
"Yanzhao Liantan" Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao Fenghua Yanglian competition winning results announced 【Competition revealed】 Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao FenghuaYaolian competition winning results announced first prize (2 winners) second prize (4 winners) third prize (6 winners) Excellence Award (60 winners)

author:Lin looks at the clouds

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" >【Event Announced】Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao Fenghualian competition winning results were announced</h1>

"Yanzhao Liantan" Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao Fenghua Yanglian competition winning results announced 【Competition revealed】 Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao FenghuaYaolian competition winning results announced first prize (2 winners) second prize (4 winners) third prize (6 winners) Excellence Award (60 winners)
"Yanzhao Liantan" Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao Fenghua Yanglian competition winning results announced 【Competition revealed】 Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao FenghuaYaolian competition winning results announced first prize (2 winners) second prize (4 winners) third prize (6 winners) Excellence Award (60 winners)

In the Northern Song Dynasty's great scholar Su Dongpo's "Yongding Porcelain", there was a sentence "Lugong Sencha Learning Western Shu, Dingzhou Flower Porcelain Red Jade", although there are many opinions about the annotation of "Zhen Hongyu", but it can be seen that the scholar class praised and favored the Ding kiln in this period. At the same time, because it is widely sold in the world, it was known as "the first porcelain in the world" in the Song Dynasty.

Ding porcelain was originally a folk kiln, and its ruins are located in quyang county, Hebei Province, because it was once under the jurisdiction of Dingzhou, so it was called Dingyao. Ding porcelain firing began in the Tang Dynasty, flourished in the Northern Song Dynasty, lost in the Yuan, together with Ru, Jun, Guan, Ge kiln, known as China's Song Dynasty five famous kilns. After nearly a thousand years,

It has been lost several times. Under the repeated exploration and excavation of the older generation of artists of Chen's Ding Porcelain and the innovative development of the second generation of inheritors, the Ding Porcelain that was only enshrined in the temple a thousand years ago has now returned to the human world and is filled with the fireworks of the people.

"White as jade, thin as paper, sound as a chime" is the label of fixed porcelain, as the only kiln mouth of the five famous kilns to fire white porcelain, known for decoration. Ding porcelain is not rare or gorgeous glaze color, with its unique color and glaze technique, raw and spicy and handmade taste to form a sharp and solemn style, its implied bright temperament, obviously different from other ceramic types, fixed porcelain tire quality is firm, delicate, transparent glaze color, soft and comparable to jade. Suiyuan Dynasty Liu Qi's "Gui Qianzhi" Zeng Yun, "Dingzhou flower porcelain Ou, the color of the world is white".

The kiln was created and burned in the Tang Dynasty and flourished in the Northern Song Dynasty. In the middle and late Period of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Kiln began to burn court porcelain, its enamel was lustrous, the color was mild like ivory carving, and the ornament layout was rigorous, the lines were clear, and the layers were clear.

During the Yuan Dynasty, due to the frequent wars in the area where the kiln was located, the craftsmen moved south, the lack of information, the loss of craftsmanship and many other factors, the kiln with a history of firing for 600 to 700 years was interrupted, and the kiln fire was interrupted until it stopped burning...

In 1978, chen Wenzeng, who was 24 years old at the time, entered the Baoding District Arts and Crafts Porcelain Factory and became an ordinary porcelain worker. In the factory, Chen Wenzeng met two other people of the "Three Masters of Modern Ding Porcelain", Lin Zhanxian and He Huan.

At that time, Hebei Province was preparing to restore the firing technique of fixed porcelain. In that year, Quyang formally established the Ding porcelain experimental group, and now the well-known "Three Masters of Ding Porcelain" - Chen Wenzeng, Lin Zhanxian, and He Huan are the core members of the group.

Due to the loss of generations, there are only a few words in the literature on the production process of fixed porcelain in history. After repeated experimentation, exploration, learning porcelain-making technology in many places, consulting experts at the Palace Museum, and finally making progress in materials, pulling blanks, sharp blanks, carving flowers, glazing, firing, etc. One by one - progress, gradually, the porcelain carved flowers they fired became more and more fluent, the tire body was thin and transparent, and the color was warm as ivory. In 2008, the "Porcelain Firing Technique" was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage. At this point, the aesthetics of the Song people of a thousand years ago finally bloomed in their hands.

