
Carry forward the spirit of craftsmen, pay tribute to the most beautiful laborers, the city named 10 "Guang'an craftsmen"

author:National Party media information public platform

Source: Guang'an Daily - Guang'an Online

In recent years, a large number of advanced laborers who have done one line, loved one line, and drilled one line have emerged in our city, who have studied and honed their skills in ordinary posts, and have used wisdom and sweat to create a glorious labor, lofty knowledge, valuable talents, and create a great social trend, and they are excellent representatives of the working class and the broad masses of the working people.

In order to carry forward their advanced spirit, reflect the recognition of the value of labor in the whole society, and the respect for advanced models, the city held a naming conference for "Guang'an craftsmen", officially named 10 "Guang'an craftsmen", vigorously called for the spirit of craftsmen, carried forward the spirit of craftsmen, and fully stimulated the majority of employees in the city to scrupulously fulfill their duties and strive for excellence, with more enthusiasm and high morale, unite as one, overcome difficulties, dare to take responsibility, and contribute to the beautiful, prosperous, harmonious, and 100th anniversary of the founding of the party!

Carry forward the spirit of craftsmen, pay tribute to the most beautiful laborers, the city named 10 "Guang'an craftsmen"

Xiang Wenqiang (right) communicates skills with the team members.

Xiang Wenqiang: Craftsman talent in ordinary posts

"This year is the 8th year that I have returned to work as a striker, and as a young person in the new era, I want to work hard in ordinary posts, exert my greatest value, and make due contributions to society." On April 25, in the "Xiang Wenqiang Craftsman Talent Studio", the reporter met the busy Xiang Wenqiang, who was holding the engine cylinder block drawing and seriously discussing with the team members.

Xiang Wenqiang is a post-80s, is the technical backbone of Sichuan Yaoye Technology Co., Ltd., has obtained 3 invention patents and 10 utility model patents. In 2017, the company also created the "Xiangwenqiang Artisan Talent Studio" after him.

In 2014, Xiang Wenqiang, who was working hard along the coast, found that the mechanical manufacturing level in the forward area was low, facing industry barriers, and technological innovation and research and development work was difficult. In order to build his hometown, he decided to join Sichuan Yaoye Technology Co., Ltd.

Since then, under the leadership of Xiang Wenqiang, the company has overcome one technical problem after another. He participated in the "engine cylinder head, cylinder block automated production" project, in the motorcycle cylinder technology in the forefront of the country, greatly improved the company's automated production level, so that the company's production capacity greatly increased. In 2018, the company produced and sold 2.6 million cylinder blocks, with a market share of 15% in the national market.

Xiang Wenqiang was encouraged by the achievements, but the pace of progress did not stop. In order to greatly improve the overall level of the workforce, Xiang Wenqiang vigorously advocated the learning method of "learning on the job and working in learning" among the employees, and updated the learning content in a timely manner on the blackboard of the workshop every day. At the same time, according to the training content of the new workers can not understand, can not keep up, the use of "staff innovation studio" for new workers to "open a small stove", different from person to person, according to the aptitude of teaching, mobilized the enthusiasm of employees to take the initiative to learn technical knowledge.

At present, under the leadership of Xiang Wenqiang and his team, Sichuan Yaoye Technology Co., Ltd. has 3 invention patents, 25 utility model patents, and 1 appearance patent, and was rated as "Sichuan Provincial Enterprise Technology Center" by the province last year, and the research and development results have been recognized by the state and the province. Xiang Wenqiang himself also received many honors and became a model leader among young people.

Carry forward the spirit of craftsmen, pay tribute to the most beautiful laborers, the city named 10 "Guang'an craftsmen"

Overhaul equipment.

Wu Jiahua: A "Guangneng Technician" who loves to study

Entering the maintenance workshop, a middle-aged man wearing glasses and overalls is busy around a pile of "iron knots", he is Wu Jiahua, a technician at the South Second Well of Liziya Coal Mine. In the past 30 years, he has taken root in the mine and the grassroots, taking pleasure in studying technology, standing on his own feet and making a name for himself.

