
The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded to the Remarks made by British officials on Taiwan: It is hoped that the British side will abide by its commitments to China when China and the United Kingdom established diplomatic relations

author:People's Daily News

Source: People's Daily - Taiwan Channel Original draft

Beijing, 27 Oct (People's Daily Online) -- The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference on 27 October, at which spokesman Ma Xiaoguang presided over the press conference and answered questions.

Global Network Reporter: According to reports, the British Defense Secretary recently pointed fingers on the Taiwan Strait issue, claiming that "it is dangerous for the mainland to invade Taiwan's air defense identification zone and may trigger a conflict." What is the Spokesperson's comment on this?

Ma Xiaoguang: First of all, Taiwan is a part of China, and the Taiwan issue is China's internal affair, and external forces are not allowed to interfere. We hope that these British officials will abide by their commitments to China when China and the UK established diplomatic relations and will not bring damage to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

Second, I would like to remind them to clearly understand right from wrong, and the root cause of the current tension and turmoil in the Taiwan Strait is the provocative activities of the DPP authorities in collusion with external forces, not the just move of the People's Liberation Army to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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