
The 15th Congress of the Communist Party of China in Wenjiang District, Chengdu was grandly opened

author:Jin Wenjiang
The 15th Congress of the Communist Party of China in Wenjiang District, Chengdu was grandly opened

On the morning of October 27, the 15th Congress of the Communist Party of China in Wenjiang District, Chengdu, which the people of the whole region eagerly awaited, was grandly opened.

This congress is a very important meeting held at a crucial juncture at the crossroads of history of the "two hundred years" goal and the comprehensive opening of the new journey of the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan." This congress is a major event in the political life of the whole region.

The 15th Congress of the Communist Party of China in Wenjiang District, Chengdu was grandly opened

The venue was filled with a warm, solemn and solemn atmosphere. At about 8:20 a.m., party deputies from all fronts in the whole region, with the heavy trust of party members and citizens of the whole region, full of joy and pride, successively walked into the venue.

All the members of the Bureau of the General Assembly took their seats at the rostrum.

Wang Qian, Ma Liehong, Wan Xuemei, Ai Zhiqiu, Ma Liangqing, Jiang Li, Dong Yong, Li Mei, Zhou Min, Wen Kexu, Yan Guangzhong, Luo Yin, Lu Hongxing, Liu Yongjun, Huang Song, and other members of the Standing Committee of the Presidium were seated in the front row of the rostrum.

At this congress, there were 375 official delegates and 65 specially invited delegates. The number of delegates to the General Assembly shall be 375, for example, 373.

At 9 a.m., Ma Liehong opened the assembly. The audience stood up and sang the national anthem.

Amid warm applause, Wang Qian, on behalf of the 14th Committee of wenjiang District of Chengdu City of the Communist Party of China, delivered a report entitled "Building a Park City Demonstration Pilot Zone for Practicing the New Development Concept and Making Unremitting Efforts for a Better And Better Happy Wenjiang." The report is divided into four parts: First, struggle to forge the Jinwen River; second, the times enlighten a new voyage; third, write a new answer sheet for the future; and fourth, comprehensively strengthen party building.

Wang Qian pointed out that the theme of the conference is: Hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, thoroughly implement the decision-making and deployment of the central and provincial party committees and municipal party committees, unite and lead the party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres in the whole region, base themselves on the new development stage, implement the new development concept, integrate into the new development pattern, promote high-quality development, accelerate the construction of a park city demonstration pilot zone that practices the new development concept, and make unremitting efforts to make the wenjiang river happier.

Wang Qian pointed out that looking back at Wenjiang's past, he has composed a magnificent song of history. For thousands of years, generation after generation of Wenjiang sons and daughters have united as one, forged ahead in a pioneering spirit, promoted Wenjiang to achieve the progress and leap from the field to the city, and built a spiritual homeland and value identity shared by wenjiang people. Looking back on five years of hard work, I ignited the years of passion. Since the 14th Party Congress of the district, the district party committee has united and led the people of the whole district to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way as scheduled. In the past five years, we have bravely shouldered the responsibility of development, done good deeds, and sustained economic strength; we are committed to innovation and reform, dare to try, and accelerate the transformation of development momentum; we adhere to the priority of ecology, continue to relay, and greatly improve the quality of livability; we practice the original intention of the people, devote ourselves to the people's livelihood, and significantly improve the well-being of the people; we promote joint construction and common governance, pool wisdom and collective efforts, and make the social situation more harmonious; we deepen the strict management of the party, strictly grasp the strict management, and comprehensively strengthen the party building. Achievements are hard-won and experience is precious. The past development process has profoundly enlightened us: we must adhere to the party's leadership, we must adhere to the people's center, and we must firmly reform and opening up.

Wang Qian pointed out: History always advances in the course of carrying forward the past and opening up the future, and undertakings are always created in the course of continuous struggle. The great changes in the development of Wenjiang are most fundamentally due to the scientific guidance and pilot orientation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, the result of the strong leadership of the central and provincial party committees and municipal party committees, and the results of the united struggle and hard work led by the district committee. On behalf of the 14th Committee of the Wenjiang District of Chengdu City, Wang Qian extended his lofty respect and sincere thanks to the party organizations at all levels, the broad masses of party members, and cadres and masses throughout the region, to the retired veteran cadres and comrades of the whole region, to the democratic parties and the Federation of Industry and Commerce, to all people's organizations, and to people from all walks of life, to the troops stationed in Wenzhou and the units stationed in Wenzhou, and to all friends who are concerned about and support the construction and development of Wenjiang.

Wang Qian pointed out that those who are good at playing games plot the momentum, and those who are good at plotting go far. Facing the future, we must take the initiative to adapt to the new situation of urban work, the new requirements of reform and development, and the new expectations of the people, and scientifically examine and systematically plan the future development of Wenjiang. To feel the future, we must adhere to the mission in the three major relationships of grasping the orientation and potential, opportunities and challenges, integration and characteristics, clarify the development positioning, grasp the development direction, and identify the development advantages; looking forward to the future, we must deduce the development logic in the three major structures of population, factors, and kinetic energy, and solve the contradiction between supply and demand, the dilemma of shortage, and the problem of lack of strength; planning the future, we must take steps forward in the implementation of the three strategies of great transformation, great innovation, and great opening up.

