
Zheng Dongguo: Former famous Kuomintang general, abandoning the dark and casting light to create glory again

author:Super History

In September 1948, our Northeast Field Army launched the Liaoshen Campaign against the Kuomintang troops, opening the prelude to a strategic decisive battle. Under the instructions of the Party Central Committee, our army first took Jinzhou, and then trapped the enemy army in the northeast by catching turtles in an urn; after this battle, our army reversed the inferiority in strength in one fell swoop and captured liao Yaoxiang, commander of the enemy lieutenant general.

Liao Yaoxiang was from Huangpu, with excellent results and rich practical combat experience, and demonstrated the integrity of Chinese soldiers in the War of Resistance Against Japan. Taking this into account, our army asked Liu Yalou to set up a banquet to entertain him, hoping that he would abandon the dark and throw himself into the light, but he was arrogant and arrogant, and even threw the cup down, until Liu Yalou invited his old superior, Zheng Dongguo, to persuade him, that he was convinced and even toasted a few glasses of wine.

Zheng Dongguo: Former famous Kuomintang general, abandoning the dark and casting light to create glory again

First, patriotic Haojie

1. Progressive students

Speaking of this Zheng Dongguo who suppressed Liao Yaoxiang as soon as he came forward, it was an extraordinary history. He was born in a rich peasant family in Hunan Province, and there are more than 10 ancestral houses handed down, and there are dozens of acres of land in the family.

When he was 7 years old, his father taught him to read some enlightenment books, and later he was sent to a private school in the countryside to study, and he made rapid progress in his diligent and inquisitive manner, memorizing the Confucian classics and becoming familiar with them. In 1917, he entered a new-style school and gradually became interested in Western democratic ideas.

Zheng Dongguo: Former famous Kuomintang general, abandoning the dark and casting light to create glory again

In 1919, China's humiliating experience at the Paris Peace Conference ignited the national self-esteem of patriotic students, and students everywhere went on strike to resolutely safeguard national sovereignty. Zheng Dongguo was also infected by the mighty patriotic movement, so he and his classmates went to the streets to promote patriotism.

2. It is difficult to join the army and calm the country

The Rizhilu has clouds: the one who protects the world, the lowly of the puppeteer, and the ear of responsibility. Zheng Dongguo profoundly realized that in this era of great power strife, only a strong army can have international discourse, so he is determined to join the army and defend national dignity with his life. After several turns, he was admitted to the Huangpu Phase I by replacing other people's names and joined the Kuomintang.

Adhering to the ambition of saving the country and saving the people, he trained seriously and quickly grew into an excellent military talent. During the Northern Expedition, he led a battalion to conquer the west, which made the northern warlords feel frightened, successively conquered Yongding, Fuzhou and other places, and was promoted to regimental commander by virtue of his proud military achievements, when he had just turned 24 years old.

Zheng Dongguo: Former famous Kuomintang general, abandoning the dark and casting light to create glory again

Behind the northern warlords stood imperialism, and the victory of the Northern Expedition caused panic among the great powers. In March 1927, under the pretext of protecting its own people, the British army launched a fierce artillery bombardment on the area around Qixia Mountain, and after witnessing this, Zheng Dongguo, who was stationed here, was full of patriotism and ordered his subordinate artillery to resolutely fight back.

At the end of the Northern Expedition, Lao Jiang betrayed the revolution and poisoned the Communist Party. In addition, there were constant conflicts within the Kuomintang, and warlords in various places launched a new round of scuffles, and Zheng Dongguo was indignant when he saw the situation, feeling that it was really sad for his compatriots to kill each other, and his heart was shaken by the Kuomintang.

Second, the national good boy

1. Swear to die against the enemy

At the beginning of 1933, after invading and occupying our three northeastern provinces, the Japanese Kou also spied on our Rehe area. The Japanese government used its usual trick, first pretending to submit a memorandum to the Nationalist government, demanding that the nationalist troops withdraw from Rehe, otherwise the war would re-break out, but at the same time that the Japanese Kou submitted the memorandum, the Japanese Kwantung Army had already attacked Rehe in three ways.

