
"Double Eleven" shopping festival, these 5 cheap snacks, low price and good taste, buy home to eat to relieve hunger

author:Talk about food moments

No matter which step people take, they always have to find some fun and think of a way. Yes, food is the fun I'm looking for, the way I think! Talk about food carvings and take the food you eat seriously together!

"Double Eleven" shopping festival, these 5 cheap snacks, low price and good taste, buy home to eat to relieve hunger


"Double Eleven" is approaching, if not bad money, always prepare these 5 snacks, cold to eat to relieve hunger and full stomach. The annual shopping carnival season is coming, how many things are piled up in everyone's shopping cart? If you are not bad money, it is recommended that you hoard more snacks, especially now that the weather is getting colder, many people are hungry and lazy to move, at this time, if there is a little snack to eat, then it will directly solve the dilemma of hunger.

"Double Eleven" shopping festival, these 5 cheap snacks, low price and good taste, buy home to eat to relieve hunger

These 5 snacks, the reputation is quite high, and the price is not expensive, are some of the more common snacks, buy home is not a loss, usually go to work or often go out of the friends, home can prepare these 5 snacks, the price is low and good, and now it is the double eleven, there are some discounts are very cost-effective, next we will see which 5 snacks.

"Double Eleven" shopping festival, these 5 cheap snacks, low price and good taste, buy home to eat to relieve hunger

The first one, the good shop, tears bread by hand

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【Good shop】Hand torn bread 1000g pai 2 ¥39.8 Purchase

It's a bread I buy back a lot, it's soft and fluffy, and it's very tear-resistant. Speaking of the ingredients used in this bread, it is also very exquisite, preferably good raw materials, with milk, after frozen fermentation, so that each layer will be relatively soft, eating such bread, will not feel dry at all.

"Double Eleven" shopping festival, these 5 cheap snacks, low price and good taste, buy home to eat to relieve hunger

Take a tear, soft and sweet, at the same time in the bread, there will be a faint milk fragrance, when you bite down, directly in the mouth melted, dense and soft, whether it is the elderly or children, for this bread, there is no resistance at all.

"Double Eleven" shopping festival, these 5 cheap snacks, low price and good taste, buy home to eat to relieve hunger

The second one, Lemeng Wife Cake

【19.8 two pounds about 30】 Wife cake whole box LeMeng breakfast traditional glutinous rice stuffed leisure snacks 1000g ¥18.8 purchase

Le Meng wife cake is a classic snack, recommended this one, is sold by box, a kilogram of about 30 up and down, it is used in independent packaging, so it is very convenient to eat. The wife cake is made by traditional craftsmanship, which is a typical trendy flavor, and the golden appearance of the wife cake is mouth-watering.

"Double Eleven" shopping festival, these 5 cheap snacks, low price and good taste, buy home to eat to relieve hunger

The first time you eat this wife cake, you are directly planted with grass, take a bite, the oil is as thin as paper, very crisp, really let you eat honey every bite, sweet and delicious, evocative.

The third, Chocolate Truffle

【Shoot one shot four】Thin crisp truffle chocolate 600g gift box ¥29.99 purchase

How can you miss chocolate in autumn? Especially this Chocolate Truffle that I recommend. The price is quite affordable, but whether it is the taste or the appearance, it will make people have the desire to buy. Chocolate truffles, with a layer of cocoa powder on the outside, use modern technology to incorporate French desserts to give a delicate and extraordinary taste.

"Double Eleven" shopping festival, these 5 cheap snacks, low price and good taste, buy home to eat to relieve hunger

Truffle chocolate to eat a bite, that silky texture, let you say goodbye to the drowsiness of the day, the whole person is more energetic, the entrance is dissolved, sweet but not greasy, every bite is unforgettable.

The fourth model, three squirrels daily nuts

Recommended_【Three Squirrels_Daily Nuts 750g/30 Packs】C4 ¥69.9 Purchase

Autumn fruit, this fruit is a nut, here to recommend three squirrels daily nuts, just double eleven, there are discounts, or it is still worth buying. Daily nuts are bagged, and they are served with bada wood, cashew nuts, walnuts, etc.

"Double Eleven" shopping festival, these 5 cheap snacks, low price and good taste, buy home to eat to relieve hunger

When you open the bag, a nut aroma will come to your nose, and then another one, the mouth is crisp, this nut is from the original taste, no need to season. Whether it's morning, afternoon or evening, eat a bag full of vitality.

The fifth type, Jiayao meat pine egg yolk puff pastry

【Love you did not say】 Jiayao egg yolk crisp 12 pieces of snow beauty lady sea duck egg net red snack breakfast afternoon tea ¥19.9 purchase

Egg yolk crisp I recommend Jiayao meat pine egg yolk puff pastry, its skin is quite crisp, the filling inside is very sticky, open the egg yolk oil moist and salty, the taste of meat floss is also just right. This egg yolk puff pastry is made with a variety of ingredients, from soft glutinous snow maidens, golden puff pastry and egg yolk filling, as well as high-quality meat floss.

"Double Eleven" shopping festival, these 5 cheap snacks, low price and good taste, buy home to eat to relieve hunger

Eat a bite of meat pine egg yolk crisp, there is a faint wheat aroma, when the entrance, crispy and delicious, rich multi-layered taste, let people eat endless aftertaste, but also want to come to one.

"Double Eleven" shopping festival, these 5 cheap snacks, low price and good taste, buy home to eat to relieve hunger

"Double Eleven" shopping festival, these 5 cheap snacks, low price and good taste, buy home to eat to relieve hunger. Friends who usually like to eat snacks can choose these 5 snacks, the current price is affordable, and the cost performance is quite high.

[This article is original by "Small Talk About Food Carving", and shall not be deleted or misappropriated without permission, and infringement shall be investigated】