"Yanzhao Liantan" Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao Fenghua Yanglian competition winning results announced 【Competition revealed】 Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao FenghuaYaolian competition winning results announced first prize (2 winners) second prize (4 winners) third prize (6 winners) Excellence Award (60 winners)

Hebei Province "Ding Porcelain Cup" Yan Zhao FengHua Lian Competition selection results were announced

In order to carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, on the eve of the National Day in 2021, the Hebei Provincial Yuelian Society held the "Ding Porcelain Cup" Cup Yan Zhao FengHualian Competition Collection Activity. The event will be held from August 1 to September 5, 2021, through the release of call for papers in many media across the country, the majority of Yuelian enthusiasts across the country actively participated, and a total of more than 600 works of The Association were collected. After anonymous voting and evaluation by the evaluation committee, 2 first prizes, 4 second prizes, 6 third prizes and 60 excellent awards were selected. It was announced on the day of the release of this public account, thank you for your support and participation.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="14" > first prize (2 winners).</h1>

Xie Dan Zhongshan, Guangdong

Fixed porcelain

The jade embryo is the weather of the Song and Tang Dynasties, the flood furnace is transformed, and the sound of the Waves of the Bohai Sea is buckled back, and the Moze is too cold and snowy;

Hao Lu contains Yan Zhao Fenghua, generous and singing, the national instrument is quenched by the blade, and the ice heart has not been sharpened.

Zhang Lu Shanxi

Yan Zhao Ding porcelain

The beauty of the heavens and the earth is perfect, the truth of the long river, and the beauty of the Lingyue Qingxiong;

A touch of time and space will set the wind, Li Taibai Qingjiang moonlight, Su Zizhan Chibi wave light.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="25" > second prize (4 winners).</h1>

Huang Liting Quanzhou, Fujian

The wind and snow moon in the porcelain

Bright moon building head, thin wine warm half a pot, then fell into the world of warblers;

Outside the plum sill, the floating incense collects a lamp, and sits and forgets the smoke and rain Penglai.

Xie Peng lord Hunan

Titled Porcelain Wine Ou

Bai Yi asked Yue Yingbo;

Qing good to find plum drink too line.

Liu Qianyu Guangdong

Yun Yongxin wrote in the ancient and modern times, plucking the soil to describe the qiankun, scorching rain and stringing outside the glaze;

Divine carving technique melts the endless smoke waves of Yan Zhao, flowing gold noisily day and night, listening to the flowers stacked to the clouds.

Yi Shanyue Dongguan, Guangdong

Strange clay can be molded, skillful craftsmanship, 1200 degrees of high temperature, refining like the heart of the finalizer;

Drinking old wine, tasting new columns, thirty or forty thousand elegant meetings, walking like my way does not follow the flow.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="44" > third prize (6 winners).</h1>

Wang Naiqian, Tangshan, Hebei

Title Heng shui old white dry

Wine into Yan Zhao, famous ancient and modern, tincture forgetting the form, from the unashamed hundred generations of inheritance, a thousand statues dripping;

Taste the heart, the incense haunts the heart, the leisurely place, the sincere living up to the sun and the moon in the pot, drunk in the dry.

Yan Jinhui Hengshui, Hebei

Titled the art of porcelain making

Pulling the billet to follow the ancient method, carving the soul with a blade, following a vein to convey the gods, hand-in-hand Lotus Fang Concubine Gui;

Creativity is poetry, melting emotion and driving ink, opening a triplet, Chen Ru Pang Jun's ingenuity.

Huafang Shaanxi

Titled porcelain

Small prints and circles, with moon smoke, a piece of ice crisp to the bone;

Idle chanting and clear rhyme, stopping clouds and snow, semi-regular jade color self-flowing incense.

Yang Xiaoyan Liaoning

Beautiful and dust-free, with tangled branches and flowers in the glaze;

The heart is like jade, and the moon in the porcelain is exquisite.

Guo Yanfen Langfang, Hebei

The tire is like a thin paper, Yan is like a jade run, Yan Zhao has material, in order to cause this;

On the mouth, the tear stains scattered outside, the Song and Tang stunts, can not be followed?

