
"Kikube" itching What the hell is wrong

author:Family Doctor Newspaper
"Kikube" itching What the hell is wrong

itching is very common in life, and in terms of dermatology clinics, it is mainly caused by the following four skin diseases. 

Pruritus of the anus

  It is itchy, normal appearance, no obvious rash. There are many reasons for simple itching in adults, such as obesity and sweating more people are prone to appear, especially walking more perianal friction.

Treatment is generally to keep the local clean, dry, avoid the use of hot water scalding, avoid soap washing, try not to scratch. 

Perianal neurodermatitis

  In addition to itching, the skin around the anus can be significantly thickened and rough, medically known as "lichen-like changes" (lichen-like changes). Many times it is itchy first, can't help scratching, scratching for a long time is prone to moss-like changes, is secondary.

  The principle of management is that on the basis of pruritus, topical medications, such as glucocorticoid or non-hormonal ointments, can be used under the guidance of a doctor, or some drugs taken orally. Also, don't use too rough tissue.  

Perianal eczema

  Eczema is characterized by a multi-shaped rash that is primary and may be watery after being caught in the acute phase. The itching is intense, and male patients are often accompanied by scrotal eczema, which seriously affects the quality of life.

  The treatment principle is similar to that of perianal neurodermatitis, but if there is exudate, it is generally not suitable for applying ointment, and it is more appropriate to use zinc oxide oil for two or three days to astringent it.


  Tinea femoral ringworm is generally found in the groin and buttocks and rarely spreads around the anus. However, some patients rub the hormone ointment on their own, but it spreads. Therefore, if the skin around the anus and buttocks is obviously desquamed, it is more appropriate to do a fungal examination.

  The principle of treatment is antifungal ointment therapy.

Author: Yin Zhiqiang, Chief Physician of Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital

Edit: Xiong Shu

Reviewer: Xie Tao

Issued: Wan Hongxin

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