At 11:30 p.m. on March 13, 2019, Wu Jiahua was just preparing to rest when he received a call from the duty room, and the ground washing system controlled the line failure, and the equipment could not operate normally. Receiving the call, Wu Jiahua quickly rushed to the scene. The washing system controls thousands of lines, and finding faulty lines is like finding a needle in a haystack. But Wu Jiahua did not flinch, he ran back and forth more than 20 times on the upper, middle and lower 3 floors of the washing system, looking for line faults, after 6 hours of high-intensity work, he finally found the control line fracture fault, and successfully handled the problem.

Nanerjing has updated a batch of soft-start explosion-proof electrical, and switch fault handling is a technical gap in the maintenance workshop of the electromechanical team. In order to overcome this problem, Wu Jiahua walked, ate, slept, and even studied the switch circuit drawings in the middle of the night. After more than half a month of painstaking exploration, he finally became the first person in the mine to master the various faults of such new switches.

Over the years, with the character of loving research, Wu Jiahua has completed a number of technological reforms, saving more than 8.4 million yuan in costs for the company.

In 2012, in order to call on more people to learn from Wu Jiahua, the "Wu Jiahua Innovation Studio" was established in the mine. After the establishment of the studio, Wu Jiahua will organize theoretical training, on-site skills training, innovative work forums, technical exchange meetings and other activities every month, and share his learning experience, maintenance notes, and circuit diagrams with the workers without reservation. Therefore, "Wu Jiahua Innovation Studio" is deeply loved by workers and named "Sichuan Coal Smelting System Labor Model (Technician) Innovation Studio" by The Sichuan Coal Smelting Union. Wu Jiahua has also won the honors of "'Five Small' Reform Pacesetter", "Excellent Communist Party Member", "Guangneng Craftsman", "Outstanding Loyal Miner" and "May Day Labor Medal" in Guang'an City.

Carry forward the spirit of craftsmen, pay tribute to the most beautiful laborers, the city named 10 "Guang'an craftsmen"

View and document equipment operation.

Liu Yuling: Fully guard the lights of Wanjia

She does not have the body of Wei'an, but she shoulders the heavy responsibility of maintaining the power dispatching and control of the State Grid Guangan Power Supply Company; she has no bold words, but she has been on the front line for more than ten years and fully guarded the lights of thousands of homes. She is Liu Yuling, the head of the automation operation and maintenance team of the power dispatching and control center of the State Grid Guangan Power Supply Company.

"We must achieve zero accidents and zero violations throughout the year, and finally achieve 100 points of results..." On April 25, Liu Yuling came to the office early and used his spare time before going to work to strengthen the training of team member Yang Gang.

Yang Gang is Liu Yuling's newly adopted apprentice, and due to the short working hours, there are still gaps in many professional skills. As the head of the automation operation and maintenance team of the power dispatching and control center, Liu Yuling feels that he should lead the entire team to make progress together.

"Our work is the 'eye' of the power grid, which is closely related to substation, protection, communication and other professions, and the work is highly technical, there are many intermediate links, the content is trivial, and the requirements are high in precision, so there can be no mistakes." Liu Yuling told reporters that with the development of the scale of the power grid, the role of the automatic operation and maintenance class of the power dispatching and control center is becoming more and more important, playing the role of "clairvoyance" and "tailwind ear". As long as there is a problem with the equipment, they must notify the relevant technical personnel to repair it at the first time to ensure the safe and stable operation of the city's power grid.

"During the epidemic, in order to ensure the safe and stable operation of the power grid, she was on duty for 53 consecutive days." Speaking of Liu Yuling, a serious master, Yang Gang told reporters that Liu Yuling is a good example for him to learn, and in the past 16 years of work, there has never been a single safety accident, and all the work he is responsible for is completed on time and efficiently.