Lin Weiting Shanghai

Titled Wuqiang woodblock prints

Dots such as jade butterflies, threads as silver hooks, plates leave ten fingers of earthy mud;

The roots are in Wuqiang, the name chuanchi County, painting overflowing the thousand-year-old Yan Zhao Feng.

"Yanzhao Liantan" Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao Fenghua Yanglian competition winning results announced 【Competition revealed】 Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao FenghuaYaolian competition winning results announced first prize (2 winners) second prize (4 winners) third prize (6 winners) Excellence Award (60 winners)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="74" > Excellence Award (60 winners</h1>).

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Lin Mingyuan Fujian

White as jade, sound like a rock, fine color gold edge of the temperament;

The mud has a spirit, the fire is uncertain, and the ripple glaze is magnificent.

Lin Meijuan Fujian

Qianzai Zhi Sanjie;

Katsuyuki two points crown five kilns.

Wang Yan, Yangjiang, Guangdong

From ancient times, I want to be born in the Tang, sheng in the Song, absolutely in the Yuan, chasing dreams with the Qing banner, and fixing the porcelain Zhuoer Kai Jiajing;

Moving towards the high-end, sighing white as jade, thin as yarn, sound like a chime, borrowing some soil into gold, the style is still a world heritage.

Wang Lijun, Handan, Hebei

Zhuoran porcelain bone jade soul, Pi Yun Dacheng, Mei price Jun Brother Guan Ru;

Geng Yan Tang kiln Song Huo, revival of Beiding, meritorious Pang Lin and Chen.

Mao Xiuyan Yangxi, Guangdong

Turn the soil into gold, and vow to turn a kiln into pearl jade;

Cut the clouds and snow, dare to shine with both hands.

Zhang Jiehua Chengde, Hebei Province

Millennium National Essence;

A pint of porcelain.

Zhang Ying, Shijiazhuang, Hebei

Title porcelain firing techniques

Through the millennium with a piece of feather, the wind and rain have several vicissitudes, and the purple flame aura is condensed white;

The new mud Nirvana Flame, the glory of the heavy finger Gu, Tang Zhen Song Wei into Zhen Tao.

Song Qiankun, Zhoukou, Henan

Porcelain craftsmanship

Reborn mud whisker fire;

Go to the old and save the new.

Li Lai is in Henan

Chen's ding kiln

Zhao Xiongfeng of Gengyan, kiln divided into Northern Song Dynasty thousand years of fire;

Xingtao Jun's great cause, the first class of the Orient.

Zhao Ruigang Cangzhou, Hebei

Lian Yong Hebei Opera

The talented lady knows the illusion of dreams, but she is intoxicated by his gongs and drums a few times, and whispers a few words;

Yanfeng Zhao Yun sent homesickness, so as to arrange this ancient and modern song, the water and soil side.

He Zhiyong Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Bamboo silk interspersed with lotus patterns, in harmony with Ruguan Gejun Qide;

The instrument is not forgotten, and the whole wood, water, fire and earth are used as merits.

Note: The previous sentence refers to the dingyao bamboo silk brush and lotus petal pattern, and the upper two transformations are easy to pass on. The next Zhou Yi, the next two transformations from the left transmission, said that porcelain into the sum of wood, water, fire and earth.

Chen Zhixin Hebei Paddock

A Tao Zengshe White;

The eyes are red.

Liu Baohua Liaocheng, Shandong

Inscribed with the Fragrant River Meatloaf

Long charm, a hundred years to live up to the reputation of Jingdong;

The mind is intoxicated, and a cake is enough to forget the world's treasures.

Xiao Jiansheng Jinggangshan, Jiangxi

In the beginning of Tang Zhao, song Shengxing, skillful art to win the heavenly work, Yibai once taught a thousand colors;

The first over-firing, unique long decoration, refined hongguo essence, big red followed by the five kiln spring.

Li Xiuying Huai'an, Hebei

Inscribed kiln white porcelain

The porcelain pieces have gone through vicissitudes, and after many returns to the flames and ashes, they still have innocent bones;

The famous kiln is thick and heavy, resounding for eight hundred years of Song and Tang Dynasty afterglow, and the golden sound of Yu Zhenyu.

