
Feihe, Junlebao, Haipu Nuokai: 20 milk powder zinc content, is your baby's intake enough?

author:Milk Powder Think Tank

As the flower of life and the source of intelligence, zinc plays an irreplaceable role in the growth and development of babies. Zinc in the body is mainly excreted by the intestines, followed by urine and sweat. If you have frequent diarrhea and vomiting, your baby is more likely to be deficient in zinc. Coupled with the large amount of sweating in the summer, zinc is more likely to be lost, so in the summer, everyone is saying that they should give the baby more zinc supplementation.

In this regard, the recommended amount of zinc for infants and young children in the 2013 edition of the "Reference Intake of Dietary Nutrients for Chinese Residents" is: 0-6 months old AI (appropriate intake) is 2.0mg/day, 6-12 months old AI is 3.5mg/day, and 1-3 years old AI is 4.0mg/day. As the age increases, your baby's need for zinc continues to rise. If not replenished in time, zinc deficiency is prone.

Feihe, Junlebao, Haipu Nuokai: 20 milk powder zinc content, is your baby's intake enough?

Breastfeeding baby, mothers need to eat more zinc-rich food; no breast milk baby, milk powder as the best breast milk substitute, although zinc is an essential ingredient, but its content and absorption is still a topic of great concern to the mother, today Xiaobian sorted out the 20 mainstream milk powder on the market zinc related information, let's take a look at it!

Zinc exposure of 20 milk powders

Which milk powders are richer in zinc?

The following are the contents and types of zinc in the 3 stages of 20 common milk powders:

Feihe, Junlebao, Haipu Nuokai: 20 milk powder zinc content, is your baby's intake enough?

The following is analyzed from the two aspects of zinc content and zinc type.

Zinc content:

The current national standard GB10767-2010 "National Standard for Food Safety For Infants and Infant Formulas" stipulates that the content of zinc in the 3 stages of infant formula milk powder is 0.1 ~ 0.3 mg / 100kj; the new national standard GB10767-2021 "Food Safety National Standard Infant Formula Food" stipulates that the content of zinc in the 3 stages of young children's formula milk powder is 0.10 ~ 0.31 mg / 100 kj. The zinc content of the above 20 products not only meets the current national standard, but also meets the new national standard.

Among them, the addition amount of Yipin Ai nike, Wyeth Blue Diamond Qifu and Rui Nu En Jing Po was the highest among the 20 milk powders, at 0.21mg/100kj, followed by Feihe Xing Feifan, Meisia, Gao Peidi Weien, Mead Johnson Lan zhen, a2 to chu, Nurui Zirun, MaiKom Lexiang, Xi'an Zhi Hengyue, 0.20mg/100kj.

Zinc Type:

The types of zinc are mainly divided into organic zinc and inorganic zinc. Inorganic zinc is represented by zinc sulfate, while zinc lactate belongs to organic zinc. The Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene found that zinc sulfate and zinc lactate were similar in absorption rates of 19.78% and 26.53%, respectively, at an interval of 4 hours, and 38.01% and 38.91% at 8 hours, respectively[1]. Eventually, the absorption rate of zinc sulfate and zinc lactate is not much different, but the absorption rate of zinc sulfate is slower.

The common zinc in milk powder is zinc sulfate, and there are also zinc lactate added to milk powder. The above table shows that 17 of the 20 milk powders have added zinc sulfate and 3 models of added zinc lactate (Eubramu, Mesythia, Uberparex).

Under normal circumstances, breastfed children are not prone to zinc deficiency; milk powder-fed children, after one year of age, should ensure 500ml of milk, the baby can take in zinc from formula milk every day at about 1.48mg ~ 4.45mg, under reasonable diet, it is not easy to lack. However, after ingesting zinc foods, we should also consider absorption and utilization, let's take a look at what methods are used to promote zinc absorption.

Promotes zinc absorption

The following 2 points need to be noted

Nutrition and Food Hygiene: There are two main factors that affect zinc absorption: body factors and dietary factors [2].

Body factors:

(1) Increased absorption of zinc during special physiological stages, such as pregnancy and lactation;

(2) Disease states lead to decreased absorption and utilization of the body, such as malabsorption disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, chronic liver and kidney diseases, anemia, malignant tumors and other disease states.

Therefore, in special periods, we must pay attention to the intake of zinc.

Dietary factors:

(1) Insufficient dietary intake, such as bad eating habits: picky eating, partial eating;

(2) Histidine, methionine, cysteine, vitamin D3, glucose can promote the absorption of zinc;

(3) Dietary fiber, phytic acid (rhizome vegetables) can reduce the absorption of zinc;

(4) Copper, calcium and ferrous ions can inhibit the absorption of zinc;

(5) The bioavailability of zinc in animal foods is high.

Therefore, in daily life, even if you eat milk powder, you must pay attention to the balance of the diet. How to judge the baby's zinc deficiency and what are the ways to supplement it? Let's take a look!

There are 3 methods to judge zinc deficiency + 2 methods of zinc supplementation

Hurry up and collect!

First of all, to determine whether the baby is really zinc deficient, try to combine the following 3 points to see [3]:

Feihe, Junlebao, Haipu Nuokai: 20 milk powder zinc content, is your baby's intake enough?

(1) Diet. If the baby is partial to food, usually rarely eat foods with high zinc content, such as seafood, meat, soy products and dairy products, etc., zinc deficiency may occur;

(2) Look at the level of zinc in the body from the biochemical indicators. Note: Decreased taste sensitivity is an early symptom of zinc deficiency and can be used as a reference for judging an individual's zinc nutritional status. The results are subject to regular hospital testing;

(3) Look at the comprehensive signs. For example, do not want to eat, easy to get sick, diarrhea, mouth ulcers, wounds do not heal for a long time, hair is easy to break, love to bite fingers and so on.

However, it should be reminded that the above symptoms are not unique to zinc deficiency, and it is necessary to combine various situations to determine whether the child is zinc deficient.

If you confirm that your baby is really zinc deficient, you can start with 2 aspects: zinc supplements and diet. Bao Ma tried not to add zinc preparations such as flavors, sweeteners, artificial colors, preservatives, etc. In addition, pay attention to 3 points: (1) when supplementing zinc, try not to eat with foods rich in dietary fiber (whole grains, fruits, vegetables); (2) try to choose zinc preparations with glucose as an excipient; (3) zinc supplementation through zinc preparations alone, not more than 1 month. If you choose a dietary supplement, here are 42 foods that are rich in zinc.

Feihe, Junlebao, Haipu Nuokai: 20 milk powder zinc content, is your baby's intake enough?

The following zinc supplement recipes are recommended for everyone: clam millet knotty noodles, sea oyster tofu soup, delicious mushroom clam soup, etc.

Finally, remind the mothers that if the baby is prone to sweating, diarrhea, vomiting, and has been in a second-hand smoke environment for many years, the mother needs to pay attention to whether the baby is zinc deficient. Once there are symptoms, it is recommended to go to the hospital for formal biochemical examinations, and then reasonably supplement zinc.

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