
Fish for crucian carp in late autumn and early winter, try these bait recipes, there are meat and vegetables, and the odds of getting on large plates of crucian carp soar

author:I love fishing every day

Autumn is a good season for fishing, and it's a season when any fish is easy to catch. However, the temperature change in autumn is relatively large, and the impact on fish conditions is actually not small. Some fish like high temperatures, some fish like cool, so different stages of autumn, suitable for fishing different fish, choose the appropriate target fish, is the basic condition for autumn blast protection. Catch big fish in early autumn, catch big fish in mid-autumn, and naturally catch big crucian carp in late autumn.

Fish for crucian carp in late autumn and early winter, try these bait recipes, there are meat and vegetables, and the odds of getting on large plates of crucian carp soar

Truly knowledgeable people know that crucian carp is the best fish to catch in late autumn and early winter. The reason is simple, the big crucian carp needs to be fattened, seeded, and will enter the breeding season in the spring of the following year. Late autumn, early winter fishing crucian carp, it is best to choose a small water surface, especially in the early winter should give up the large water surface, choose wild rivers, ditches these narrow and long water surface, not only the density of crucian carp, but also the size is more objective. These small surfaces of water are hardly fished during the hot season. After summer and autumn, growing on the small water surface with abundant food, crucian carp is naturally not too small.

Fish for crucian carp in late autumn and early winter, try these bait recipes, there are meat and vegetables, and the odds of getting on large plates of crucian carp soar

Crucian carp is an omnivorous fish, and crucian carp actually prefers fishy bait, but crucian carp prefers to eat vegetarian food, even in winter. In fact, when fishing for crucian carp, especially in the small water surface of crucian carp, the biggest misunderstanding is that the fishy bait must be better than the bait effect, in fact, as long as the taste is slightly stronger, the effect of the bait is not bad, especially the bait of maixiang. Folk in the late autumn and early winter when fishing for crucian carp, the use of bait is actually more extensive, basic meat will be brought. Meat bait is preferred for red worms, earthworms and white worms; vegetarian bait is preferred for broad bean flour, gray noodles and rice grains.

Fish for crucian carp in late autumn and early winter, try these bait recipes, there are meat and vegetables, and the odds of getting on large plates of crucian carp soar

When using earthworms as bait, to choose the right size of earthworms, it is best to use tea stems for a period of time, after slimming the earthworms are not only more bright red and more flexible, the vitality will be better, squirming more with the ability to lure fish bite hooks. When using earthworms and red worms, try to keep the bait always fresh and replace it in time. Earthworms also have enhanced uses, such as dipping in soybean flour, or grain-based commercial bait, and then not only are they less slippery and better hooked, but also have the ability to gather fish. White worms are a sharp tool for fishing grass and fat water in late autumn and early winter, and the advantage of color is also not negligible when fishing crucian carp.

Fish for crucian carp in late autumn and early winter, try these bait recipes, there are meat and vegetables, and the odds of getting on large plates of crucian carp soar

Fava bean flour is known as the king of the vegetarian bait for crucian carp, be sure to use raw fava bean powder, the bean smell is relatively heavy, the big crucian carp like this taste very much. Fava bean powder pays attention to fresh grinding, and the taste will fade after a long time. A bottle cap, put a little fava bean flour, add water to adjust the paste, each time the fish hook pick a little on the hook tip can be, very economical. Rice grain effect is also good, steamed rice to prepare a small half bowl, while hot add a little honey stirred evenly, cool only add a small amount of koji wine stirring, cover with plastic wrap refrigerator put 1, 2 days, rice grains separated, very elastic, hook will be easier. The formula of gray noodle bait is more, the gray noodle bait should be added to the fishy or sweet in the late autumn and early winter, a little shrimp flour should be added to the wheat flour, the water should be added to the paste, and the bait should be put on with the help of a syringe that removes the needle. Or use duck egg whites and noodles, which have a slightly fishy smell in the wheat aroma and have a good effect on crucian carp.

Fish for crucian carp in late autumn and early winter, try these bait recipes, there are meat and vegetables, and the odds of getting on large plates of crucian carp soar

These plain baits actually have a characteristic, that is, white, white baits are not strong light in the aquatic grass area, it will be easier to be found by crucian carp, which is also a big reason why crucian carp is easy to catch. If you like to use commercial bait, you must pay more attention to the state at this time, thin line small hook, small specific gravity of the bait, the state should be sticky and soft, such bait will have excellent palatability. Please pay attention to the collection of likes, updated on time every day, thank you for fishing friends!