Not only is the work serious and responsible, Liu Yuling is also good at research. Liu Yuling has accumulated rich experience in the comprehensive automation of more than 80% of the substations in Guang'an and has accumulated rich experience in the commissioning of comprehensive automation new construction or reconstruction access and commissioning of more than 10 systems. In order to promote the results, she drafted and compiled the compilation of the automation operation and maintenance class system of the control center of Guang'an Power Supply Company and five emergency plans, standardized the professional management of the automation operation and maintenance class, which was widely promoted and applied, saving hundreds of thousands of yuan in operating costs for the company.

Due to her excellent work, Liu Yuling has won the third prize of scientific and technological progress of Sichuan Electric Power Company and the title of "Skilled Craftsman".

Carry forward the spirit of craftsmen, pay tribute to the most beautiful laborers, the city named 10 "Guang'an craftsmen"

Chen Junhong (left) gives technical guidance to colleagues.

Chen Junhong: The "old scalper" in the workshop

"Whenever there is a doubt in the assembly work, there will always be his presence on the scene; he can solve any technical problems; the ideas he has worked out are both labor-saving and efficient... We are all used to calling him a master technician. "When it comes to Chen Junhong, the workers are always full of praise.

Chen Junhong, 46, is the director of the technology department of Sichuan Emalus Technology Co., Ltd., and during his time at the company, he obtained a total of 16 invention patents.

In the early morning of April 27, the workers had not yet officially gone to work, and Chen Junhong had carefully tested product quality and studied technology on the production line. Over the years, Chen Junhong has developed a good habit of loving learning. Every morning, he will arrive at the post in advance, familiarize himself with the production process, do a good job of problem prediction, and provide technical guarantee for the company's production.

"Since 2012, I have been the technical supervisor of the company, mainly engaged in product mold development, manufacturing, application and other work." Chen Junhong told reporters that after many explorations, they have made a major breakthrough in the 360-degree easy steering technology of small agricultural micro-cultivators, and won the third prize of the Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, and he also won the title of the first person to complete the results of "Key Technology Development of Small Multi-functional Export Micro-cultivators". He also participated in the development of the 4LZ-0.3 small combine harvester and won the Guang'an Science and Technology Progress Award. In addition, he has also obtained a number of national appearance and utility model patents and national invention patents, creating more than 3 million yuan of after-tax profits for the unit every year.

"Chen Junhong not only loves to learn, but he also often calls on everyone to carry out exchanges and share work experiences and experiences." Jiang Jiayin, the company's administrative leader, told reporters that under the leadership of Chen Junhong, the company has an independent research and development team, and has jointly developed a series of products such as general machines, micro-cultivators and small joint machines with famous Italian designers, and the products are exported to more than 10 countries and regions such as Italy, India and Russia.

"Next, I will work harder, lead the technical team, develop more new products, cater to the international and domestic markets, and create more economic benefits for the company." Chen Junhong said.

Carry forward the spirit of craftsmen, pay tribute to the most beautiful laborers, the city named 10 "Guang'an craftsmen"

Check the power supply equipment.

You Sicheng: Let the light go to thousands of households

He does not have the reputation of everyone, nor the honor that everyone admires, only the persistent pursuit of the power installation and debugging process and the silent dedication to sending light to thousands of families. He is You Sicheng, an engineer in the electrical commissioning department of Sichuan Aizhong Energy Engineering Co., Ltd.

A hard hat, overalls, and a tool bag were standard for many years. In order to complete the electrical installation and commissioning work and ensure the power supply in time, he braved the severe cold and heat, waded through the mountains and waters, solved the problem of electricity for the people again and again, and let the light go to thousands of households.

One summer, the company's round gate substation 2# main transformer high-voltage side circuit breaker trip, Guang'an urban area of large-scale power outage. After the maintenance personnel inspected the relevant equipment, they did not find any abnormalities, and they restored the power supply, but shortly after closing the gate, the switch tripped again, which temporarily overwhelmed the maintenance personnel.

