
Playing mahjong super "crazy" top ten female stars, the first two can be called the entertainment industry "star gambling god"!

author:Everyday fun life

Artists and stars with unlimited scenery, although they have great supernatural powers and eat and drink spicy, they are also mortals with naked eyes and grass and trees. After taking off the makeup, it is also the same leisure and entertainment. Among them, playing mahjong is a casual way that they especially like.

Mahjong, the national essence of China, is well known to everyone, and people have enjoyed it for all dynasties. People are keen to play with hemp, mainly because it can communicate feelings, contact information, relieve fatigue, and adjust the atmosphere.

Men play hemp, usually at the poker table, laughing and touching, then the winner invites guests, and then drinks and vomits. So, what does a woman look like when she rubs hemp? In the entertainment industry, there are many female stars who are masters of playing hemp, and the play is quite crazy. Mahjong has become an essential part of their lives and even has a subtle connection to their love and career.

The leper woman with extraordinary card skills - Faye Wong

Playing mahjong super "crazy" top ten female stars, the first two can be called the entertainment industry "star gambling god"!

Faye Wong's singing skills are extraordinary, and her hemp skills are also extraordinary. Rubbing hemp is one of Faye Wong's biggest hobbies, and she often plays cards all day, even when she eats, she does not leave the card table.

Faye Wong and Li Yapeng are also a couple of "hemp as a medium". At that time, Li Yapeng often played mahjong with Jinggangshan and his wife, and met "Ma You" Faye Wang under the introduction of Ma Ye. Since the two are close friends, you must be wondering who has the upper hand. Some time ago, a reporter asked Li Yapeng: As a husband, how do you think of Faye Wong's love of playing mahjong? Li Yapeng replied, "Since the day I met her, I have never seen her play mahjong for a day. In fact, he was "anti-language", which meant that his card skills were inferior to Faye Wong's, and he was no longer embarrassed to "exchange fire" with his wife.

Elegant and quiet leper woman - Maggie Cheung

Playing mahjong super "crazy" top ten female stars, the first two can be called the entertainment industry "star gambling god"!

Mahjong is not vulgar, it is always closely associated with elegance. In the movie "Fancy Years", there is such a set of close-ups: Maggie Cheung, holding a box of cigarettes, gentle and moving, accompanies the hero to play mahjong in the elegant room. In real life, Maggie Cheung is also a typical mahjong beauty. She has a very good style of playing cards, and she is quiet and calm at the table. When she was relaxing in Hong Kong, she was one of Hong Kong star's favorite card friends.

In this regard of mahjong, Maggie Cheung and Liu Jialing are very similar, both are first-class mahjong friends. Liang Chaowei is quite tolerant of women playing with hemp, so in his best friend Maggie Cheung, he will definitely see Liu Jialing's shadow. Speaking of mahjong, we must also mention Maggie Cheung's years in Europe. For a long time after the divorce, she spent her days by playing mahjong and taught some foreign apprentices.

Laissez-faire leper woman - Liu Jialing

Playing mahjong super "crazy" top ten female stars, the first two can be called the entertainment industry "star gambling god"!

A pair of mahjong runs through liu jialing's love, career and life. In terms of love, Liu Jialing was not disliked by Liang Chaowei because of her enthusiasm for mahjong, on the contrary, Wei Zai also supported her to rub hemp. As soon as the gap came, JiaLing gathered a large group of friends to her house to rub hemp, and often made the home like a clubhouse. Despite this, Wei Zai has no complaints, and when Jia Ling plays with friends, he is quite careful in the upstairs bedroom, for fear of making Jia Ling "more heart".

Regarding mahjong, it will also involve the most terrifying encounter in Liu Jialing's life. One night in April 1990, a group of hemp friends in hong Kong's entertainment industry planned to rub hemp. Liu Jialing is a mahjong fan, such a thing, naturally indispensable to her. After accepting Zeng Zhiwei's invitation, Liu went to the meeting alone, and unfortunately encountered the sensational kidnapping case on the way. So far, Zeng Zhiwei still feels a little guilty about this. Although the shadow of the kidnapping case is not dispersed, Jialing Mahjong is still correct.

