
- Half half wisdom


Everyone wants everything to go well and everything they want to do. People live a lifetime, and there are nine times out of ten things that are not satisfactory, so how can everything go smoothly? Hangzhou Lingyin Temple has a couplet written like this: Life can be more satisfactory, everything is only half heart. The beauty of the word "half" is that only by seeking the satisfaction of "half", you will know enough to be happy. With a little care, you will find that life is full of "half" wisdom: friendship: half is worrying, half is forgetting. Family: Half pay, half reap. Children: Half talent, half cultivation. Work: Half luck, half effort. Happiness: Half is striving, half is dreaming with fate: half is courage, half is illusion. Life: Half fireworks, half Qinghuan. Life: Half confused, half understood. World: Always half half, half, half, half earth. Half male and half female. Half good and half evil. Life is always half and half: half to fight, half to follow fate. Half fireworks, half joy. Half confused, half understood.

- Half half wisdom
- Half half wisdom
- Half half wisdom