
Why did Chinese computer genius Wang Yan give up his Ph.D. from Tsinghua three times? Why was it banned by Microsoft

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He was the first doctor to voluntarily withdraw from Tsinghua University, because he was not accustomed to China's education system (even China's highest university Tsinghua was no exception), so he put his hopes abroad, but the foreign education system was not as good as expected, he studied at Cornell University and Indiana University Bloomington in the United States, but because of the education system problems, he dropped out twice! He is China's computer genius Wang Yan! Although some people say that he is a genius, others say that he is willful, the system is like this, what can you change alone? You don't go to a Ph.D., there are a lot of people scrambling to read it! Today we will take a look at the life of computer genius Wang Yao!

Why did Chinese computer genius Wang Yan give up his Ph.D. from Tsinghua three times? Why was it banned by Microsoft

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Born in Sichuan, Wang Yan is much smarter than his peers, and learning is as simple as making a game for him. His hobby is to discover new things, like to do experiments in search of truth, especially physics and chemistry experiments, so he usually does not study textbook knowledge very seriously, is like to engage in research and observation, but strange is that every exam, his results have never lagged behind the top three in the class, so that all teachers and parents are praised, so that all the students around are envious.

Why did Chinese computer genius Wang Yan give up his Ph.D. from Tsinghua three times? Why was it banned by Microsoft

Their dream was to be a scientist like Edison or Marie Curie, who once said that the world would end up either being destroyed at the hands of madmen or at the hands of scientists.

When he was in high school, his family forced him to study seriously and told him not to do any more experiments, he thought: As long as I am admitted to Tsinghua University, I can do my research, become a scientist, and no longer have to study for the exam, so he began to study hard. Tests that are not related to the college entrance examination are set aside.

Why did Chinese computer genius Wang Yan give up his Ph.D. from Tsinghua three times? Why was it banned by Microsoft

But genius is genius, and he found that every day is reading books and doing exercises. Exam papers and review books numbed him. He thought that he would not be able to become like Edison and Newton. So he began to be naughty. Not only do you have to do the exam questions, but you also have to do the more difficult questions. After doing physics Olympiad, he wanted to read a physics book at university, and then he wanted to resume his hobby of experimenting as a child. When the teacher tutored the self-study, he was often pestered to ask some inconsiderate questions, which were actually the problems he found in the experiment. Finally, one day, when he asked the teacher to cooperate with him to create a magnetic levitation gyroscope, the teacher said impatiently: "Wang Yan, do you want me to answer other students' questions first?" Your question is not good for the exam. From then on, he never wanted to ask the teacher any "super-outline" questions.

In the second year of high school, his mother took back a copy of the previous college entrance examination questions for him to do, and he casually got a result that could be admitted to Tsinghua at that time. Wang Yan thought in his heart: Tsinghua I am here, this time next year, I will get the admission letter! But because of this, he no longer pays attention to the college entrance examination. He began to delve into increasingly difficult problems and conduct more and more outrageous experiments. His idea at that time was very simple: he felt that Tsinghua should be full of students like him, he would have a lot of like-minded friends, and he would no longer have to be with this group of nerds who could only do problems.

Why did Chinese computer genius Wang Yan give up his Ph.D. from Tsinghua three times? Why was it banned by Microsoft

However, when he took the college entrance examination in 1997, he was nervous because he was stared at by the invigilator, and the college entrance examination actually played abnormally, two points worse than Tsinghua's minimum score line. But his volunteer only filled in a Tsinghua University. His parents told him to re-read! But he didn't want the nightmare to continue. I don't want to face the sea of problems anymore. It happened that Sichuan University came to recruit students with high scores and fell off the list, and also gave him the opportunity to choose a major at will. His mother said that computers are hot now and come out to find a job. Although I was not interested in work, I liked to write programs, so I entered the Computer Department of Sichuan University.

However, in the eyes of ordinary people, being admitted to Sichuan University is already a very celebratory thing. After all, Sichuan University is also a 985 college, and there are many talents graduating from here.

