
In addition to being greedy for money and lustful, what other unknown trivia does Manchu Katsuho have?

author:Gangnam Yi Zheng
In addition to being greedy for money and lustful, what other unknown trivia does Manchu Katsuho have?

Qing officials and troops

Katsuho, Zi Ke Zhai, Manchurian Blue Flag Man. Initially, he worked as an assistant teacher in Guozijian, then transferred to Hanlin, and after repeated promotions, he achieved the official position of a waiter, and completed his life with the title of Prince Shaobao of Shangshu.

Katsuho's deeds as an official and life are recorded in great detail in the Qing history manuscript, and this article mainly records the trivia of Katsuho during the period from Anhui and Henan to Shaanxi.

Some people will ask, how do you know such details, mainly because at that time, there were ancestors of the same village who worked in the shogunate of Katsuho for sixteen months, so they saw a lot.

At that time, Shengbao was in the area of northern Anhui and eastern Henan, where various forces were repeatedly fighting, surrendering or hanging, mutiny or recruiting. There were troops of the Taiping Army, there were also the forces of the Twist Army, as well as various bandits, and of course, the troops of the Qing court.

In Suzhou, there was a small leader of the Twist Army named Zhang Long, his wife called Liu San girl, good-looking and brave, often dressed in red brocade robes, with two pheasant feathers on her head, riding a horse, dancing with two knives, no one could resist her.

However, even if he has such a wife, Zhang Long still has a good relationship outside, and Liu San hates it to the bone.

When Shengbao understood the situation, he sent someone to induce Liu to be his righteous daughter, and Liu was very moved, so he assassinated Zhang Long and led the soldiers to surrender to Shengbao.

Shengbao was afraid of gossip and assigned Liu San's girl to his subordinate general.

Later, after The Accident of Shengbao, Liu San secretly colluded with Miao Peilin to prepare for the water rebellion, and was killed by Yin Chunlin of Mengcheng Zhi County, and she was beheaded along with her original husband.

Miao Peilin is a fierce character, but he only serves Shengbao, miao Peilin once hid when Chen Yucheng was desperate, and let his nephew tie Chen Yucheng up and give it to Shengbao.

At that time, Shengbao garrisoned troops at the junction of Shaanxi and Henan, and captured Chen Yucheng, which was very happy. Arrange for in-person interrogations.

Unexpectedly, when Chen Yucheng saw him, he did not kneel down, and laughed and said, "Are you a defeated general under my command, and you have a cheeky face to interrogate me?" ”

And the examples of the defeat of Katsuho when the two men led the troops to fight were listed one by one.

Katsuho felt ashamed and had him locked up, exaggerating his upward retribution, and wanted to hold a captive ceremony to boast of his merits.

As a result, the above reply said that Katsuho was delusional, and let Katsuho correct Chen Yucheng on the spot.

Chen Yucheng had a wife, very beautiful, and this time she was included in the house by Katsuho, and she was pampered, and wherever the army moved, it was taken with her.

This is Katsuho's lustful side.

In addition to being greedy for money and lustful, what other unknown trivia does Manchu Katsuho have?

Chen Yucheng Taiping Army group portrait

In fact, Katsuho loves everything, loves sounds and colors, and has a bold personality, likes to live a luxurious life, and envies Nian Tangyao as a person in his life, so the ending is similar.

Dietary aspects.

Every time Katsuho eats, the meal is set up at a table, almost a square foot.

For each dish, two plates should be prepared, and when you are happy to eat, you will say that you will give the other portion of this dish to your copywriter so-and-so. It is to imitate the food given by the emperor. However, only copywriters have a chance to be rewarded, and no one else has seen him rewarded.

Katsuho can drink and must pass a copywriter to a banquet every time he eats.

One day, when the army was stationed in Tongzhou, Katsuho said to the copywriters: "It is best to eat leeks at noon today, and to taste them with everyone at dinner in the evening." ”

When I was settled down and asked about Leek Huang, someone replied that Leek Huang had been lost in Lintong.