After receiving the order, You Sicheng immediately rushed to the scene. After arriving at the scene, You Sicheng debugged and carefully inspected and analyzed the power equipment, and found that the secondary trip of the switch was caused by the low level of circuit insulation, so he immediately replaced the faulty secondary line and restored the normal power supply.

In the work, You Sicheng also summarized a set of perfect electrical test methods, which greatly improved the level of electrical testing and the reliability of the safe operation of the power station unit, so that the failure rate of the power station equipment continued to decline, and gradually realized the unit integrity rate increased to more than 98%.

Zhou Wanbin, chairman of the company's trade union, introduced that today, You Sicheng is still working diligently in his own job, studying business skills assiduously, and cultivating a group of professional and technical personnel through project on-site explanations, special lectures, troubleshooting analysis and processing.

Carry forward the spirit of craftsmen, pay tribute to the most beautiful laborers, the city named 10 "Guang'an craftsmen"

View boiler operation.

Fan Dowen: Facing difficulties to ensure power supply

"The temperature of the first and second phase units is too high, which seriously threatens the safe operation of the unit." On April 22, Fan Duowen, the boiler director of the power generation department of Guang'an Power Generation Co., Ltd., who was undergoing daily inspections, suddenly found a safety hazard, and he took technical measures in an orderly manner to block the source of danger while arranging tasks and standardizing operations.

Such a scene is already familiar to Fan Duowen, who has been on the front line for 16 years. At first, Fandowen, who had just joined the work, did not know much about boilers, and in the face of various parts and tools, Fandowen often felt at a loss, but the difficulties were not difficult to live in Fandowen, who was eager to learn.

In order to let himself grow up as soon as possible, on the one hand, he frantically nibbled on professional books and equipment drawings to enhance his professional accomplishment; on the other hand, he went to the scene diligently, encountered work that was not within the scope of his duties, and also took the initiative to ask for "laying hands" and taking advantage of various opportunities to "steal teachers and learn art". He recorded every link and process in detail, and reviewed the day's contents every night before going to sleep.

Through hard work, Fandowen gained a lot. In April 2019, Fan Duowen published the paper "New Measures for Cold Start-up of 600MW Units to Save Fuel" in the national journal "Industry A", and won the second prize of the 2019 Excellent Paper on Innovation and Effectiveness of Sichuan Guang'an Power Generation Co., Ltd.; in December 2019, he successfully obtained the utility model patent certificate.

In addition, during the Spring Festival every year, Fan Duowen will stick to his post and lead the team members to provide guarantees for the safe power supply of the festival. In 2019, in the Sichuan Guangan Power Generation Co., Ltd. hidden danger investigation skills competition, Fan Duowen won the first prize with his excellent professional skills.

Carry forward the spirit of craftsmen, pay tribute to the most beautiful laborers, the city named 10 "Guang'an craftsmen"

Check the water supply equipment.

Hu Jiancheng: The first person to save energy and reduce consumption in the garden water plant

On April 25, walking into the mechanical and electrical equipment workshop of Guang'an Garden Water Plant, a hot gas greeted him, and next to the high-voltage motor in the water pump room, a middle-aged man was inspecting the operation of the water supply equipment. This middle-aged man is Hu Jiancheng, head of the technical safety section of Guang'an Garden Water Co., Ltd.

After retiring from the army in 1998, he worked in Guang'an District Water Supply and Drainage Company and Guang'an Garden Water Co., Ltd. Over the years, he has delved deeply into the maintenance technology and applied the knowledge he has learned and the experience of exploration to practical work.

In 2015, Hu Jiancheng led the relevant personnel of the Technical Safety Department to upgrade the technical cutting and upgrading of the 4 pump impellers in the company's water intake and water delivery workshop, and through technological innovation, the water supply volume of the pump increased from the original 1800m3/h to 2100m3/h, and a single pump could increase the water supply flow by 300m3/h. It is estimated that the transformed water pump can increase the water supply by 5.18 million tons in the whole year, increase the income by 4 million yuan, and the net income will reach 1.45 million yuan.