Wang Qian pointed out that in the next five years, the guiding ideology of the whole region is: hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the work series of Sichuan and Chengdu, enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", achieve "two safeguards", keep in mind the "great power of the country", continue to strengthen the party's overall leadership, always uphold the people-centered development thinking, adhere to the direction of common prosperity, and accurately grasp the "three new and one high" It is required to strive to build a "happy Wenjiang beautiful city" and make pioneering contributions to the construction of a park city demonstration area in Chengdu that practices the new development concept.

Wang Qian pointed out that in the next five years, the development goals of the whole region are:

-- Striving to build a zone of hope for innovation, opening up, and the prosperity of the three industries. Comprehensively enhance industrial strength, innovation ability, and open vitality, strive to build a modern industrial system characterized by urban agriculture, led by the pharmaceutical and health industry, and supported by modern service industries, and form a development pattern driven by innovation and openness, integrated and intensive agglomeration.

-- Striving to build a beautiful area with two rivers in the south city and north lin. Adhere to the ecological city, with the south city and the north forest two rivers in one heart, shaping the urban and rural areas, ecological and cultural space. Let the countryside and the forest pan be dependent on each other, and the flowing water and the city accompany each other, and achieve the most idyllic modern city.

——Strive to build a warm and home-sharing peace of mind. Adhere to the construction of the city for the people, firmly establish the governance concept of sharing and sharing, highlight the inheritance, modernity, and innovation, and build a comfortable and livable, culturally prosperous, just and orderly, harmonious and peaceful beautiful home.

The 15th Congress of the Communist Party of China in Wenjiang District, Chengdu was grandly opened

Wang Qian pointed out that it is necessary to strive to build a zone of hope for innovation, opening up, and the three industries and the communist rejuvenation. When the industry is prosperous, the city is prosperous, and it is necessary to attach equal importance to the three industries to enhance the industrial energy level, do fine and special urban modern agriculture, cultivate excellent and build a strong advanced manufacturing industry, improve the quality and upgrade the modern service industry, comprehensively enhance the overall development level of the three industries, and lay the foundation of hope with the industrial system of "diversified support and strong economy". Innovation determines the core competitiveness of the city, we must enhance the momentum of development with three innovations, fully promote scientific and technological innovation, fully support talent entrepreneurship, fully promote the creation of the environment, and strive to create a good environment that encourages innovation, advocates entrepreneurship, and stimulates creation, and ignites the light of hope with high-quality innovation and entrepreneurship. Openness is an important engine and the biggest variable for future development, it is necessary to expand internal and external opening up in three regions, achieve mutual achievements based on regional benefit sharing, promote win-win cooperation across regions with complementary advantages, introduce living water sources by taking advantage of the opportunity of extended fields, gather development synergy in connotative opening-up, get forward impetus from epitaxial opening-up, and expand the road of hope with openness.

Wang Qian pointed out that it is necessary to strive to build a beautiful area with two rivers in the south and north. First, it is necessary to shape the beauty of urban-rural integration, adhere to the integrated development of the southern city and the northern forest, and build an urban and rural form in which man and nature get along with each other to the extreme, and the urban style and pastoral scenery are harmoniously interpreted. Optimize the pattern of urban and rural development, coordinate the spatial elements of "Paddy Field Forest City", accelerate the formation of a spatial development structure of "one heart, three axes, two rings and three districts", plan and build a "South City" vitality new area focusing on Chengdu Medical City and Yongquan Guanhe, and plan to expand the new space for the future development of "North Forest" such as Jinma River, Jiang'an River, Lujiatan and so on; improve the functional quality of South City, promote the "rejuvenation of the old city" with the concept of "building new and old", and accelerate the "rise of new cities"; revitalize the beautiful countryside of North Forest, and revitalize the countryside in the integration of urban and rural development. Deeply promote the "5+ 3" reform of the National Urban-Rural Integration Development Pilot Zone, and plan and build six characteristic industrial areas such as farming creativity. Second, we must shape the beauty of warm water, adhere to the water as the pulse, promote the construction of the global blue network, and narrate the endless urban warmth story of "on the water side". The two rivers are the pulse embroidery of the great beauty of the city and countryside, to build a blue network system of "two rivers and six belts, four domains and thousands of canals, ten realms and hundreds of fun"; Liushui into a belt to weave the earth canvas, relying on the countryside, pastoral, urban six branch canals, to create Lujiatan Sports Park, national color Tianxiang Happy Jiang'an and other Internet celebrity interactive experience new landmarks. Thousands of canal weaving networks melt thousands of fireworks, transform and upgrade the canal network of "old city of the city, wonderful new city, beautiful irrigation district", and create a characteristic water street that links the neighborhood and infiltrates life, and a water-friendly space with both flood control and water play functions. Third, we must shape the beauty of colorful ecology, systematically promote the construction of urban ecological system, natural ecological environmental protection, and green and low-carbon city construction, and embark on a road of ecological priority and green development. Construct a park city ecological system, promote the construction of a five-level greening system, with the goal of connecting the city area and the whole area of the inner city, accelerate the construction of the south city urban roaming network, the north forest pastoral quiet enjoyment network, and weave a dense three-level park system; shape the sky blue water clean soil and clean environment, deeply promote scientific gas control, strengthen the multi-dimensional governance of the water system, and continue to strengthen the precise treatment of soil. Jointly build a low-carbon green and beautiful home, actively integrate into the national "double carbon" strategy, take the implementation of the "double control" action of total carbon emissions and intensity as the starting point, continue to do a good job in energy conservation and emission reduction, and promote the green transformation of production and lifestyle.

