
11 kinds of good soup for children to drink, supplement nutrition and grow tall is also delicious, bao mom must!

author:Oranges cook

Huaishan corn carrot bone soup

Ingredients: 1 pork bone (about 800-1000 grams), cut into small pieces, half a root of fresh Huaishan (also known as yam), corn, carrot, peeled and cut into large pieces, a large piece of ginger, a little salt and pepper.


1. Wash the pork bones, boil in a large pot of cold water for five minutes, and then rinse carefully with cold water

2. Put the pork bones and ginger into a large pot of soup and add eight bowls of cold water to boil, then reduce the heat to let the water boil without boiling. Water must be put enough at one time, do not add water halfway

3. Add corn and carrots after one hour, continue to simmer for an hour, then add Huaishan pot for one hour, put salt and turn off the heat. Simmering a little longer over low heat will make the bone crispy meat rotten and the soup more delicious

4. After the soup is cooled, put it in the refrigerator, remove or filter the impurities on it the next day, and then eat it after heating. This step can make the soup more refreshing and healthy, and if it is troublesome, it can be saved

11 kinds of good soup for children to drink, supplement nutrition and grow tall is also delicious, bao mom must!

Yam red date stew with ribs

11 kinds of good soup for children to drink, supplement nutrition and grow tall is also delicious, bao mom must!

Using yam to boil ribs and put a few red dates is very nourishing. Yam taste sweet, flat sex, into the lungs, spleen, kidney meridians, not dry and not greasy. It has the effect of strengthening the spleen and tonifying the lungs, nourishing the stomach and replenishing the kidneys, and strengthening the kidneys and improving the sperm.

Ingredients: 500g yam, 1000g pork ribs, red dates

Directions: 1. Peel the yam, wash, cut into large pieces, immerse in water and set aside.

2. Wash the ribs, put in cold water, blanch for 2 minutes and rinse.

3. Take the casserole dish, add the ribs, put the shallot knots, ginger slices, red dates.

4. Add water, cooking wine and bring to a boil on high heat for 5 minutes.

5. Skim off the floating powder and simmer for about 80 minutes.

6. Add the yam, bring to a boil over high heat and simmer over low heat until the yam is crispy.

7. Add salt to the pot for 5 minutes and sprinkle some green onions.

Bitter melon corn rib soup

11 kinds of good soup for children to drink, supplement nutrition and grow tall is also delicious, bao mom must!

This soup clears the heart and fire, detoxifies, replenishes qi and improves refinement, quenches thirst and quenches heat. The soup is filled with a clear bitter melon smell, and the soup water is also a sweet soup, and it is also a good product for reducing fat and reducing fire, especially suitable for summer drinking.

Ingredients: 500g pork ribs, 1 bitter melon, 1 corn

Directions: 1. Rinse the ribs with 5 minutes, then blanch and wash and set aside.

2. Put the ribs into the pot of the hot pot and add the shallots and ginger, large ingredients and an appropriate amount of water.

3. Add cooking wine, cover and bring to a boil for 10 minutes.

4. Wash the corn and bitter melon and cut into sections and circles respectively to remove the bitter melon

5. Put the corn in the soup pot and continue to cook until it boils, then put the inner pot into the outer pot and simmer for 40 minutes.

6. Put the cooked pork rib corn soup into a casserole dish and then add bitter melon, add salt and pepper, cook for 8 minutes and add a little chicken essence to turn off the heat.

Corn radish bone broth

11 kinds of good soup for children to drink, supplement nutrition and grow tall is also delicious, bao mom must!

Ingredients: corn cob 150 g, ribs 250 g, carrot 50 g, ginger, dates a little

1: Peel the corn on the cob, cut into sections, cut the carrots into pieces, cut the ribs into pieces, cut the ginger into pieces, wash the dates and set aside. The ribs are soaked with blood.

2: Fill the pot with water, add ginger slices, corn cobs and ribs after the water boils, boil over high heat, change to medium heat and simmer for 40 minutes.

Chestnut lotus root soup

11 kinds of good soup for children to drink, supplement nutrition and grow tall is also delicious, bao mom must!

Ingredients: Lotus root 750g, chestnuts 20, raisins 1/3 cup (optional)

1: Wash the surface of the lotus root, scrape off the film with the back of a knife, cut into 0.5 cm slices, and the lotus joints should be removed. Chestnuts are shelled, filmed and set aside.

2: Put the lotus root, chestnuts and water into a pot, put it on the stove and heat it to a boil, then change to medium heat and simmer for 40 minutes.

11 kinds of good soup for children to drink, supplement nutrition and grow tall is also delicious, bao mom must!

Steamed eagle turtles


700 g turtle

70 g lean pork

10 g each shallot knots and ginger slices

10 g Jinhua ham slices

25 g rock sugar

A little goji berries

4 g salt

Each appropriate amount of monosodium glutamate, rice wine, broth, pork bone juice

1 Bring water to a boil in a pot, add the turtles and cook for 2 to 3 minutes.

2 Scrape off the shell and scales under the abdomen with a knife, chopping off the toes and tail.

3 Remove the shell and internal organs, wash, chop and put into bowls.

4 Heat the water and pour in the turtle meat and lean meat.

5 Remove the blood, sweep away the foam, fish out and wash it.

6 Take another net and fill in the stock.

7 Add pork bone juice, salt, monosodium glutamate and rice wine.

8 Stir and bring to a boil, make a soup and set aside.

9 Put the turtle meat and lean meat into the stew cup, then add the ham slices, ginger slices, green onion knots and sprinkle with rock sugar.