The leper woman who transcends love - Shu Qi

Playing mahjong super "crazy" top ten female stars, the first two can be called the entertainment industry "star gambling god"!

Many people believe that Shu Qi broke up with Dawn that year, mainly because Dawn's father obstructed him. It is said that the reason for the obstruction is that he believes that Shu Qi is a girl with "stains", that is, he has taken nude photos and tertiary films in that year. In fact, this is only one of the reasons, and there is Shu Qi's love of mahjong, which also accelerates the end of this relationship.

Far-reaching, the Liming family is not a native of Hong Kong, and after the family moved to Hong Kong, Father Lai still retained a lot of the traditional style of his time in the mainland. In his eyes, a woman playing mahjong is not doing her job and her style is corrupt. Therefore, when he witnessed Shu Qi's "bad habit" of rubbing hemp, he let his son Dawn cut off her twice, and even threatened to break off the relationship between father and son.

There is a way that the country is easy to change, and the nature is difficult to move. Although he broke off his love affair with Dawn, Shu Qi did not "break up" with Mahjong. When Dawn and the new happy Kee dragged on, in order to forget this sad old love, Shu Qi decided to move away from the former love nest bamboo forest garden with Dawn. On the day of the move, Shu Qi lost a lot of things, but the mahjong table that had brought Happiness to Shu Qi did not throw away. After moving away from the sad place, Shu Qi, who had no heart to work, often played numbing with friends at home to heal his wounds.

A leper woman who makes friends - Na Ying

Playing mahjong super "crazy" top ten female stars, the first two can be called the entertainment industry "star gambling god"!

People in the northeast love to rub hemp, and Na Ying is no exception. From the moment she first walked out of school, she learned mahjong. After becoming famous, he was busy catching up with announcements everywhere, and Na Ying did not throw away mahjong. As long as he can play mahjong, Na Ying never cares about winning or losing. At a charity party, Na Ying once successfully won a LV mahjong for more than 160,000 yuan.

It is said that the Na Ying family is always full of visitors and bustling. Northeast people are hospitable on the one hand, and there is that The Ying and Ma will meet friends and make friends with Haojie from all walks of life. Among these people, Wang Fei, Li Yapeng, Sun Nan and others are regular visitors.

At that time, the love between Na Ying and Gao Feng was also "hemp as a medium". In 1995, Gao and the two participated in a celebrity fraternity, and when they learned that both sides were Shenyang compatriots, the two came to "electricity". At that time, Gao Feng sat next to Na Ying and chatted vigorously, and later took the initiative to call Na Ying to play mahjong together. Unexpectedly, this was exactly in line with Na Ying's appetite. Since then, Na Ying has been on the mahjong table, and he has also been on the "thief ship" at the peak.

The leper woman of entertainment - Jolin Tsai

Playing mahjong super "crazy" top ten female stars, the first two can be called the entertainment industry "star gambling god"!

Jolin Tsai likes mahjong, all because of work. Playing mahjong is the way to reduce stress for her. In life, Jolin has a group of sisters who often play mahjong together. Xu Ruoxuan is a good jolin card friend, whenever they are invited to participate in activities together, there is nothing to do in the evening, and the two will go around and ask several friends to rub hemp in the hotel where they are staying. Interestingly, in order to protect her beautiful nails, Jolin always tries to refuse to shuffle the cards. During the promotion of the new album last year, Jolin, who was often busy until midnight, often fought the "Great Wall" with Luo Zhixiang's gossip girlfriend Selina and Piggy's manager and former gossip girlfriend Xiao Frost in order to relieve pressure.

Some people may not know that Jolin also spread a scandal with Luo Zhixiang because he played mahjong. Previously, the media witnessed that Jolin always came out of the piggy's house in the middle of the night for a while, so it was suspected that she had an affair with the piglet. In fact, Piggy's mother is also extremely fond of mahjong, and often invites some artists around Piggy to rub mahjong. Jolin, whose skills are growing, are generally male stars who are not her opponents. When Pan Weibai released his new disc "Master" in 2005, Jolin once gave him a flower basket with the words "You are my defeated general" to tease him. However, Pan Weibai broke the news that Jolin Tsai won money to urge, absolutely unambiguous.