"As a technical leader, only the tireless pursuit of technology can achieve energy saving and consumption reduction, and save production costs for the company." Hu Jiancheng said so and did the same, in view of the aging of the mud discharge valve on the company's sedimentation tank, the situation that the mud discharge equipment could not work properly, Hu Jiancheng led the team to carry out technical transformation of the company's mud discharge equipment, so that the running time of the mud discharge equipment was shortened by half compared with the original, which greatly improved the work efficiency.

Working in the water plant for a long time, Hu Jiancheng found that residents use less water at night, are in the low peak period of water supply, and use large pumps to supply water, and the energy consumption is very high. In order to tap the potential of energy saving and consumption reduction, he spent half a month to design and install a small water supply unit, the unit power consumption decreased by 0.03-0.04kwh/m3 compared with before, and saved more than 100,000 yuan in electricity costs for the garden water plant every year.

For his excellent work, in 2013, Hu Jiancheng won the honorary title of Sichuan Provincial Labor Competition Pacesetter, and in 2014, he was awarded the May Day Labor Medal of Guang'an City.

Carry forward the spirit of craftsmen, pay tribute to the most beautiful laborers, the city named 10 "Guang'an craftsmen"

Maintain communication equipment.

Jiang Pengfei: Fiery youth dedicates to moving

At 6:00 a.m. on April 28, Jiang Pengfei, a staff member of the Transmission Center of the Guang'an Mobile Network Department, as usual, after troubleshooting, habitually looked through the window of the communication machine room and looked at the first morning light.

The mechanic, who is called "communication doctor" by the company's employees, although he looks a little tired, he is very down-to-earth at the moment. He said: "It is the greatest joy that people can pick up the phone and communicate freely. ”

In July 2010, Jiang Pengfei entered the transmission center of Guang'an Mobile Network Department, mainly responsible for transmission network construction planning, transmission network optimization services, network security improvement and other work.

In order to fully ensure the smooth communication of the masses, Jiang Pengfei has trained a strong technical exploration ability, and was hired by Sichuan Mobile as a transmission technology expert and a provincial outstanding young talent. In addition, he also took the lead in the province to start the "2G 'electricity - light' transformation ECC transformation, DCN transformation" work, the first "OTN emergency resource pool, 2G asset mining potential method, 'one-stop' centralized triage" work method in the province to promote, and in the province's flood prevention and rescue many times applied, resulting in great social and economic benefits.

"For more than 10 years, he has carefully maintained communication equipment again and again, racked his brains again and again to troubleshoot, and he has integrated his life into his work." The person in charge of the Guang'an Mobile Network Department told reporters that Jiang Pengfei is very fond of communication work, and he has spent more than 10 years to build a basic communication network containing 50,000 kilometers of optical cables, 8,000 optical interchanges, and 5,000 sets of equipment for the people of Guang'an; the operation and maintenance indicators of the Guang'an transmission network he is responsible for have averaged zero points over the years, and no major safety accidents have occurred.

In addition, he also disregarded his own safety and led a communications team to the neighboring waters to fight floods and rescue dangers during the "9.13" flood disaster. At the critical moment, he innovatively used the "OTN single-wave dispatching method" to successfully solve the communication islands of multiple townships in Linshui and avoid the loss of nearly 3 million yuan of state-owned assets.

Carry forward the spirit of craftsmen, pay tribute to the most beautiful laborers, the city named 10 "Guang'an craftsmen"

Cut the noodles.

Wu Shaoping: Let the ancient craft bloom with simple warmth

"It's fast, it's soft in the mouth, and it's very strong to chew." On April 23, at Chen Long Noodle Industry Co., Ltd. in Jiulong Town, Linshui County, Wu Shaoping, the inheritor of the "Chen Long" brand handmade noodles, began to make noodles skillfully again.