Zheng Dongguo: Former famous Kuomintang general, abandoning the dark and casting light to create glory again

The Japanese Kou once again exposed the ambitions of the wolf, and the people of the whole country vigorously denounced it, demanding that Lao Jiang go all out to resist Japan, and Lao Jiang, under pressure, urgently dispatched an army to the front, and Zheng Dongguo was also among them. He had long been disgusted with the infighting between his compatriots, and now standing on the battlefield against foreign enemies, his heart suddenly surged with heroic courage.

At the beginning of the battle, Zheng Dongguo led a brigade to hold the position of the South Tianmen Gate, and in March, the north was still cold, and the soldiers could only endure the cold and fight against the menacing Japanese with perseverance.

However, the gap between the enemy and us was too large, and Zhengdong's state department suffered more losses, so he was ordered to withdraw to the rear to rest, and in the process of evacuation, he heard that the position of the 83rd Division, which had come to change defenses, had been broken, and the division commander committed suicide in anger. It should be known that once the Japanese Kou occupied the South Heavenly Gate, they could drive straight into Beiping, and at this critical juncture, Zheng Dongguo returned to the front line day and night and day and night, launching a counterattack against the Japanese Kou.

Zheng Dongguo: Former famous Kuomintang general, abandoning the dark and casting light to create glory again

The enemy was outnumbered, and many of the counter-offensives he organized failed, so he threw off his uniform and personally led the charge, and the morale of the soldiers was boosted, and they recaptured their positions in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, old Chiang Kai-shek's mind was still on the top of the communists, and he did not invest enough troops in this battle, and later signed an unequal treaty to surrender Peiping to Himai, and Zheng Dongguo withdrew from Beiping, and tears of grief and indignation filled his chest.

In 1943, Zheng Dongguo was appointed commander of the Chinese Army in India, and Liao Yaoxiang was one of his division commanders. Before he took office, there was some friction between the expeditionary force and the US military, so after he took office, under the premise of safeguarding national dignity, he actively promoted the relationship between the Chinese and American armed forces, so that the military appearance was renewed, and Liao Yaoxiang admired him very much.

Zheng Dongguo: Former famous Kuomintang general, abandoning the dark and casting light to create glory again

2. Abandon the dark and cast the light

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Du Yuming, who was seriously ill, specially asked Zheng Dongguo to fly to Jinzhou to preside over northeast affairs on his behalf. Zheng Dongguo's wisdom and courage caused some threats to our army, fortunately, later Chen Cheng arrived in the northeast, this person did not have much ability, but the official addiction was very heavy, and it did not take long to empty Zheng Dongguo, and the Kuomintang army was severely damaged under his indecisive command.

Old Jiang was very alarmed after hearing the news, and immediately promoted Wei Lihuang to the commander-in-chief of the Northeast Suppression Campaign and appointed Zheng Dongguo as deputy commander. In 1948, our army launched the Liaoshen Campaign, which first cut off the main road leading to Guannei by the Nationalist army, and the Zhengdongguo stationed in Changchun became a lone army.

Due to the interruption of supplies, his men were hungry and difficult to organize a breakthrough, and the nationalist generals were unwilling to continue to fight for the decadent Kuomintang, so the whole army announced their surrender and abducted Zheng Dongguo to surrender together.

Zheng Dongguo: Former famous Kuomintang general, abandoning the dark and casting light to create glory again

At the beginning of Zheng Dongguo's capture, he was also unwilling, but after seeing the people in the old liberated areas living and working in peace and contentment, he realized that this was the way out for China. Therefore, in order to end the war as soon as possible, he personally came forward to persuade Liao Yaoxiang and others to return to the right path, showing the most sincere feelings of a patriot.


Zheng Dongguo was originally an ordinary student, familiar with the Analects and the Spring and Autumn Period, and later saw that the country was weak, and even the most basic international status could not be guaranteed, so he angrily threw himself into Huangpu, hoping to defend national sovereignty with flesh and blood. On the battlefield of defending against foreign enemies, he took the lead and fought bravely, and achieved brilliant results.

When he went to India and Burma to fight, he knew people well, eased the contradictions between the national army and friendly forces, and made important contributions to the world anti-fascist war. During the Liberation War, he was defeated and captured, but when he witnessed the comfortable life of the people, he actively helped our Party to end the civil war and was a noble patriot.

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