
At a high-level meeting in 1964, Zhang Aiping took a leave of absence, and why did Premier Zhou propose to search him

author:Everybody reads history

In 1964, Premier Zhou was presiding over a prime ministerial meeting in the Ziguang Pavilion, when Zhang Aiping, who was attending the meeting, asked Premier Zhou for leave to leave, he was going to attend an event in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so he had to leave the venue early. At this time, Premier Zhou immediately stood up from his seat and blocked in front of Zhang Aiping. He offered to conduct a body search for Zhang Aiping. Zhang Aiping has made many contributions to our country throughout her life, and later was awarded the rank of general in 1955, and Premier Zhou's actions at this time were obviously a kind of distrust of Zhang Aiping, he first asked Zhang Aiping whether he had conference documents on his body, and then he took out his full body pockets, focusing on checking whether there were small notes and other information documents, and then he let Zhang Aiping go. Why did Premier Zhou treat General Zhang Aiping in this way out of distrust of him?

At a high-level meeting in 1964, Zhang Aiping took a leave of absence, and why did Premier Zhou propose to search him

Premier Zhou

In fact, this is mainly related to the special work content of Zhang Aiping, who was appointed by the Central Military Commission in the 1960s to investigate the situation of the Chinese atomic industry. Zhang Aiping also lived up to expectations, and after his careful investigation, he proposed that the most critical issue in China's atomic bomb manufacturing was the problem of organization and cooperation, not the problem of money discussed earlier.

In 1961, when China proposed to develop an atomic bomb, Marshal Chen Yi, who was in charge of this work, said bluntly: "We Chinese even if we take the pants, we must make an atomic bomb." When Zhang Aiping was asked to investigate the background of the atomic bomb manufacturing, he initially said that he did not understand, and Marshal Chen Yi said to him: "Whoever is born to understand, if you do not understand, you should learn." Therefore, Zhang Aiping can only take on this task. Zhang Aiping began to use her skills to know people and make good use of them to make up for her lack of knowledge and ability.

At a high-level meeting in 1964, Zhang Aiping took a leave of absence, and why did Premier Zhou propose to search him

Chen Yi

Zhang Aiping found Liu Xiyao, who had studied physics at Wuhan University, and asked him to act as his assistant, on the one hand, because he understood science and technology, on the other hand, he also understood management, which was one of the few senior intellectuals among the leading cadres of our party. Later, Zhang Aiping found Zhang Zhenhuan, a soldier she had led in the New Fourth Army. He once went to Peking University and was a knowledgeable talent. Zhang Aiping has great respect for scientists and talents and is happy to be friends with them. For example, when he communicated with the young scientist Zhu Guangya, he showed his high emotional intelligence.

In a conversation with Zhu Guangya, Zhu Guangya, out of respect for his leadership, proposed to report the work to him. He said, "I'm not here to hear your debriefing, I'm here to ask you questions." Zhang Aiping's attitude and treatment of intellectuals have made these scientists very impressed.

At a high-level meeting in 1964, Zhang Aiping took a leave of absence, and why did Premier Zhou propose to search him

Zhu Guangya

In fact, Premier Zhou and Zhang Aiping have a deep relationship with the revolutionary cause, and since the revolutionary period, the two have been leaders and friends. In 1925, Zhang Aiping participated in the revolution in Sichuan, Zhou Enlai was the leader of the Communist Party of China in the Great Revolution, and later in 1927 Chiang Kai-shek launched a counter-revolutionary coup, our party was forced to go underground, Zhang Aiping began to work as an underground worker of our party, and Zhou Enlai was also responsible for specific things.

In order to motivate the talents under her command to do things, Zhang Aiping often said to them: "Although you do it, boldly do it, if something happens to me, it is your honor to do it." "This has undoubtedly greatly enhanced people's determination to do things."

Zhang Aiping established the "Science and Technology Commission" system, which is mainly composed of scientists, so that scientists have full leadership and command power in it, and oppose excessive interference by administrative forces. It is precisely for this reason that Zhang Aiping has almost all succeeded in the experiments he participated in, and everyone calls Zhang Aiping a lucky general.

