
Illustrated sugar substitute | know that the mooncake overturned, because of the use of too much maltitol?

author:Food Research Exchange FTA
Illustrated sugar substitute | know that the mooncake overturned, because of the use of too much maltitol?
Illustrated sugar substitute | know that the mooncake overturned, because of the use of too much maltitol?

Know the reason why the mooncake turned over

Yesterday, a message of "knowing that the mooncake ate diarrhea" rushed to the top ten of the Weibo hot search list, and today's "Zhihu response to the mooncake eating diarrhea" was once again on weibo hot search.

Zhihu official response said that "the factory products have been tested by the producer and independent third-party institutions and meet the relevant quality standards of the food industry, but the maltitol used to replace sucrose may cause some people to be intolerant", and some professionals have also popularized the relevant knowledge about sugar alcohol intolerance.

Some people may think that if you use sucrose instead of sugar substitutes (sugar alcohols), so many things will not happen, but this is not the case. So what is the reason for this?

Illustrated sugar substitute | know that the mooncake overturned, because of the use of too much maltitol?

Image source: Screenshot of Sina Weibo's real-time hot search list

Illustrated sugar substitute | know that the mooncake overturned, because of the use of too much maltitol?

Why use sugar substitutes instead of sucrose?

Legend has it that sugar was once a luxury for the nobility, but now anyone can achieve "sugar freedom". The happiness that sugar brings to people is incomparable, and this happiness has lasted for a long time.

But as multiple studies have shown that excessive sugar intake can lead to obesity and increase the risk of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer, the public has gradually realized the importance of sugar control and has begun to look for a "sugar health" path. From 1945 to the present, the number of articles on the themes of "sugar substitutes" and "natural sweeteners" in the core collection of Web of Science has increased rapidly in the past decade (the figure below shows the data from 1945 to 2019).

At the same time, foods and beverages marked "low sugar", "sugar-free", "zero card sugar", "0 sucrose" and so on are also emerging in the market, and are increasingly loved and sought after by people. The "Zhihu Mooncake" incident was caused by the use of a low-sugar formula of "maltitol + erythritol", which was originally sought to a healthier way to eat (it is worth encouraging), but ignored that excessive sugar alcohol intake may lead to osmotic diarrhea (should be improved, and the PACKAGING should be declared that there may be problems, and the ANZ Food Standards Bureau stipulates that once the sugar alcohol exceeds 10% of the added amount, it is necessary to label "eating too much of this product may cause diarrhea").

Illustrated sugar substitute | know that the mooncake overturned, because of the use of too much maltitol?

Number of publications in the Web of Science Core Collection related to "Sugar Substitutes" and "Natural Sweeteners" from 1945 to 2019

图片来源:Ҫiçek S. S. (2020). Structure-Dependent Activity of Plant-Derived Sweeteners

Illustrated sugar substitute | know that the mooncake overturned, because of the use of too much maltitol?

Sugar substitutes are still a major consumer trend

Although occasional incidents such as diarrhoea occur, there is no doubt that there is a trend towards sugar reduction using sugar substitutes. Just today, the first China Beverage Healthy Consumption Forum officially released the "White Paper on Sugar Reduction Action for Healthy Chinese Beverages and Foods (2021)", which not only summarized China's sugar reduction policies, the current situation of consumer sugar and the achievements of sugar reduction in the beverage industry, but also put forward a forward-looking prediction of the "0 sugar" trend in China's beverage industry.

Ruan Guangfeng, director of the Science and Technology Department of the Food and Nutrition Information Exchange Center of Kexin, said that for beverage companies at this stage, they should grasp the new trend of sugar reduction, seize the low-sugar and sugar-free consumption boom, and accelerate the branding process with the goal of health, environmental protection and sustainable development. [1]

This issue is available in a week, and will illustrate the sugar substitute raw materials, see details

Illustrated sugar substitute | know that the mooncake overturned, because of the use of too much maltitol?
Illustrated sugar substitute | know that the mooncake overturned, because of the use of too much maltitol?


1. Beijing News. The white paper on the action of reducing sugar in beverages and foods was released: the demand for sugar-free has increased, and the consumption of sugar substitutes has increased

2、Evaluations of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA)——Food Additives





6、Substances that may be used as food additives


8、Wee, M., et al. A Comparison of Psychophysical Dose-Response Behaviour across 16 Sweeteners

9、Moriconi, E., et al. Neuroendocrine and Metabolic Effects of Low-Calorie and Non-Calorie Sweeteners


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Illustrated sugar substitute | know that the mooncake overturned, because of the use of too much maltitol?
Illustrated sugar substitute | know that the mooncake overturned, because of the use of too much maltitol?

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