
Luanzhou Yiqi Temple

author:Bamboo Gang

In the Yiqi Temple, the China Famous Association and the famous monuments shine together. The ink treasure chapters of the past generations are magnificent and numerous. Yiqi adheres to the Confucian traditional concepts of caojie, respect for the father's order, valuing heaven, valuing righteousness over profit, humility and conceit, advocating integrity and abiding by the festival, which are glimpsed in the four-character inscriptions, plaques, cliff carvings, and joint pairs of Yiqi Temple.

One of the two stele at the South Gate is the 'Loyal Servant Filial Piety' stele written in cursive by Ming Chen Tailai.

The second is the mingjiang right Li Yi's book "To the present day to become holy" stele.

Yiqi Temple four-character stele, flat forehead, Moan stone carving, joint pair of excerpts

The brick screen in front of the Yiqi Temple is inlaid with the "Qingfeng Hundred Generations Stone Carving."

The east stele inside the gate reads: "Heaven and Earth Gangchang". The Western Tablet reads: "Ancient and Modern Teachers".

The book in front of the Lady Building has a plaque of "Breeze Can Be Struck".

The Yiqi Temple Hall wishes to have famous inscriptions such as "Mountains and High Waters", "In the Beauty of Water", "Pingluan Shangjing", "Qingfeng Gao Festival", "Bishui Cangshan Mountain", "Gao Fengfeng Wind and Dust", "Grand View Huanyu", "Baidai Mountain Dou", "Wan gu yunxiao", "Stone ladder cloud step", "Wan Qing Cangbo", "Ancient Standard", "Ancient Mountain Dou", "Lun Chang Teacher" and so on, which cannot be remembered.

Luanzhou Yiqi Temple

The cliff stone of Yiqi Temple is inscribed with "Qingfeng Suyue" (清清风素月) "The Mainstay of the Stream", "Loyal and Righteous Soldiers, Sunguo Quanren, Advising on The Cunyi, for the Purity of the Holy, The Pure, The Same Throughout the Ages." Look up to the high wind, and the sun is not hopeful. Yong Xiu Ji, Yong Fan Gang Chang. "

A plaque hangs horizontally in the center of the back wall of the main hall of Yiqi Temple, which reads: "Hall of ancient sages", also known as the Kangxi Imperial Pen; There is also a plaque on the lower right side, which reads: "Lun Chang Teacher" is the Yongzheng Imperial Pen; There is also a plaque in the lower symmetrical position on the left, which reads: "Ten Thousand Worlds Can Be Windy", which is the Qianlong Imperial Pen.

The main hall has eight pillars, two of which are embedded in each other:

Pray for ren de ren wan gu qingfeng lonely bamboo country to violently change the thousand autumn lonely festival Shouyang Mountain

The two fleeing brothers, Yi LunZhong, advised the monarch Da Yiming

Sangzi Qianqiu Sacred Relics Crowned With All Nations Worshiping Lonely Bamboo

The brother let the younger brother let the brother and father order the heavens to be called the sage of the sage and the sage of the holy stubborn and cowardly hundred masters

This association was written by You Zhikai, the prefect of Qing Yongping, and has been selected for the "China Famous Association"

Luanzhou Yiqi Temple
Luanzhou Yiqi Temple

The Gate of The Gate of The Gate of the Wing Sun Hall is known:

Is why gan hungry Shouyang Yu Xia Yunyao Three Gang fell to the ground only to ask for people's wishes Sages determined that the six pillars of the Ancient Scriptures Heavenly Qingfeng Taizhong Three Links are: Mountains like benevolent people quiet wind like sages Qing Jia Mountains Jia Shui Lonely Bamboo Country

Ancient sages

Cangsong ancient temples are all virtuous

Flowing water and clouds and forgetting the west side of the machine Lianyun: Bright Festival Breeze ImmortalIty The Saint Emperor and the King are inferior to the famous mountains and rivers Four hours of contemplation Idle clouds and wild birds forget the machine This joint is from the hands of Dong Wenhua, the county magistrate of Lulong County, republic of China.