
Drink porridge in the cold, use these 5 ingredients to cook porridge, soft and sweet and warm stomach, especially good for women

author:Kitchens in Amyoya

In late autumn, the temperature difference between day and night increases, the climate is dry, and our bodies are easy to become fragile, so no matter how busy we are, we must eat breakfast, which is good for our health. Late autumn is a particularly suitable for drinking porridge health season, porridge relative to other staple foods, is a very good digestible food, drink bowl of porridge in the morning, both can prevent autumn dryness, but also to supplement the body, at this time the body to raise a good in order to comfortably spend the winter. I recommend to everyone a red bean black rice porridge, the cost is less than 5 yuan, good to drink do not want, this porridge I often cook, it is also very good for girls, good things to share, cherish their own body to spend some time and energy.

Drink porridge in the cold, use these 5 ingredients to cook porridge, soft and sweet and warm stomach, especially good for women

This porridge is particularly rich in ingredients, made up of a mixture of five ingredients, including black rice, red peanuts, red beans, dates, and oats, which are very healthy and healthy ingredients. And the use of black rice instead of white rice has a better tonic effect, black rice is a kind of medicine, food and rice, containing manganese, zinc, copper and other inorganic salts are mostly 1 to 3 times higher than rice, known as "gong rice", "medicine rice", "longevity rice" reputation. When there is nothing to drink, you can make black rice porridge to drink, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that your face is getting better and better, the whole person is in good spirits, below I will share the practice of red bean peanut black rice porridge to everyone, insist on drinking will see the effect.

Drink porridge in the cold, use these 5 ingredients to cook porridge, soft and sweet and warm stomach, especially good for women

Red bean peanut black rice porridge

【Ingredients】: 40 grams of black rice, 30 grams of oat rice, 30 grams of red beans, 8 red dates, 20 grams of peanuts, the ratio between red beans, peanuts and black rice is not so strict, which one you like can put a little more.

Drink porridge in the cold, use these 5 ingredients to cook porridge, soft and sweet and warm stomach, especially good for women

【Method】: 1, soak black rice, oat rice, red beans, peanuts, etc. for half an hour in advance, do not pour out the soaked water, and cook the water with the rice to preserve the nutrients. Soaking this step must not be saved Oh, many people directly under the pot to cook, the taste is naturally discounted.

Drink porridge in the cold, use these 5 ingredients to cook porridge, soft and sweet and warm stomach, especially good for women

2, the soaked red skin peanuts, red beans, red dates, oat rice and black rice into the soup pot; peanuts to choose red skin peanuts, the nutritional value is relatively high; in the process of soaking, the water will become light red, which is the color of the peanut skin dissolved in water, which is a normal phenomenon.

Drink porridge in the cold, use these 5 ingredients to cook porridge, soft and sweet and warm stomach, especially good for women

3, add the right amount of water, each population has different preferences, the amount of water looks added, like to eat a little thicker to add less water, like to drink a little thinner on the add more water, close the lid, boil on high heat and then turn to low heat to cook for 1 and a half hours;

Drink porridge in the cold, use these 5 ingredients to cook porridge, soft and sweet and warm stomach, especially good for women

4, finally add rock sugar or brown sugar stirred, the amount to see how sweet you like;

Drink porridge in the cold, use these 5 ingredients to cook porridge, soft and sweet and warm stomach, especially good for women

Fragrant red bean peanut black rice porridge is ready. In late autumn, drinking porridge is the most nourishing, so it is accompanied by super fragrant, hot to eat into the stomach warm, super nutritious breakfast!

Drink porridge in the cold, use these 5 ingredients to cook porridge, soft and sweet and warm stomach, especially good for women


1, all kinds of beans, especially black rice grains have a layer of hard seed coat wrapped on the outside, not easy to cook rotten, so black rice should be soaked and then cooked.

2, each population has different preferences, the amount of water looks added, like to eat a little thicker to add less water, like to drink a little thinner to add more water.

3, if it is a rice cooker or electric pressure cooker to do more convenient, as long as the materials are put before going to bed at night, the appointment time, as long as you add some sugar in the morning, you can eat, very convenient.