
"Kong Nanzong Literature Series": A comprehensive introduction to the academic achievements of Kong's Nanzong cultural circle

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Gao Dan

On May 20th, the new book release of the "Confucius Nanzong Literature Series" and the Nankong Culture Seminar were held in Beijing, which was sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Quzhou Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Quzhou Municipal Federation of Social Sciences, Quzhou College, and the National Library Press.

"Kong Nanzong Literature Series": A comprehensive introduction to the academic achievements of Kong's Nanzong cultural circle

Book Shadow

"Kong Nanzong Literature Series" is a series of literature compiled by Professor Wu Xibiao, director of the Kong Nanzong Cultural Research Center of Quzhou University, with the writings of The Southern Sect of Quzhou and other related works as the object of the compilation, including more than 40 kinds of various works from the Southern Song Dynasty to the Republic of China, a total of 48 volumes, including 41 kinds of writings of the Southern Clan of Kong and 2 kinds of writings of the Southern Sect of Kong. Among them, there are many Song editions, banned books, manuscript manuscripts, and overseas orphans, covering a wide range of fields such as politics, history, literature, art, medicine, arithmetic, golden stones, riddles, especially Confucius Confucianism, Confucius and confucianism.

The compilation and publication of the "Confucius Nanzong Literature Series" is a systematic collection, collation and compilation of the Confucius Nanzong literature after Shen Jie, the prefect of Quzhou in the Ming Dynasty, compiled and compiled the "Records of the Confucius Family Temple".

"Kong Nanzong Literature Series": A comprehensive introduction to the academic achievements of Kong's Nanzong cultural circle

Inner page

Regarding the Southern Clan of kong, the publisher of this series of books introduced that in the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty, Confucius's 48th eldest grandson and Yan sheng gong Kong Duanyou led some clan members to live in Quzhou, Zhejiang Province, and rebuild the Zongmiao Temple. In the nearly 900-year history since then, the descendants of Confucius have derived many tribes in the vast area of the south, and gradually formed a special clan composed of descendants of Confucius, with the Quzhou Kong family temple as an important material relic, the Quzhou Kong family as the core, and the tribes spread throughout the Jiangnan region. The Southern Sect of Kong has a special status and influence in the Kong clan, and famous scholars such as Hu Han in the Ming Dynasty and Wei Xi in the Qing Dynasty regard it as the "Great Emperor of kong". The Southern Clan of Kong played an important role in the development of the region politically, educationally and culturally.

According to the statistics of the Quzhou Nanzong section of the "Confucius Family Art and Literature Chronicle", there are nearly a hundred kinds of works passed down or not passed down, and the "Series of Books" selects some of its existing works to be compiled for an overview and concentrated display.

"Kong Nanzong Literature Series": A comprehensive introduction to the academic achievements of Kong's Nanzong cultural circle

The Paper has learned that the ancient writings included in the "Nanzong Literature Series of Kong's Nanzong" include two volumes of Song Kong's "Miscellaneous Records of the Eastern Family" and thirty volumes of "Six Thesis of Kong's Family"; the descendants of Kong's descendants and Bai Juyi's "Six Posts" jointly compiled "Tang song and Song Bai Kong Six Posts" of 100 volumes; Ming Kong Zhenyun's "Imperial Edict System", eight volumes of "MingGuangzong Shilu", eight volumes of "MingGuangzong Shilu", five volumes of "Jingshi Cao", Kong Zhenshi's "Collection of Writings in Luzhai", eight volumes of Kong Ding's "Kaiyuan Anthology"; five volumes of Qing Kong Yuqiong's "Kong Yingshang Anthology", and Kong Yugong's "Kong Wei Narrative Collection" Six volumes, one volume of Kong Chuansheng's "Mengsongju Poetry Strategy", Kong Chuanzeng's "Provincial Poetry Notes" without dividing volumes, Kong Guangfu's "Record of Yifang Poems" twelve volumes, Kong Xiancai's "Sungai Poetry Collection" twenty-two volumes, Kong Jiyao's "Lotus Township Inscription Paintings Even Exist" one volume, Kong Xianjiao's "Saving the Wasteland and Changing and Being Framed at the End of the Book", Kong Qingrong's "Heart Yearning for The Riddle of the Heart", Kong Xianchang co-authored "Detailed Grass on Mathematics of Pen Arithmetic", and Qing Kong Yansu and other "Yanping Fu Zhi" twenty-two volumes, Kong Xingzhe, Kong Yanqiao's "Xingguo County Chronicle" twenty-six volumes, Kong Chuansheng and other "Taiping County Chronicles" Twelve volumes, Kong Chuanqing et al. "Dingyuan County Chronicle" twelve volumes, Kong Guangcong and other "Shaanzhou Zhili Prefecture Chronicle" fifteen volumes, kong Yuli medical books, Kong Jiyao drawing collections of many volumes, Kong Zhaohui, Kong Zhaomian, Kong Xianjiao, Kong Qingyun, Kong Qingchen Zhugong volumes, and so on. Ming Shenjie's "Records of the Temple of the Kong Family in Sanqu" and Xu Yingpu's "Examination of the Southern Sect of Kong" of the Republic of China are both important books of the Southern Sect, so they are selected together.