A leper woman who stays up all night - Xu Ruoxuan

Unexpectedly, the sweet-looking Xu Ruoxuan (Vivian) is actually a gambling god and loves cards. Vivian grew up with mahjong. In the circle, there are many female artists who have always admired Xu Ruoxuan - not to appreciate her singing skills, but she often rubbed hemp all night, but her face did not fade, and her card skills gradually grew.

Xu Ruoxuan has two ways to decompress: one is to write songs, the other is to play mahjong, and the two also promote each other - the process of playing mahjong is the process of creation. Vivian once played mahjong with her sister until dawn, but unexpectedly, she continued to write songs in a groggy way, which was like a divine help, and the inspiration was endless.

The leper woman who does not win or lose- Xiao Qiang

In the Taiwanese artist Ma Tan, although the beautiful woman Xiao Qiang is not a master, she is a complete "mahjong maniac". Xiao Qiang is a strong gambler and addicted, and has been playing wildly at the poker table for three days. Every New Year's Day, she would play hemp at home, whether she lost or won, Xiao Damei never cared, and she was a "big family of scattered gold", often releasing water to her family to win money.

Because she can play mahjong, Xiao Qiang is also deeply liked by wealthy Taiwanese businessmen. Every time I attend a cocktail party or endorsement, in addition to accompanying, chatting, and eating well, I often accompany rich businessmen to rub hemp. With mahjong as a communication, Xiao Qiang naturally has the advantage of winning the favor of rich businessmen.

The leper woman who plays out philosophy - Tao Jingying

Playing mahjong super "crazy" top ten female stars, the first two can be called the entertainment industry "star gambling god"!

In Taiwan's entertainment industry, Tao Zi is a famous general in the Ma altar, many people are her defeated generals, not only Na Ying, Wang Fei, Shu Qi, Huang Yiling, etc. are her good sisters in "Fang Cheng Zhan", even the deceased Zhang Guorong also said that playing cards with Tao Zi is the first hobby in his life.

Tao Zi privately likes to play small cards with three or five friends, and she does not deny that she often talks about "card classics" on the show. Every time he goes to Beijing, the first thing Tao Zi does when he gets off the plane is to hurry up and circle the situation, shopping and work are behind. Nowadays, Tao Zi also has an extra "Mayou" husband around him, and the two often "join hands to meet", which is full of fun. The most famous thing about Tao Zi playing hemp is that she once "beat" Lu Jiayi and cried. It turned out that that night, Lu Jiayi's hand was extremely poor, and she had not been pasted for a night, which made her angry.

Just like Gorky went to social universities, Tao Zi went to mahjong universities. Tao Zi felt that he had played mahjong for so many years, and what kind of card friends had met, and he had gradually realized the truth of life from the card table for so many years. She hopes to one day publish a book about the philosophy of life she learned from the poker table.

The leper woman who calls the wind and rain - Shen Dianxia

In the Hong Kong media entertainment circle, "Fat Sister" Shen Dianxia is not only the eldest sister in the circle, but also the female bigwig of the Matan. Some artists have a happy event, or have a dinner or buy gifts for themselves to celebrate, but fat sister is different, she will happily pull up a loud voice on her balcony and drink, beckoning the neighbors to play mahjong.

In the circle, the fat sister can definitely say that black and white are all eaten, and she can come forward to settle everything that involves artists. In fact, the fat sister's ability to call the wind and rain is also directly related to mahjong. Fat Sister's ma friends are almost all over Hong Kong, coupled with Fat Sister's enthusiasm, cheerfulness, and simple brand style, so she has gathered a lot of high-ranking people, so once the incident occurs, it will be echoed.

Fat Sister's obsession with mahjong is really amazing. Before becoming seriously ill, he played mahjong with friends, inducing pancreatic cancer; after a little recovery and discharge, he wanted to immediately meet his friends to go out to play mahjong, but was discouraged by doctors.

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