Qin Dongfeng, Xianyang, Shaanxi

Where to find Yan Zhao Fenghua, look at the bowl flying silver phoenix, the cup reflects the moonlight, the cloud with the golden dragon to draw candles,

Dingzhou jade color is here today, reopen the dust seal, retrieve the memory, spring flowers and rain scatter mud incense.

Huang Qingping, Huizhou, Guangdong

Shen Yun Tiangong, Embryo Sutra Samadhi Fire;

Ice soul snow, porcelain collar Kyushu tide.

Jia Pengfei, Handan, Hebei


Over-firing technique;

Chiaki Hiteru.

Yu Feng, Hebei Botou

The white body condenses the Tang style and Song Yun, the skin is like mutton fat, and the product is like honey wax;

Yan Zhao marrow nourished the embryo glaze type, and as soon as it was thrown into the fire, it was out of the ordinary dust.

Zhao Meixin Bengbu, Anhui

The process is extremely complex, the texture is fine and glazed, and the white is as thin as paper;

The shape is incomparably beautiful, the spirit is full of rhyme, and the sound is like a bell.

"Yanzhao Liantan" Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao Fenghua Yanglian competition winning results announced 【Competition revealed】 Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao FenghuaYaolian competition winning results announced first prize (2 winners) second prize (4 winners) third prize (6 winners) Excellence Award (60 winners)

Zhong Yu Ganzhou, Jiangxi

Kiln fire forging spirit, watery moon exquisite, chrysanthemum elegance;

Ding porcelain is shaped, the temperament of Gem Qiong is present, and the style of Yan Zhao is gorgeous.

Lei Xiuchun Chongqing

Song and Tang dynasties have set a high standard, three stunts to promote the bloom of porcelain flowers, its white like jade, thin as paper, sound like a chime;

Yan Zhao still passes on ancient arts, and the ingenuity of the people is colorful, reflecting the nostalgia of the past, Su Zi poems, and intangible cultural heritage.

Note: Three special skills: refers to the immersion method, fire illumination technique, and over-burning method. Su Zishi: Lugong Sencha Learning Western Shu, Dingzhou Flower Porcelain Red Jade.

Wu Jinwen Anhui

Born from the fire, with a snow and ice soul, there must be a product;

And mud to make, condensed swallow wind Zhao Yun, porcelain real no hua.

From Bingshan, Handan, Hebei

Eight hundred years of rekindling the fire, try the jade long seal Hengyue soil;

The brilliant reappearance of the great power, Seiko shows the craftsmanship.

Zhuang Detong Jiangsu

Ding porcelain male Quyang, clever hands into pots, natural paintings of clouds and flowing water;

The color glaze is mastered from the ancient method, the ingenuity casts the dream, and the classical poem of the bright rhyme and breeze.

Zhai Hongben Henan

The essence of the fire, the ice posture of the jade bone, the heavy light in the kiln is immaterial;

Ding porcelain shocked the world, Zhangyan style Zhao Yun, fingertips gently listen to civilization.

Note: Heavy light, designated porcelain Sanjie to restore the production of the kiln. Fixed, here borrow its verb part of speech, and fight against the bath word of the upper link.

Tian Haitao, Dingxing, Hebei

Take the essence of heaven and earth, the kiln fire is like a thousand, and the clever hand is turned into jade bone;

Following the beauty of the Song and Tang Dynasties, the spring breeze is hundreds of generations, and the streamers are like the old ice heart.

Shi Wentang, Shanxi Yuncheng

Knead the wind, melt the glaze, and set the qiankun into a large vessel early;

Dementor condensation, quenching and exploring the kiln, dare to teach the sun and the moon to learn the original heart.

Li Han Tianjin

If the Great Song Dynasty is left behind, a thousand years of brilliance, a different style and glory to the bone;

Teach Dongpo Jun appreciation, Kyushu stunning, natural rhymes with flowers.

Li Jingru, Quyang, Hebei

Inscribed porcelain baby pillow

Baked like snow;

It's still cool to fall asleep.

Wang Yuehu in Quyang, Hebei

Title porcelain firing techniques

Jade Xin Ou invited Song Yue, drunken rice Cai Su Huang, book for white porcelain to add rhyme;

The Heavenly Voice washes the dust of the heart, suppresses the official Brother Junru, and the kiln occupies the head with the Holy Hand.