"Kong Nanzong Literature Series": A comprehensive introduction to the academic achievements of Kong's Nanzong cultural circle

In addition, in order to strengthen the academic and introductory functions of the "Series of Books", each book received has written a "Synopsis" to describe the author's zigzag, shici, branch, kedi, fengzhi, shi calendar, and the content outline, value, edition characteristics, historical bibliography and collection information of the book, and there are summary texts before the crown, listing its lost works, such as Kong Yuanlong's "Analects of the Analects", "Keshan Lecture Notes", "Susi Dialectology" (compiled with his brother), Kong Gong's "Xijing", Kong Xuan's "Chief Turtle of Officials", and Kong Chuan's "Suxi Collection", Kong Duanwen's "Suxi Collection". Yizhou Collection", Kong Pu's "Jing Cong Collection", Kong Yuanlong's "Lu Qiao Collection", Kong Su's "Chengzhai Collection", Kong Gong's "Xishan Caotang Collection", "Village Residence Miscellaneous Poems", Kong Jin's "Lulin Collection", Kong Tao's "Storing Zhai Manuscript" and so on.

At the event on May 20, Wei Chong, President of the National Library Press, and Liu Zhanghua, Chairman of the Quzhou Federation of Social Science Circles, delivered speeches, Professor Wu Xibiao, editor-in-chief of the book and Professor of Quzhou University, introduced the book collation, and Zhang Huixia, the editor-in-charge of the book and the major project editorial office of the National Library Press, introduced the book publishing. Zhou Zhaozhong, member of the Party Committee and vice president of Quzhou University, presided over the book launch, and Professor Fan Lizhou, vice dean of the National College of Hangzhou Normal University, presided over the seminar.

In his speech, Wei Chong said that the Confucius family is a rare "literature family" in the country, and its writings last for a long time and involve a wide range. Confucius literature is a representative of China's excellent traditional culture, and the writings of Confucius Nanzong are an important part of the writings of Confucius. Guotu Publishing House attaches great importance to the project of "Kong's Nanzong Literature Series", organizes an excellent editorial team, starting from the improvement of the selection of items, the bottom of the organization, the photography and retouching, the review of the summary, the binding design, the printing and other details, grasps the progress and quality, and successfully completes the publishing task through the unremitting efforts of the editorial office.

In his speech, Liu Zhanghua pointed out that Quzhou is a famous historical and cultural city of the country, a hereditary residence and second hometown of the descendants of the sage Confucius, and is known as the "holy land of Queli in the southeast and the holy land of Nankong". The "Confucius Nanzong Literature Series" provides a new starting point and important literature for further research on The Culture of Nankong.

Following confucius's moral teachings, Emperor Nanzong of Kong passed down his family poetry and books, and in the 820 years from the beginning of the Southern Song Dynasty to the Republic of China period, he has written and written a wealth of literature. According to the existing historical data, there are more than 50 people who have written about Kong Nanzong, and more than 100 kinds of writings are found in the bibliographers (excluding genealogies, genealogies, genealogies, genealogies, ancestral genealogies, genealogies, and other documents), and are also involved in the classics, histories, sub-books, and collections. However, due to the formation in a special historical period, and the long-term status of the commoners, coupled with the large number of tribes and wide distribution, the distribution of the Southern Sect of Kong's literature is quite serious, and there are only more than 40 kinds of surviving people. At the same time, the existing data are extremely scattered, which seriously restricts the in-depth promotion of the research work of Kong Nanzong. In view of this, the Kong Nanzong Cultural Research Center of Quzhou University began to systematically collect and collate the Literature of Kong Nanzong in 2016.

Participating scholars generally believe that the collection, collation, compilation and publication of Kong Nanzong documents, on the one hand, have the role of rescue preservation of ancient books, on the other hand, have cultural significance and social function, not only clarify the internal development context and mechanism of Kong Nanzong, will promote the in-depth development of Kong Nanzong research, but also play an important role in promoting the combing of Jiangnan scholarship, the study of Zhejiang studies, the study of clan history and social history.

Editor-in-Charge: Liang Jia

Proofreader: Ding Xiao