
Medicinal and food dual-use words gardenia Snow soul ice flower cool air clear antihypertensive diarrhea effect more

author:Longevity extension
Medicinal and food dual-use words gardenia Snow soul ice flower cool air clear antihypertensive diarrhea effect more

"Gardenia blossoms, gardenia blossoms, like crystal waves blooming in my heart sea...", until the peach blossoms, pear blossoms, apricot blossoms and other flowers are thanked, starting in May and June, gardenia flowers bloom slowly, fragrant and elegant, green leaves and white flowers, beautiful and lovely! In traditional Chinese culture, gardenia first entered people's vision because its fruit can be used as a dye, so there is a saying of "gardenia"; later, because it is white and rich, it is recognized by people who love flowers.

The Book of Han once recorded that "Han has gardenia garden" and "Jin has Hualin Garden garden planted gardenia, and now the palaces have autumn gardenia" and other words, which shows that the garden cultivation and use of gardenia in China has a history of more than 2,000 years.

Medicinal and food dual-use words gardenia Snow soul ice flower cool air clear antihypertensive diarrhea effect more

Shen Zhou of the Ming Dynasty described in the "Gardenia Poem": "The snow soul ice flower is cool and clear", which means that it blossoms like snow, and spits out cool breath, which is outstanding.

Gardenia, also known as yellow gardenia, mountain gardenia, red gardenia, etc., is the dried and ripe fruit of the madder family gardenia. The fruit of gardenia is a traditional Chinese medicine in China, which is a rare medicinal and food dual-use flower. Gardenia has the effect of lowering blood pressure, coagulation, diarrhea, accelerating wound healing, etc., and has a certain effect on the treatment of jaundice hepatitis, hypertension, diabetes and other diseases.

Nutritional composition

Medicinal and food dual-use words gardenia Snow soul ice flower cool air clear antihypertensive diarrhea effect more

Gardenia available part is mainly gardenia fruit and gardenia flower, gardenia fruit chemical composition is complex, mainly including tibetan angustins, glycosides and polyphenols, in addition to containing pectin, mannitol and Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and other more than 20 kinds of trace elements; gardenia contains gardenia essential oil, is the main raw material for refining gardenia flavor.


Medicinal and food dual-use words gardenia Snow soul ice flower cool air clear antihypertensive diarrhea effect more

Fire to remove annoyance

Gardenia is aromatic and elegant, cooking and eating can calm the spirit, suitable for people who are disturbed by heat. Usually applicable conditions: external fever, evil depression and anxiety, upset and sleepless, fiery poison, high fever irritability, and even gossip.

Cool blood detoxification

Gardenia can be cooled and detoxified by blood, and is suitable for blood heat toxicity. Usually applicable conditions are: blood fever, blood, vomiting blood, blood in the urine; pharynx swelling, hot poisonous sores, real heat.

Medicinal and food dual-use words gardenia Snow soul ice flower cool air clear antihypertensive diarrhea effect more

Clear moist heat

Gardenia flower can clear damp heat, dehumidify and abstain from irritability, suitable for liver and gallbladder and lower scorched damp heat certificate. It is usually suitable for cases where the liver is hot and humid, irritable, and bitter. Hot and humid jaundice and hot and humid bets, hot and astringent.

Choleretic yellowing

The anthocyanin in gardenia flowers has an increasing effect on human bile secretion and can promote the contraction of the human gallbladder. Reduces bilirubin in the blood and lymph fluid, promotes blood circulation, and allows bilirubin in the blood to be excreted rapidly.

Medicinal and food dual-use words gardenia Snow soul ice flower cool air clear antihypertensive diarrhea effect more

Promotes pancreatic secretion

The desoxygenin in gardenia can promote pancreatic secretion, reduce the effect of amylase, and increase the flow of pancreatic gallbladder. In simple terms, gardenia can promote pancreatic secretion and reduce the occurrence of diabetes.