10 Cover the shell and press firmly.

11 Add the washed goji berries and pour in the cooked broth.

12 Place the stew cup in the steamer.

13 Cover and steam over high heat for 2 hours until cooked thoroughly.

14 Remove.

11 kinds of good soup for children to drink, supplement nutrition and grow tall is also delicious, bao mom must!

Fillet tofu soup

400 g net grass carp

300 g tofu

Each appropriate amount of green onion, ginger slices, coriander segments, evaporated milk

Each appropriate amount of salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken powder, pepper, water starch, cooking oil

1 Cut the washed tofu into small cubes.

2 Cut the grass carp meat obliquely into thin slices.

3 Put the fish slices in a bowl, add salt and MSG and grasp well.

4 Then drizzle with water starch and grasp well, marinate for a while until flavorful.

5 Bring water to a boil in a pot and add the tofu.

6 Inject a little cooking oil.

7 Add ginger slices.

8 Season with salt and chicken powder.

9 Pour in the appropriate amount of evaporated milk and mix well.

10 Add the fish fillets and stir until cooked.

11 Sprinkle with pepper and mix well.

12 Turn off the heat and place the ingredients in a bowl, sprinkle with coriander and green onion.

11 kinds of good soup for children to drink, supplement nutrition and grow tall is also delicious, bao mom must!

Chestnut turkey soup

300 g native chicken

80 g chestnut meat

A little carrot, sliced ginger, and green onion each

Salt, sugar, cooking wine, pepper

1 Wash the chicken and chop the pieces.

2 Carrots peeled, washed and sliced.

3 Heat a pot with some water.

4 Pour in the chicken nuggets and cook for about 3 minutes until they are out of life.

5 Remove with a colander.

6 Drain and place in a dish for later.

7 Pour some water into a pot.

8 Pour in the hot chicken nuggets.

9 Pour in the ginger slices.

10 Add the washed chestnut meat.

11 Bring to a boil over high heat and simmer over low heat for about 1 hour until cooked thoroughly.

12 Peel off, add salt, sugar and cooking wine to taste.

13 Pour in the carrot slices.

14 Sprinkle with pepper.

15 Sprinkle with green onions and mix well.

16 Remove from the pan and place in a bowl.

17 Let cool and serve.

11 kinds of good soup for children to drink, supplement nutrition and grow tall is also delicious, bao mom must!

Crab fish round

300 g meat of the blue fish

80 g fatty meat

35 g Jinhua ham

100 grams each of rapeseed, water fungus fungus, winter shoots

35 g crab yellow

A little egg white, minced ginger, chopped green onion, and green onion

Salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken powder, pepper, green onion and ginger wine juice

1 Wash and slice the winter shoots.

2 Fungus washed and sliced.

3 slices of ham.

4 Take the white meat of the green fish, chop it, wash the fat meat and chop it. Mix the fish with the fatty meat and chop it into minced meat.

5 Place the minced meat in a large bowl, add salt, monosodium glutamate and pepper and stir quickly. Pour in the egg whites, stir quickly, pat until the pulp is raised, drizzle with the onion and ginger wine sauce and stir well.

6 Divide the crab yellow into small pieces and put them on a plate, knead the minced meat into meatballs and place them on the crab yellow.

7 Dip a little egg white in your hand, knead the crab yolk into the meatballs to make fish balls, and soak them in water.

8 Wash the rapeseed and cut in half. Bring water to a boil in a pot and pour in a little cooking oil.

9 Add rapeseed, add a little salt and mix well, blanch and remove.

10 Pour in the winter shoots, fungus and ham, blanch and remove.

11 Bring chicken broth to a boil in a pot, add salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken powder and pepper to taste, pour in the fish balls and bring to a boil.

12 Pour in the fungus, winter shoots and ham, drizzle with a little cooking oil and mix well, cook for about 3 minutes until the fish is fully cooked.

13 Fill the cooked fish balls, pour the rest into a bowl, add the rapeseed, and pour in the fish balls.

14 Sprinkle with green onions and serve.

11 kinds of good soup for children to drink, supplement nutrition and grow tall is also delicious, bao mom must!

Goji berry pork heart soup

150 g pork hearts

10 g goji berries

A pinch of ginger slices

Stock to taste

2 g salt

1 Bring water to a boil in a pot, add washed and cut pork hearts, cook for about 3 minutes and remove the blood.

2 Remove the pork hearts, drain the cold water and plate and set aside.

3 Bring the broth to a boil in a casserole dish and season with a pinch of salt.

4 Add sliced ginger and blanched pork hearts and mix well.

5 Cover and bring to a boil over high heat.

6 Remove lid, add washed goji berries and stir well.

7 Cover the pot and cook over low heat for about 2 hours until the ingredients are cooked through.

8 Open the lid and stir for a moment with a spoon.

9 Turn off the heat and add the cooked soup to a bowl.

11 kinds of good soup for children to drink, supplement nutrition and grow tall is also delicious, bao mom must!

Shallots and lamb tripe soup

300 g lamb tripe chunks

15 g shredded shallots

400 ml broth

A little ginger shredding

2 g chicken powder

12 ml cooking wine

1 Pour some water into a pot and bring to a boil over high heat.

2 Pour in the clean processed lamb tripe, drizzle with a little cooking wine and cook for a while.

3 Remove the cooked lamb tripe, drain and set aside.

4 Pour some water into a casserole dish and bring to a boil over high heat.

5 Pour in the broth and add the prepared shredded ginger, lamb tripe and shredded shallots.

6 Drizzle with a little cooking wine and stir well.

7 Cover the pot, bring to a boil and reduce heat to low heat and cook for 1 hour until the ingredients are cooked through.

8 Remove the lid and add a pinch of salt and chicken powder.

9 Stir well until the ingredients are flavored.

10 Turn off the heat and add the cooked soup to a bowl.

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