College life is freer, but his problems continue, and he is never satisfied with what he can learn in school. The teacher basically read the script, and he gradually stopped satisfying this kind of knowledge indoctrination education. He felt completely unnecessary to go to this university.

Why did Chinese computer genius Wang Yan give up his Ph.D. from Tsinghua three times? Why was it banned by Microsoft

He almost dropped out of school during military training, but he endured it, and he decided to work hard in school and prepare to be admitted to Tsinghua University as a graduate student.

In the four years of college, Wang Yu has always performed very well, his major is computer science, and he has grown more rapidly into the soul of the computer department. Because his learning ability and operational strength are simply too strong, and it is precisely because of this, he was finally sent to Tsinghua University for 5 years of master's + doctoral studies when he was about to graduate from the university, that is, after reading these five years, the master's and doctoral degrees were available.

At this step, Wang Yan felt that his life was on the right track, after all, he had entered the Tsinghua University of his dreams. But after entering Tsinghua University, he found that it was still the same! Tsinghua is still the same way of attending classes, and most of the classes are also attended by many people and dozing off together. The teacher also read the textbook, and he actually found that the teachers at Tsinghua University were actually no different from the teachers at Sichuan University. The difference at Tsinghua is that all the entertainment activities that were originally carried out at the time of the exam are gone. Originally, someone played roller skating together every night, and he was left alone when he took the exam. Because everyone was afraid of exams, they began to stay up late to review.

Why did Chinese computer genius Wang Yan give up his Ph.D. from Tsinghua three times? Why was it banned by Microsoft

Because he is indeed very good at computers, he has not entered the school for a long time and has attracted the attention of the school. In particular, his mentor has been carefully cultivating him and has also allowed him to participate in many research projects.

After that, Wang Yan did not disappoint anyone, not only wrote a lot of weighty papers, the two major systematic remarks he put forward not only broke through the insights of ordinary people, but also surprised many professors who had studied computer science for many years, and since then, he has become famous in one fell swoop, becoming one of the top two geniuses in Tsinghua Park, and even gaining a large number of student fans, which can be said to have a promising future.

In 2003, he published "Working Completely with Linux", "To people who support and oppose < work with Linux entirely>", which pointed out many shortcomings of the Windows system. These weighty articles made Wang Yu instantly famous in the computer industry, and many people concluded that he was the leader of the computer industry in the future.

In August 2004, he published the web digest "Working Completely with Linux", "To people who support and oppose < work with Linux >", denouncing the shortcomings of Windows and promoting Linux, and the article caused a great sensation in China's computer and Linux camps, becoming an idol of Mizuki Tsinghua Linux App Edition and many Linux communities in China.

Just when he graduated with a doctorate in one year, he made a decision that surprised everyone, and he chose to withdraw from Tsinghua University. After submitting the application for withdrawal, on September 22, 2005, the "Crushing of Tsinghua Dream - Application for Withdrawal to Tsinghua University" was published on the Mizuki Community BLOG, which clearly requested withdrawal and denounced the shortcomings of domestic higher education. In an instant, everyone on the Internet was talking about him.

Why did Chinese computer genius Wang Yan give up his Ph.D. from Tsinghua three times? Why was it banned by Microsoft

In this dropout article, he wrote:

Schools do not have the ability to evaluate the level of students, and they measure the number of articles (papers). What kind of students and what kind of laboratories are created by such graduation standards? Now I am tired of the so-called "academic" in the country. I was ready to give up my Ph.D. at Tsinghua University and go abroad to find a good teacher and conduct real research. PhD is in his 4th year and it is really not easy to make such a decision. I've been told not to give up, and you know how many people are envying you? Do you know how valuable a Ph.D. from Tsinghua University is? But I can't be so silent!

