can cause dry eyes and trigger night blindness. The skin is peeling and itchy easily. Vitamin A is also strongly associated with bone development, and a lack of vitamin A intake in children may affect bone growth and development.

Vitamin C deficiency may appear with skin congestion. If the body often has unexplained congestion, it may be vitamin C deficiency. Some patients may also have bleeding gums, nose bleeding, etc. There may also be poor appetite, mental atrophy, etc.

Vitamin E deficiency can lead to anemia, edema, etc. It may also affect the nervous system.

In addition to vitamins, minerals and other trace elements deficiencies have a great impact on the condition of the body. How can this be prevented?

The strange "beriberi", which once spread throughout Japan, is actually a nutrient at work?

In fact, the most important thing is to try to get as much as possible about the variety of diets. Try not to be picky eaters. The National Health Commission recommends that each person eat more than 12 foods per day. Eat more than 25 types of food per week. For example, some people may prefer scrambled eggs with tomatoes and white rice. Although tomatoes and eggs have good nutrition, it is possible that the intake of calcium and iron is insufficient. Nutrient deficiencies can also be confused with other diseases when treated. And even after the cure, if the nutrient intake is still insufficient, the follow-up is easy to recur. So picky eaters are not advisable, and the variety of food to eat is as much as possible as well.

From the "beriberi disease" of the Japanese nobility to the sepsis of the Age of Discovery. It's all body nutrients that are "weird". Nutrients cannot be seen or touched, and the human body's demand is not very large. And it is not as well known as fat, protein, etc., so the supplement is easy to ignore, I hope this article can attract everyone's attention.