Horse machete Heilongjiang

Thousands of times of melting, the wind and snow condensed into rhyme;

Eight hundred years into the dream, time and space forged the spirit.

Wang Yongzhi Tongzi, Guizhou

The charcoal fire is still bright, and the kiln ash is not cold;

The spring breeze is not old, and the porcelain industry is immortal.

Zhang Lanxiang Cangzhou, Hebei

Fixed kiln

Scraping mud into bones, quenching the soul, the magic hand is shi, and the reputation of casting is great;

The number of the worlds has disappeared, the ashes have been destroyed, the ingenuity is still intentional, and the art of re-improvement is looking for the wind.

Wang Xuesen Fuzhou, Fujian

Porcelain out of the east under the white;

The kiln was red from the Northern Song Dynasty.

Wang Yuedong Tangshan, Hebei

More colorful than flowers, more strange than dreams, brilliant and intangible national colors;

The fire is pure blue, the kiln porcelain is too white, and the Huanghuang holy product has a great reputation.

You Peng, Jining, Shandong

Yuhua Yingguang, craftsmanship of the divine work to inherit Song Yun;

The knife flows water, and the flowers bloom full moon to reflect the Tang wind.

Fu Huijun Shijiazhuang, Hebei

Throw away the glitz and glamour;

Derived true meaning is close to the clear standard.

Hu Weiwei Zhejiang Yongkang

Ya overflows a thousand and one, happy as jade, thin as paper, sound like chimes; Gao Jie Li Tingting, since ancient times to set the porcelain world white;

The light and floating liuhe, more decorated with dragons, decorated with fish, carved with flowers; Seiko He lifelike, known to the world today.

Wu Jianqiang, Meizhou, Guangdong

Jade through the bone muscles, such as flowers through the moon;

Fame at home and abroad, like a chime.

Note: bone muscle, skeletal skin

"Yanzhao Liantan" Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao Fenghua Yanglian competition winning results announced 【Competition revealed】 Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao FenghuaYaolian competition winning results announced first prize (2 winners) second prize (4 winners) third prize (6 winners) Excellence Award (60 winners)

Lu Chuanxia Anhui did nothing

Inscribed porcelain and Yan Zhao Fenghua

DetuQi lianggong, million heavy knife fire wet mallet, jade ice heart is in the form of a silk;

Si Min reveres Zhe, five thousand years of civilization to feed, Too Easy Water is everywhere.

Liu Chengzhuo Yantai, Shandong

Divine charm is natural, endowed with snow muscles, ice bones;

Fenghua Shijian is enshrined as a cup for tea and a bottle for wine.

Ma Yongping, Tangshan, Hebei

Tangshan shadow puppet

Carved leather leads, telling the ancient and singing the present, behind the scenes of the stage prequel story;

Kung Fu in hand, folk skills, Tang Rhymes to vibrate the legacy.

Ma Ruixin, Longkou, Shandong

Title Tangshan shadow puppet play

Rooted in the countryside, educating the people, Mo Dao fur skills;

Colorful Tangshan, colorful, magical light and shadow.

Chen Aiwen Hubei

Dingsheng Song Jin, with paper-like tires, chime-like sounds, jade-like colors;

Fenghua Yanzhao, there are carved flowers, elegant prints, and fresh appliqués.

Liu Bo Xiong'an, Hebei

Quality ratio Youyan veteran;

Makeup suitable for Tang and Song dynasty.

Luo Yi Guizhou

Lubrication glaze is very white;

Tranquil flowers bloom in a room of incense.

Fu Chunxue Tianjin

Rob the fire and quench the spirit of Yan Zhao, trace the jade streamer, and still have the true color;

The ingenuity of the Song and Tang Dynasties has made Zhen Tao carved and re-displayed.

Wang Ying Xuancheng, Anhui

The kiln began in the Tang Dynasty, was popular in the Song Dynasty, and flourished for thousands of years;

The quality is like jade, the bone is like ice, and the body is white and elegant.

Yan Haixia, Anshan, Liaoning

Because of the letter of the kiln, because of the reputation of the porcelain, especially because of the quality of the world;

Color with heart, color with affection, and use broad brush strokes.