PhD, tired of how many young Chinese! I no longer waste my youth for it. If I can't find a good teacher abroad, I will find a simple job and live with my beloved. Some people say it's a waste of talent? Living in Tsinghua Chaos is a waste! I have seen through the failure of education in China. I was hurt by it when I was in high school, and this hurt continues to this day. Education in China has become the bane of burying talents. To stay in this circle is to give in, I don't make a sound, everyone doesn't make a sound, and the world will continue to run so depressed. I'm going to say "No!" out loud to this system today. ”

In this way, he did not study for his doctorate in the last year, and then he decided to study abroad, and was admitted to the prestigious Cornell University, the sixth most famous university in the United States. After all, he still hoped that he could get a doctorate. However, what is even more unexpected is that after two years of studying in the United States, Wang Yu once again chose to withdraw from school, and the reason for withdrawing from school was the same as the previous time, which was also dissatisfaction with the current education system.

Why did Chinese computer genius Wang Yan give up his Ph.D. from Tsinghua three times? Why was it banned by Microsoft

In 2008, he published Cornell Feelings and dropped out of Cornell University to pursue a Ph.D. in computer science at Indiana University Bloomington (IUB).

In 2012, he dropped out again with an essay titled "Saying Goodbye to a Doctorate," and Wang dropped out of Tsinghua University in 2005, 2008, and 2012, respectively, from Tsinghua University, Cornell University, and Indiana University, Bloomington. He believes that his "doctoral career" has helped him find something more important than a doctorate.

Of course, the legendary life of this genius has not ended here, and the three dropouts have made everyone regret his actions, but this has not affected his development in the computer industry, although he did not get a doctorate, but with his extraordinary talent and extraordinary insights in the field of computing, he was admitted to Google and Microsoft. It should be known that it is a rare opportunity to enter these two companies for internships, but Wang Yu once again chose to quit because of problems such as dissatisfaction with the soil and water, and the style of conduct and incompatibility with the company. Even after the exit, he did not forget to step on the back, predicting that it was only a matter of time before such a company was about to perish.

Why did Chinese computer genius Wang Yan give up his Ph.D. from Tsinghua three times? Why was it banned by Microsoft

Of course, his high-profile departure and a series of arrogant remarks were also blocked by Microsoft, and because Microsoft had a far-reaching influence in the world, Wang Yu was boycotted and banned around the world. In desperation, he could only return to China to develop.

Why did Chinese computer genius Wang Yan give up his Ph.D. from Tsinghua three times? Why was it banned by Microsoft

His return to China soon attracted the attention of Ali, who hoped to bring him as a talent under his banner. However, I did not expect that the interviewer sent by Ali did not know the talent, and Wang Yu was also dissatisfied with the difficulty of the interviewer, and directly patted his ass and left.

Later, he also thought about setting up a company to do it alone, but in terms of technology, he was an expert on doing business but did not get good at it, and it would not take long for the company to continue. Today, he is still striving for his ideals, but he has not found a suitable way for his own development.

What is the ideal country of genius? I'm afraid only he knows!

From Chinese education to Western education, from Microsoft to Google, Wang's ability is optimistic about countless people, but he is not willing to become the so-called winner in life, but is using his own unique methods to rebel against the whole world.

Why did Chinese computer genius Wang Yan give up his Ph.D. from Tsinghua three times? Why was it banned by Microsoft

It can be said that if you can change your arrogant and stubborn personality, no matter where Wang Yao is, he is a material that can be made, and even promote the development of the industry and become the next Jobs. But in the face of ideals and reality, he is always difficult to balance, which leads to him always finding a place to use, and his talent has nowhere to play.

In fact, whether it is a genius or a mediocre talent, if you want to achieve self-worth, you still need to learn teamwork and modest learning in a down-to-earth manner, in order to make yourself grow continuously and strive for more display opportunities for yourself, I am afraid that this is also the most lacking part of Wang Yao's body.

Why did Chinese computer genius Wang Yan give up his Ph.D. from Tsinghua three times? Why was it banned by Microsoft

What do you think about Wang Yan, an IT god who dropped out of Tsinghua and Cornell three times, and then was banned by Microsoft worldwide? Feel free to leave a message in the comments section. Can see the video to the end, must be true love, come to a three-in-a-row, thank you! Here's the World Celebrity List, we'll see you next time! Thank you all and see you soon!

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