At a high-level meeting in 1964, Zhang Aiping took a leave of absence, and why did Premier Zhou propose to search him

Zhang Aiping

In fact, where is there any luck component, the reason is because Zhang Aiping has nothing to do every time, to check it again, personally visit the scene, debugging, inspection and other work. Zhang Aiping's assistant at that time once recalled: "I remember very clearly, Zhang Aiping was already sick at that time, but he still had to take the oxygen bottle and go deep into the front line to check, every solder joint, every screw, he had to check." Zhang Aiping's responsible work attitude is the key to his success. In 1964, China's atomic bomb successfully exploded, which announced that China had also become a nuclear country, had a more important say in the international community, broke the nuclear monopoly of other countries, and it can be said that they contributed a big step to the development of our country.

Although Zhang Aiping is responsible for everything in the work she is responsible for, as Premier Zhou who has been responsible for China's intelligence work for many years, she must strictly control Zhang Aiping's diplomatic activities, especially for China's nuclear industry, Premier Zhou must be even more cautious, at that time, the world out of the period of hegemony between the United States and the Soviet Union, was very sensitive to nuclear information, And our country successfully developed a nuclear bomb and broke their nuclear blockade, which originally made the leaders of these two countries very angry. They will also try to find ways to obtain information about the nuclear bomb in our country, so Premier Zhou conducted a body search of Zhang Aiping to prevent possible information leakage.

In 1930, Zhang Aiping was wounded in the hand during the battle, and our underground party organization quietly escorted her to Shanghai, where there was a relatively advanced treatment environment, after Zhang Aiping's hand was healed, he asked to return to the Red Army to fight, and Zhou Enlai specially criticized Zhang Aiping: "If you are injured, it is better to stay in Shanghai and continue to serve as an underground worker of our party." But Zhang Aiping still asked to return to the army to fight, and Zhou Enlai, considering his determination, agreed to his request.

Zhang Aiping was touched by Zhou Enlai's kindness. In 1931, Zhou Enlai grew a beard out of consideration for his sensitive identity, Zhang Aiping saw it, the first glance did not recognize it, and then Zhou Enlai explained to him with a smile: "The beard is real, Zhou Enlai is also real, but those enemies are fake, they are all going to be defeated by us." In 1936, Zhang Aiping was ambushed by bandits, causing a lot of losses to the troops, he was very remorseful, Zhou Enlai found Zhang Aiping to do ideological work, and proposed that he had fought well in previous battles, and it was normal to occasionally lose once or twice. Although the troops have a serious handling of your defeat, I also hope that you can remember this matter and do not have ideological baggage, so that you can learn lessons, become talents, and do things more properly in the future. Such motivational words not only inspired Zhang Aiping, but also made him fully realize his mistakes. In fact, Premier Zhou has always been like this, fully understands his subordinates, will also set strict requirements on his subordinates, will not tolerate mistakes, and can be sufficiently considerate of the feelings of comrades.

During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Zhang Aiping was assigned by the organization to work in Shanghai, and Premier Zhou also took time to meet Zhang Aiping, who warned Zhang Aiping: "Shanghai is tight, you must pay attention to safety." Zhang Aiping wanted to take the Red Army hat away as a thought in Shanghai, but Zhou Enlai seriously stopped him, and the situation in Shanghai was very grim and could not leave any clues.

At a high-level meeting in 1964, Zhang Aiping took a leave of absence, and why did Premier Zhou propose to search him


In December 1937, Zhang Aiping followed Zhou Enlai again and came to the office of the Eighth Route Army in Wuhan. Zhang Aiping benefited greatly from Zhou Enlai's teaching, and was also inspired by Zhou Enlai's attitude towards work, and Zhou Enlai's work day and night made Zhang Aiping always want to reduce his burden. Zhou Enlai can be said to be Zhang Aiping's old leader, so he did not have any resistance to the demands made by Premier Zhou, and the nuclear industry he was responsible for after the founding of the People's Republic of China was indeed a major cause related to the fate of the country, so he also believed that he should be cautious when receiving foreigners.

Premier Zhou Enlai's work attitude is worthy of our study, and General Zhang Aiping's working style is also worthy of our reference; the life of the two people is a life of revolution and a life of selfless dedication to the party and the people. Those heroes who carried the burden forward for the motherland deserve to be remembered by us who enjoy the quiet years today. Well, that's the end of the show! Like friends a little bit of attention, we will see you next issue.

That's it! Like friends a little bit of attention, we will see you next issue.

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