Chen Piaoshi, Jiangmen, Guangdong

Experienced in the Tang and Song Dynasties, Jin Yuan, Dingli Fang into thousands of ancient arts;

The famous Qiguan brother Junru, the ingenuity is especially better than the Bafang porcelain.

Fu Yu Chongqing

Touch the time, the desolation in the bones;

For example, a gentleman, warm in the heart.

Li Zhangming Shijiazhuang, Hebei

Vulgarity is not added, and the chalky soil is supposed to be white;

The shape of the mold follows the Transgenic Dynasty, and the pattern is especially than the beginning of the Ji Dynasty.

Chen Tongbin Cangzhou, Hebei

Title Cangzhou wooden plank drum

The Sect of Northern Quyi, the township sound of holding dead cattle, crushing geometric roads, sad old people will gradually drift away;

The people of the blessed land are indignant, and they unwind from the mouth, and how many people are confused, and the new seedlings are becoming stronger and stronger.

Hong Lanxia Suzhou, Jiangsu Province

Three thousand years of history, Yan Zhao heroes frequently appeared in the land;

A hundred years of effort, when the cause of youth is not open.

Wang Yongjin Shanxi

Shape the body to learn the spirit, learn the hundred orders of mud and become a unique show; the concept follows the jade bone, the humanistic song gives spring and autumn; the salary is passed on to the fire, the kiln becomes fanghua, and the famous porcelain of hehe poetry does not bear;

Apply glaze and seek the true color, Tao Millennium Secret Color to win-win; the mind tests the new wind, the quality respects the classical; the unique heavenly work, the fetal soul art, and the magnificent instrument is boundless.

Wu Rongzhao Guangdong

The sound of three thousand instruments is like Yao Zhen, Wen Ruoyuke, and the absolute art is straight to the crown of hundreds of arts;

Decades of tracing the history of the poor scriptures, the study of the Tao, the high wind is enough to comfort the legacy.

Du Jiefeng, Handan, Hebei

Dingguan brother Rujun, the wind and currents have me to pass on;

Green, white, black, red and purple, the color is not as moving as he is.

Jiang Zhongyue Baoding, Hebei

Hebei Zizi

Originated from the mountains and Shaanxi, it has risen and fallen several times, the plate cavity is quite lyrical, agitated and entangled, melodious and graceful;

Since entering Jijin, it has been interpreted for hundreds of years, and the story has never been moved, echoing, and warm ears.

Sun Ye Shanxi

Millennium inscription memory, the ancient and the present, the voice of the Tang Dynasty and the rhyme of the Song Dynasty;

Samadhi quenches the spirit, and grinds and polishes, pregnant beauty jade is also gentlemanly style.

"Yanzhao Liantan" Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao Fenghua Yanglian competition winning results announced 【Competition revealed】 Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao FenghuaYaolian competition winning results announced first prize (2 winners) second prize (4 winners) third prize (6 winners) Excellence Award (60 winners)
"Yanzhao Liantan" Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao Fenghua Yanglian competition winning results announced 【Competition revealed】 Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao FenghuaYaolian competition winning results announced first prize (2 winners) second prize (4 winners) third prize (6 winners) Excellence Award (60 winners)
"Yanzhao Liantan" Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao Fenghua Yanglian competition winning results announced 【Competition revealed】 Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao FenghuaYaolian competition winning results announced first prize (2 winners) second prize (4 winners) third prize (6 winners) Excellence Award (60 winners)
"Yanzhao Liantan" Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao Fenghua Yanglian competition winning results announced 【Competition revealed】 Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao FenghuaYaolian competition winning results announced first prize (2 winners) second prize (4 winners) third prize (6 winners) Excellence Award (60 winners)
"Yanzhao Liantan" Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao Fenghua Yanglian competition winning results announced 【Competition revealed】 Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao FenghuaYaolian competition winning results announced first prize (2 winners) second prize (4 winners) third prize (6 winners) Excellence Award (60 winners)
"Yanzhao Liantan" Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao Fenghua Yanglian competition winning results announced 【Competition revealed】 Hebei "Ding porcelain cup" Yanzhao FenghuaYaolian competition winning results announced first prize (2 winners) second prize (4 winners) third prize (6 winners) Excellence Award (60 winners)