
The gap between the score lines of liberal arts and sciences has widened, how should liberal arts students survive?

author:Wise and optimistic lamb

After the 2021 provincial college entrance examination score line was announced, many people were surprised by the gap between the liberal arts and sciences batch lines.

In fact, it has become more and more common for the liberal arts score line to rise, the science score line to fall, and the liberal arts score line gap to widen.

1. The gap between the score lines of arts and sciences is large

The gap between the score lines of liberal arts and sciences has widened, how should liberal arts students survive?
The gap between the score lines of liberal arts and sciences has widened, how should liberal arts students survive?

From the above data, it can be seen that whether it is the first batch of undergraduates or the second batch of undergraduates, the score line of literature and history is significantly higher than that of science and engineering.

Among them, the liberal arts in Anhui Province are 72 points higher than the sciences, while the liberal arts in the second book are 104 points higher than the sciences. Although, in everyone's cognition, it is always felt that compared with science students, liberal arts students score better. It is roughly estimated that even if the candidates score 500 points, they will not be able to go to undergraduate universities, which makes many liberal arts students feel that it is too difficult to learn liberal arts!

We can look at the 2020 liberal arts and science admissions data. Last year, the ratio of liberal arts and science candidates in some provinces was close to 1:1, but the ratio of liberal arts admissions was close to 1:3.

Still taking the data of Anhui as an example, in 2020, the number of applicants for the literature and history category in Anhui Province was 266,000, and the number of science and engineering students was 258,000 (including the juvenile class), and the ratio of liberal arts and sciences to the examination was close to 1:1.

In 2020, Anhui general literature and history admitted a total of 48,197 people, the number of science and engineering undergraduate admissions (excluding art, physical education undergraduates) 146306, the ratio of liberal arts and sciences is about 2:5.

This means that in the process of volunteering to fill in the application, the competitive feeling of the liberal arts is stronger than that of the sciences, the score requirements are high, the choice of colleges and universities is small and the quality is poor, resulting in the increasing difficulty of liberal arts students to further their studies!

In fact, it has always been an indisputable fact that the difference between liberal arts students and the number of enrollment plans is far greater than that of science, and the disparity in the size of liberal arts colleges and universities has been an indisputable fact.

So why is there such a big gap in liberal arts scores?

2. The reason for the large gap between the score lines of liberal arts and sciences

On the one hand, it is related to the difficulty of the test paper. For example, many candidates reported that Anhui's science examination papers this year are generally more difficult than the liberal arts, and the difficulties of science mathematics and science synthesis are greater, and the scores of most candidates are affected. Therefore, from this point of view, the liberal arts score line will naturally be affected by this and open the gap.

Another reason is that it is affected by the enrollment situation of various universities. So far, many colleges and universities have announced this year's enrollment plans, and it can be found that many key colleges and universities have expansion plans, including some 985 and 211 key universities.

However, it should be noted that the expansion of the enrollment quota of these institutions is mainly aimed at science candidates, and the demand for science students in institutions that have not expanded enrollment is also very large, so the number of enrollments in liberal arts has not only not increased but has decreased, but the competition is also more intense, and the admission score line will naturally be affected by this.

Still taking Anhui Province as an example, it can be seen from the "Application Guide" that the enrollment plan of the first batch of science is about 60,000 people, and the enrollment plan of the first batch of liberal arts is less than 20,000 people. The disparity in liberal arts and sciences enrollment plans is widespread in colleges and universities across the country, which is related to society's demand for talents. There is a huge disparity in enrollment plans, but the number of college entrance examinations in liberal arts and sciences is similar, which inevitably leads to greater competition in the undergraduate stage of liberal arts than in science.

So, in the face of such a situation, how should liberal arts students cope?

3. How liberal arts students "survive in a desperate situation"

It is undeniable that from choosing liberal arts and sciences in middle school, to what major to study in college, to finding a job after graduation, it is difficult for liberal arts students to occupy any advantage. Even if countless people use the success of Jack Ma (English major), Sabine (economic law major), Fan Jinshi (archaeology major) and others to illustrate that "liberal arts students are not worse than science students", the voice of "liberal arts uselessness" is still very popular in the helplessness of the employment status quo.

"If you choose the liberal arts, you have no way out."

There was a scene in the previous hit TV series "Hello, Old Time", ling Xiangqian, who had good grades, just chose the liberal arts, and her mother said:

"Did you know that you're transferring to a liberal arts class now?" You have no other way out, you can only be the first, not the second. ”

The gap between the score lines of liberal arts and sciences has widened, how should liberal arts students survive?

In the eyes of parents and teachers, if you want to read liberal arts, you must be top-notch, otherwise there is no "way back". And such concerns are not unfounded.

Judging from the list of undergraduate majors newly filed in ordinary universities in 2019, science and engineering majors account for a relatively large proportion. This also means, to some extent, that there are more options for science and engineering.

The gap between the score lines of liberal arts and sciences has widened, how should liberal arts students survive?

So, if you choose the liberal arts, is there really no way back? What can liberal arts students do?

Attach importance to volunteering to fill in the report, and grasp the advantages of liberal arts majors

Popular majors can be used as references, such as economics, journalism and communication, etc. are very popular.

The gap between the score lines of liberal arts and sciences has widened, how should liberal arts students survive?

Of course, when choosing a major, you can also combine your own interests and strengths, rather than just considering utilitarianism. You know, there are many people who don't know where to go when they graduate and look for a job, not because they can't find a job, but they don't know what they are suitable for and what they like to do, and such confusion may accompany their lives in the future.

Emphasis on overall grades

Whether it is to participate in the strong foundation plan, comprehensive evaluation or college specials and other special moves, the comprehensive score level is the core element of further education, we must pay attention to each large-scale examination in high school, excellent results mean that you can have more advantages to choose key universities and majors.

Focus on humanistic literacy, competition awards are still useful

Although in recent years, there has always been a "cool competition", there are still many liberal arts and science and technology awards that have been recognized by universities and can play an advantage in comprehensive evaluation.

Candidates who have spare energy or are interested in hobbies can also participate in essay competitions, English competitions, science and technology competitions, etc., and getting certain awards is the icing on the cake for the comprehensive evaluation of the high school third year application.

With the increasingly fierce competition for college entrance examination admissions, if you want to enter a good university and admit to a good major, in addition to the naked score of the college entrance examination, the strong foundation plan, comprehensive evaluation, college special projects and other ways are also a very good choice.

Attach importance to English scores and apply for Chinese-foreign cooperative schools

A major feature of Sino-foreign cooperative education is the emphasis and high requirements on language ability, and candidates with better English scores have great advantages in applying for the examination. The score of its enrollment major is lower than that of the general major of the famous school, and if you choose to go abroad for graduate school in the future, compared with the ordinary 211 and 985, there is a better learning atmosphere and resources.

At present, most of the domestic Sino-foreign cooperative universities adopt the comprehensive evaluation admission method to enroll, the admission batch is approved in advance or this batch, and the well-known Sino-foreign cooperative universities in China include Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College (UIC), Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, hong Kong Chinese University (Shenzhen), XJTLU, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, NYU Shanghai, Wenzhou-Kean University, Duke Kunshan University, Shenzhen Beili Moscow University and other 9 Sino-foreign cooperative universities with independent legal personality.

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