Looking at the noodles that gradually took shape, Wu Shaoping told reporters with a smile on his face that "Chen Long" handmade noodles are uniform in thickness, smooth and soft, fine and not folded, cooked for a long time, unique in flavor, and returned to the pot as new, which is a must for locals to give gifts during the festival.

Wu Shaoping, who is over 50 years old, has learned to make noodles with his family since he was a child. In his opinion, this seemingly simple noodle-making work is full of learning. "I come to the factory early every morning to observe the trend of noodles, and look at the accuracy of noodles in the process of appearance, so as to grasp the quality of noodles, which generally takes two or three days to come out." The whole process tests the patience and sincerity of the craftsman. Wu Shaoping said that for product quality, they have formulated an almost harsh system: the pass rate of the finished product must be greater than or equal to 99%, the unqualified product is not shipped, and the pass rate of the factory product must be 100%.

"It is often said that one side of the water and soil to support the other side, to do the handicraft work of noodles is also to pay attention to the 'water and soil'. Our raw materials are made from locally produced wheat flour for a stronger taste. In the past, the handicraft process of the ancestors was limited by technology, weather and other reasons, only three or four months a year of production time, through technological innovation, now can be quantitative production every day, while ensuring the taste of traditional handmade noodles, but also to improve the output of handmade noodles to meet more market demand. Wu Shaoping said.

Under the focus and persistence of Wu Shaoping, in recent years, the "Chen Long" brand handmade noodle brand has become more and more popular, becoming one of the three major brands of handmade noodles in Sichuan, and has participated in exhibitions in Beijing, Guangzhou, Sichuan and other countries for many times, and has won a variety of provincial, municipal and county awards and honorary titles such as "consumer favorite goods" for many times.

Carry forward the spirit of craftsmen, pay tribute to the most beautiful laborers, the city named 10 "Guang'an craftsmen"

Carefully brewed.

Lee Jong-ho: Elaborately brew a "mellow" life

Recently, the reporter walked into Sichuan Yuechi Special Qu Liquor Co., Ltd. located in yuechi economic development zone, and a strong aroma of wine greeted him, and the company's winemaker Li Zhonghe was busy.

In 1997, Li Zhonghe officially entered the factory, from a front-line ordinary employee to a deputy squad leader, a squad leader, a wine master, and then to a workshop director, Li Zhonghe grew all the way.

"When I entered Yuechi Tequ Wine Co., Ltd., I felt that this job was not easy to come by, and I was thinking about how to do a good job every day." Lee Jong-ho said that he could once leave the production line to work in an easy post, but he chose to stick to it. In his opinion, winemaking is his favorite, and he must do a good job of winemaking for a long time.

In 2001, after the restructuring and reorganization of the company, Li Zhonghe began to engage in the brewing of aromatic Daqu liquor, fig wine, sesame liquor, and solid method Xiaoqu qingxiang liquor. After 2 years of technical research, he solved technical problems, obtained national invention patents, and was rated as "production technology expert" by the company.

In 2017, Li Zhonghe and the scientific researchers and production technology backbone formed the "double glutinous" fragrance liquor technology research team, which lasted more than half a year, successfully developed the "double glutinous" fragrance liquor, so that the company's product quality has been greatly improved, and was rated as the "development direction of Xiaoqu liquor" by the expert group of the Provincial Liquor Research Institute.

"If you choose to make wine, you won't 'mix the days'. When you are an apprentice, you have a mind to learn the technology with the old factory director, and when you are a winemaker, you concentrate on making good wine, and when you become a workshop director, you must impart experience without reservation. Lee Jong-ho said that on his desk, more than 10 notebooks are stacked, which record and organize many detailed production data and other materials.

Today, Li Zhonghe, who is more than half a hundred years old, still shuttles through various production workshops, exchanging experiences, analyzing problems, and discussing craftsmanship, and his enthusiasm for winemaking is still undiminished.

Reporter Station Lan Linqian Zhu Junji Zhang Tiantian Liao Xiaobing Guang'an Daily All-Media Reporter Liu Lihua Text/Photo

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