
India now has a golden "golden turtle", there are only 5 in the world, what species is it?

author:The world's unsolved mysteries and anecdotes

The earth is so big that there are no surprises! The turtle is believed to have been seen by everyone, but have you ever seen a golden turtle? According to the Indian Forestry Department, they have found two golden-colored turtles in just 3 months, what species is this golden turtle, is it a genetic mutation, or is it a hybrid of species in nature?

India now has a golden "golden turtle", there are only 5 in the world, what species is it?

According to foreign media reports, the golden turtle was found by a fisherman in Barasol, India, on July 19. When he saw the turtle, his head and limbs were shrunk into the shell, and it was golden under the sun, and the fishermen thought they had seen a large piece of gold? Because this golden turtle is particularly golden in color, and the whole body is golden. Many local people learned of this news and said that they had never seen such a turtle. The fisherman also joked that although it is not the gold originally thought, the turtle represents longevity and good luck, and it is such a rare golden turtle that it is believed that its appearance will bring good luck to itself.

India now has a golden "golden turtle", there are only 5 in the world, what species is it?

Although the fisherman liked the golden turtle, he handed it over to the forestry department. Experts in the forestry department were shocked to see it at the time, because this golden turtle is very rare, and according to the current discovery, there are only a few in the world.

What exactly is the "Golden Turtle"?

When people ask what kind of turtle this golden turtle is? Experts say the golden turtle is most likely an albino Brazilian turtle or a golden Brazilian turtle. If it is an albino turtle, as the name suggests, it is suffering from an albinism that causes genes in the body to fail to produce melanin, which causes its appearance to change color. The disease is not only found in humans, but also in animals.

India now has a golden "golden turtle", there are only 5 in the world, what species is it?

In addition to the albino turtle, there is also a possibility that it was originally a golden Brazilian turtle. The golden Brazilian tortoise belongs to a species of Brazilian turtle native to the Americas, and its medicinal and ornamental value is high. As for which variety it is, experts say it will have to be studied in detail before a conclusion can be reached.

India now has a golden "golden turtle", there are only 5 in the world, what species is it?

Golden turtle was found for the second time in 2020

According to zoologist Camar de Vocotta, golden turtles are extremely rare, and only five have been found in the world so far. The golden turtle found in India this time is the fifth, and it is also the second time this year that the golden turtle has been found. The first discovery this year was made only in Nepal. And this golden turtle should be precise, it belongs to a genus of North Indian box turtles. In general, their color is due to a rare genetic mutation that alters the pigmentation in the body.

India now has a golden "golden turtle", there are only 5 in the world, what species is it?

The North Indian box turtle is a species of fish turtle that belongs to the oviparous amphibian reptile. They have the same habits as turtles. Therefore, some fishermen find it and make it into a precious delicacy on the table. But this kind of "golden turtle" is not something that anyone can encounter, and it takes "special luck" to meet it once.

There are many species of "golden turtles", mainly living in South Asia. It is brown in itself, but due to environmental changes, genes can easily change, causing its appearance to turn yellow spots, or its head or other parts to become golden yellow. Even the whole body is golden yellow. But the latter is extremely rare and has a particularly low probability of occurrence. There is also a special case that it will not only turn yellow, but also may become red, that is, the red turtle in people's eyes.

India now has a golden "golden turtle", there are only 5 in the world, what species is it?

The world's longest-lived turtle, "extinct" reappears a hundred years later

If there is one of the longest-lived turtles in the world, it is called the Galapagos tortoise on Fernandina Island. When people thought it had disappeared from Earth 100 years ago, a joint expedition found its tracks on the ecuadorian island of Fernandina.

India now has a golden "golden turtle", there are only 5 in the world, what species is it?

According to biologists, the Galapagos tortoise is the largest land turtle in the world. They are distributed on 9 small islands in the Galapagos Islands, so there are 9 varieties in total. They like to eat cacti and fruits, like leaves, grass, pineapples, etc. are its favorites. They do not like to live in water, but prefer to survive in arid environments. Due to its large size, it is also unusually slow to move, and can only walk 260 meters per hour. It looks like the gait of a centenarian.

India now has a golden "golden turtle", there are only 5 in the world, what species is it?

Galapagos tortoises are 1.2 meters long and the largest males weigh more than 320 kilograms. Life expectancy is up to more than 200 years. But they live in the volcanic island area, where conditions are so harsh that scientists have long thought it is long gone extinct, and they can't imagine that it will be found again for a long time. It really makes the experts happy. Its emergence has once again subverted our understanding of the "viability" of life, and the general species disappears and disappears, and rarely reappears after extinction. So far, scientists have not been able to determine what caused it to survive, but its existence is a miracle in the biological world.

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