
Yiling in Yichang, Hubei Province: The road to industrial revitalization is a solid foundation for development

author:China News Network Hubei

  Hubei News, 26 Oct (Zhang Guorong) -- From October 18 to 21, Xiao Pengfei, secretary of the Yiling District CPC Committee of Yichang City, Hubei Province, led a team to the "Yangtze River Delta" region to conduct an inspection of investment promotion, to lead the development breakthrough with ideological ice-breaking, to further consolidate the close ties with the "Yangtze River Delta" region through going out and seeking development, and to lay a good foundation for foreign cooperation, investment attraction and high-quality development during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period.

  In Shanghai and Hangzhou, Xiao Pengfei and his party successively visited YTO Express, Attenborough Elevator, Wahaha, Yilian Holdings and other enterprises. Entrepreneurs are full of confidence in the future development of Yiling, and have expressed their hope to continue to deepen exchanges and cooperation with Yiling District, help Yiling District e-commerce logistics, intelligent manufacturing, food and beverage, professional markets, cultural tourism and other industries to transform and upgrade, jointly pave the road to industrial revitalization, and work together to write a new chapter of high-quality development.

Yiling in Yichang, Hubei Province: The road to industrial revitalization is a solid foundation for development

  Yichang Yiling District is located in the throat of the Yangtze River, is the world's attention to the Three Gorges Project location, the future with the construction of Yichang North Railway Station, a number of high-speed railways intersect here, geographical and transportation advantages are more significant. Yiling District is rich in resources, with natural scenery on the ground and rich mines underground, known as "Orange Tea Town" reputation. Yiling has a good industrial foundation and an excellent business environment, and is a fertile soil for entrepreneurs to invest and develop their businesses. Xiao Pengfei said that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Yiling District will anchor the "two hundred billion" goal, unswervingly take the road of industrial revitalization, and hope that entrepreneurs will continue to pay attention to Yiling, support Yiling, and invest in Yiling.

  In the past half century, Yiling District has experienced major changes such as mountain development, the Three Gorges Project, the dismantling of counties and districts, and the integration of urban and rural areas, and in the face of opportunities and challenges, Yiling party members and cadres and the masses have relied on their innate momentum to break the "ice" that shackles high-quality development with the Yiling spirit of "openness and inclusiveness, unity and dedication, pragmatic innovation, and the courage to compete for the first", bravely break the "ice" that restricts high-quality development, bravely break through the "encirclement" of unbalanced and inadequate development, unswervingly take the road of industrial revitalization, enhance industrial hard power, and expand the new situation of high-quality development. In the long river of history, one "Yiling mark" has been poked one after another.

Yiling in Yichang, Hubei Province: The road to industrial revitalization is a solid foundation for development

  In 2001, Yichang County was abolished to establish Yiling District, and Yiling became the first municipal district in the province to retain the county-level system. In the face of new adjustments and new situations, the Yiling District Party Committee proposed a development strategy for the integration of urban and rural areas, linking the main city, driving mountainous areas, making breakthroughs in the development of the county economy, and promoting the good and rapid development of the regional economy, achieving a GDP of 53.1 billion yuan in 2020 and a total industrial output value of 29.7 billion yuan above designated size.

  Industrial economy is the beginning of Yiling's Xingxian County, the foundation of the district, xiaoya road is the brainchild of successive district committees and district governments, is the "artery" of Yiling industry. Focusing on the goal of building a "bearing area for the high-quality development of Yichang industrial economy", Yiling firmly established the concept of industry leadership, optimized the "one district and three parks" park system with Yiling Economic Development Zone as the main battlefield and Dongcheng Experimental Zone, Longquan and Yaqueling as the main positions, continuously improved the industrial layout, built large parks, opened up large industries, opened up industrial land space, and actively built a strong industrial zone with industrial economy strength and transformation and upgrading vitality.

Yiling in Yichang, Hubei Province: The road to industrial revitalization is a solid foundation for development

  Yiling District adheres to the unshakable industrial strength and strives to create a new highland for high-quality development. Firmly establish the concept of "grasping industry and grasping large industry", plan and build industrial parks with high standards, and concentrate on creating characteristic industrial agglomeration areas and industrial economic uplift belts. Based on the three traditional pillar industries of food and beverage, equipment manufacturing and green mining, we adhere to the "two hands" of large volume and industrial upgrading, and at the same time expand the chain and strong chain in the five potential development industries of biomedicine, new energy and new materials, electronic information and big data, modern logistics, and cultural tourism, forming a competitive development situation in which a hundred flowers bloom and many strong compete for the first.

  Yiling District focuses on leading industries such as advanced equipment manufacturing and food and beverage, grasps the importance of investment promotion, introduces more upstream and downstream enterprises, and continuously strengthens the chain, supplements the chain, and extends the chain to create an industrial cluster. Build a new development pattern around services, increase the intensity of scientific and technological innovation, build a modern industrial system, cultivate a strong regional market, and promote the integrated development of the "Yijingjingen" urban agglomeration. Extensive contact with counterpart support platforms, the introduction of joint throughout the country, has settled in Wahaha, JuneYao, Huiyuan, Bafeng Pharmaceutical, Jiayuan Food and other well-known enterprises. JuneYao Health became the first locally cultivated listed enterprise in Yiling, and Yichang Wahaha invested nearly 2 billion yuan in Yiling, laying the pillar position of the food and beverage industry.

Yiling in Yichang, Hubei Province: The road to industrial revitalization is a solid foundation for development

  Based on the existing industrial base, the district gives full play to the advantages of the Three Gorges property resources, and supports key enterprises to strengthen the main business and cluster development. With Daohuaxiang Group as the leader, we will strengthen the grain and oil deep processing industry chain based on liquor processing, give full play to the advantages of existing dairy products and beverage processing scales such as JuneYao Health, Wahaha, Xiwang, etc., accelerate the development of new products, accelerate the implementation of projects such as Evergrande Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Minda Yimu, China Refined Tea Export Base, and Xiao's Phase II, and create a characteristic agricultural product cluster.

  "By 2025, Yiling's GDP will reach 100 billion yuan, and the gross industrial output value will reach 100 billion yuan." At the fifteenth plenary session of the fifth session of the Yiling District Cpc Committee, the economic work conference of the district party committee and the rural work conference of the district party committee, the development goal of "two 100 billion yuan" was put forward, and the whole district will fight the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" with the attitude of rushing the road, catching up with the state, and the mentality of catching up with the examination, decisively winning 100 billion yuan, and achieving a strong rise of the regional economy in the ice-breaking breakthrough. (End)

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