Wang Qian pointed out that it is necessary to strive to build a warm and peaceful area where families share the burden and share the peace of mind. It is necessary to optimize people's livelihood services to create a quality of life, accelerate the construction of a prosperous, harmonious and harmonious, and constantly beautiful Wenjiang, so that everyone has a stable income that can be created, so that everyone has a reliable social security, so that everyone has access to high-quality education, so that everyone has access to health services, so that the city can become the homeland where people live here. It is necessary to enhance humanistic values to carry emotional belonging, inherit cultural roots, shape humanistic values, provide spiritual people's livelihood, form an open and inclusive, dare to be good, innovative and enterprising, honest and pragmatic humanistic temperament, guarantee high-quality cultural supply as the basic people's livelihood, promote traditional culture and the spirit of the times, and make high-quality cultural consumption a daily choice for citizens' better life. It is necessary to promote good governance and good order to achieve the common progress of the city of people, maintain fairness and justice in the spirit of the rule of law, enhance urban resilience with the bottom line of security, share and share innovative social governance, comprehensively improve the ability and level of modern urban governance, build a governance community in which everyone participates, everyone fulfills their responsibilities, and everyone enjoys, so that the rule of law and justice become the most reliant of citizens, let care and safety become the most sincere confession to citizens, and let responsibility and sharing become the most extensive value identity of citizens.

The 15th Congress of the Communist Party of China in Wenjiang District, Chengdu was grandly opened

Wang Qian pointed out that the ten thousand mountains are majestic, and there must be a main peak; the key to the development of the cause lies in the party. It is necessary to persist in taking the party's political construction as the guide, leading the new great social revolution with the party's self-revolution in the new era, and providing a strong political guarantee for building a "happy Wenjiang and a beautiful city." First, it is necessary to build the soul around the heart, strengthen ideological guidance, condense a broader spiritual consensus, and build the most solid spiritual support. Second, we must highlight the characteristics of innovation, forge a backbone team, tolerate lack of encouragement to promote "dare to innovate", empower quality to promote "good innovation", and protect rights and interests to promote "innovation". Third, we must focus on effective implementation, strengthen the construction of work style, strengthen the practice of perseverance, solution, and success, and strictly implement an effective grass-roots organizational system. Fourth, we must adhere to the main tone of strictness, have a clear and honest background, strengthen political supervision, improve the responsibility system, persist in administering the party in a systematic manner, and promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party in depth with strict discipline and a high degree of determination. On the road of embarking on a new journey, we must uphold and strengthen the party's leadership, give full play to the party's role as the core of leadership in overseeing the overall situation and coordinating all parties, and support the people's congresses, governments, CPPCC committees, supervisory organs, judicial organs, and procuratorial organs in performing their duties in accordance with their charters; consolidate and develop the broadest patriotic united front, support all democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce, non-party personages, and mass organizations in playing a greater role; and do a good job in providing counterpart support work and the work of ethnic religions, non-party intellectuals, new social strata, and Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and overseas Chinese under the new situation ; Strengthen the party's control over the armed forces.

Finally, Wang Qian pointed out that in the journey of the Chinese nation into great rejuvenation, the "Jinwen River" blooms its most own light, which is the call of the times and the expectation of the people. Let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, under the strong leadership of the central and provincial party committees and municipal party committees, with the fiery enthusiasm of "I will live up to the people without myself", keep the overall situation in mind, work hard and forge ahead, and make unremitting efforts to accelerate the construction of a park city demonstration pilot zone that practices the new development concept and make the happiness of Wenjiang more beautiful.

At the end of the report, the venue resounded with unceasing applause.

The work report of the 14th Discipline Inspection Commission of Wenjiang District of Chengdu City of the Communist Party of China, the report on the management of the collection and use of party fees in the whole region, and the report on the handling of the proposals proposed by the deputies of the 14th Party Congress of Wenjiang District of Chengdu City of the Communist Party of China were submitted to the congress for deliberation in writing.

Present as observers at the meeting were: members, alternate members, and members of the 14th district party committee who were not deputies to the 15th District Party Congress, leaders of the district who were not party members who were not deputies, leaders of other districts who were not party members, principal responsible persons of units directly under the deputies, principal responsible persons of democratic parties and non-party representative figures with a certain influence, and principal responsible persons of party members of large enterprises and institutions whose party organization relations were not in Wenjiang.


Reporter | Liu Lin, Ren Kai, Li Xiaoming

Photography 丨HePan

Edit | Tan Du evil

Audit | Chen Qian

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