
Easy-to-learn tomato roasted ribs that open your taste buds and make you feel wheted

author:Deer gourmand

Nowadays, there are few young people who can cook, because after a busy day of work, they want to use the time to sleep well, so they will not put too much thought into cooking. But in the end, it is still necessary to form a family to live a life of rice oil and salt, so in order to be able to take on family responsibilities, have a good family life, learning to cook has become an indispensable thing, you can study the recipe, learn a few home-cooked dishes, it is a pleasure, but if you encounter a hot summer, when there is no appetite, maybe the interest subsides, but the tomato roasted ribs can heal the soul, and immediately can make people's appetites open.

Easy-to-learn tomato roasted ribs that open your taste buds and make you feel wheted

The method of this dish is very simple, when you are not in a good mood, waiting for the dish to come out of the pot, the mood is instantly good, why not enjoy it? The choice of ribs is actually the best to use ribs this piece, eat no effort, but also very fragrant, first of all, the ribs are cut into sections, soaked in advance, so that you can do a good job of soaking out the blood and dirty things in the ribs, but also make the meat in the ribs more fluffy, it is easier to taste when making.

Easy-to-learn tomato roasted ribs that open your taste buds and make you feel wheted

Soak almost when fished out, put in ginger slices and cooking wine, you can achieve the role of fishy, and then put in Orleans marinade, this is a strong stroke, on the street, may see New Orleans grilled chicken wings, eat the meat is particularly fragrant, here the same reason, want to achieve this aroma compelling feeling, then Orleans marinade can do, this is also similar to the way of cooking, but the difference lies in the difference in seasoning, and then put a little raw soy sauce, all stirred evenly, about ten minutes of pickling can be.

Easy-to-learn tomato roasted ribs that open your taste buds and make you feel wheted

Cut the washed tomatoes into large pieces, because the time will be relatively long in the process of boiling with the ribs, so the cutting of large pieces is not so easy to cook, otherwise it will not be clamped up when it is cooked, and it is different from the treatment of tomatoes in the tomato scrambled eggs, where the tomatoes do not need to be peeled, which can maintain the integrity of the tomatoes very well.

Easy-to-learn tomato roasted ribs that open your taste buds and make you feel wheted

Put the cut tomatoes into the casserole, cooking, the choice of cookware is very important, if it is stewed ingredients, generally use a casserole dish is better, so that you can maintain the aroma of the original ingredients very well, nutrition is not easy to lose, and the casserole has a good thermal conductivity, so that the food cooked quickly in the slow stew, but in the process of use should pay attention to a little, the casserole is easy to crack at high temperature, so generally do not open the fire first and then put water or food.

Easy-to-learn tomato roasted ribs that open your taste buds and make you feel wheted

Then put in the pickled ribs, dried peppers, star anise and a bottle of beer all poured in, at this time the mastery of the heat is very important, at the beginning of the high heat to boil, then turn to low heat and slow simmer, about an hour after cooking can be out of the pot, sprinkled with a little green onion, simply overflowing.