Antipyretic and effect on microorganisms

Gardenia contains ursolic acid, which is one of the active ingredients for cooling and sedative, so raw gardenia has antipyretic effects.

In addition, gardenia water immersion can inhibit the growth of skin bacteria and has an inhibitory effect on hemolytic streptococcus. In life, the face can be cleansed with water soaking liquid of gardenia, which can inhibit the growth of bacteria on the surface of the skin.


Medicinal and food dual-use words gardenia Snow soul ice flower cool air clear antihypertensive diarrhea effect more

Cold mix gardenia

【Ingredients】Gardenia 500 grams, green onion, ginger shredded each appropriate amount.

【Method】 Wash the gardenia flowers, put them in boiling water, drain the water, let it cool and grab the pine with chopsticks, put it in a white porcelain dish, sprinkle with green onions and ginger shreds, pour sesame oil and vinegar, put salt and monosodium glutamate, and stir well.

【Effect】This dish is fragrant and tender, with the effect of clearing heat and cooling blood, detoxifying and stopping diarrhea. Suitable for lung fever cough, carbuncle swelling, intestinal wind under the blood and other diseases.

Medicinal and food dual-use words gardenia Snow soul ice flower cool air clear antihypertensive diarrhea effect more

Gardenia eggs

【Ingredients】Gardenia flowers 200 grams, 3 eggs, green onion, ginger shredded each appropriate amount.

【Method】 Gardenia flowers to wash, put in boiling water slightly blanched, cut into minced pieces; eggs into a bowl, beat well; put gardenia flowers into eggs, stir well; add oil in the pot, burn until 80% hot, pour gardenia egg flowers, fry, sprinkle with green onions, ginger shreds, salt, monosodium glutamate, stir-fry well.

【Effect】It has the effect of clearing heat and nourishing the stomach, wide intestines and sharp gas, and is suitable for stomach heat and bad breath, swollen gums and pain, poor stool and other diseases.

Medicinal and food dual-use words gardenia Snow soul ice flower cool air clear antihypertensive diarrhea effect more

Gardenia stir-fried small bamboo shoots

【Ingredients】Gardenia 200 grams, shelled bamboo shoots 150 grams, bacon 100 grams, green onion, ginger shredded each appropriate amount.

【Method】 Gardenia flowers to be washed and blanched slightly; small bamboo shoots are cut diagonally into thin slices; bacon is cut into small cubes; add oil to the pot, burn until 60% hot, pour gardenia, small bamboo shoots and bacon into the pot together, stir-fry several times, add green onion, ginger shreds, and then stir-fry until cooked, add MSG and salt.

【Effect】This dish is light and fragrant, crisp and tender, with a healthy spleen and appetizer, clear heat and intestines, suitable for stomach sluggishness, diet reduction, bloating and stool knots and other diseases.


Medicinal and food dual-use words gardenia Snow soul ice flower cool air clear antihypertensive diarrhea effect more

1. Not suitable for people taking gardenia

Gardenia is effective in cases where vomiting blood due to a yang fire is remarkable. But all drugs have two sides, if it is not because of the yang fire and lead to vomiting blood, it is not recommended to take gardenia tea, otherwise it will bring greater harm to the body.

At the same time, if you are not recommended to take gardenia tea because of the false fire, it will make the condition more serious. People need to pay attention to the dosage when taking gardenia daily, excessive consumption will cause nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, dizziness, etc., and people with bad spleen and stomach problems should not use it. Some sensitive people also need to pay attention to use, such as pregnant women, infants and young children still need to listen to the advice of doctors.

2, gardenia is not suitable for long-term and large amounts of consumption

Gardenia is cold and bitter, and has a good health care effect on the heart meridian, the sanjiao meridian and the lung meridian. However, it is because of the cold, so it is not recommended that people take it for a long time or take it in large quantities. Otherwise, diarrhea may occur.