Katsuho was furious and immediately beheaded the chef in front of the table, expecting to eat it the next morning.

The other cooks were scared to death, and rode fast horses back for more than two hundred miles, getting leeks and rushing back.

Treat talent.

There was a Feng Luchuan Jinshi, a native of Shanxi, who was sent from the Punishment Department to Luzhou (Hefei) as a prefect, passing through Henan, and Shengbao went up to play, asking to stay in the army to take charge of things like playing chapters.

This man is more decent and indifferent to fame and fortune.

One day, he and Katsuho couldn't talk about it, and they made up their minds to leave, worried that they wouldn't be able to walk in person, so they left a letter.

When Katsuho saw the letter, he asked his men to prepare a fox coat, platinum two hundred and two, riding a fast horse to chase, and admonishing his men: "If you can't chase back Feng Luchuan, bring your own head to see you." ”

Of course, he also wrote a letter to Feng Luchuan.

The general meaning is this: When this letter arrives in your hand, it is estimated that you should be in Hanhouling, which is the Hanhouling where "the snow embraces the blue and the horses are not moving forward", where Han Yu sighed and wrote poetry. Feng Gong, although this aspect of leading soldiers to fight is not what you are good at, your character and knowledge are respected by the dynasty, so there are so many expectations of you because your character and talent are enough to be an example for those of us and so on.

After Feng Luchuan saw the letter, he returned to the army, and Katsuho was very happy.

Someone privately asked Feng Luchuan afterwards: "Why did you walk away and come back?" ”

"Although Katsuho is usually stubborn and arbitrary, he can respect the reader, and the words he retains are sincere and touching."

Feng Luchuan replied.

It is precisely because Katsubo sometimes writes and writes by himself, which is not a big deal, but Katsuho also has a bad habit. That is, when writing the chapter, I liked to come to these three sentences at every turn: First, the former emperor rewarded his subjects with loyalty and courage to serve the country with a pure heart, which probably referred to the battle with the British at bali bridge during the Xianfeng period; second, the ancient saying has clouds, and the generals outside the Khotan dynasty rule it, which is not remotely controlled by the imperial court; third, when Han Zhou Yafu was thin and willowy, the army heard the general's orders but did not hear the edict of the Son of Heaven.

These three sentences, often used, are often quoted.

The original intention was to think that the empress dowager was a woman, and the Tongzhi Emperor was still young, worried that they would be held back by others.

In fact, these lay the foundation for the subsequent encounter.

This is also the fault of Katsuho - words are not appropriate.

After entering Shaanxi, the governors of the provinces began to participate in the impeachment of Shengbao.

Some impeached Shengbao for greed for money and lust, some impeached him for not moving, and some impeached his army as soldiers who surrendered and were undisciplined. The most poisonous is the Shangshu of the Inspector of Henan, to the effect that the twisting is only a disease of scabies, the Cantonese bandits (Hong Xiuquan) are only the disease of the limbs, and only Sheng Bao is the disease of the heart. Looking at his usual sonata, he already had the heart of disobedience. As for the risk of encroachment on wages, fish and meat people, these are all afterthoughts.

According to legend, this recital was written by Fang Zongcheng of Tongcheng. (I wrote in my last article, Mr. False Taoist.) )

In addition to being greedy for money and lustful, what other unknown trivia does Manchu Katsuho have?

Holy Will

It is conceivable that these music snowflakes flew to Cixi like snowflakes.

Cixi was furious and immediately ordered an arrest and interrogation.

Then it was sent to Doron a capture of Katsuho and ordered him to raid Katsuho's property.

The trees fell and scattered, and many of the people who followed Katsuho at that time ran to Dolonga's side before Dolonga's official declaration was made.

In the end, only four people in the Great Tabernacle remained, of course, most of whom came because of personal relations.

There were originally forty-eight cooks, and only two were left. There were still two people left to keep horses, and these four people were still the miscellaneous servants who used to be Katsuho when he was Hanlin.

At that time, when the property was confiscated, Deleng also pretended to take Chen Yucheng's wife away.

Katsuho complained to Dorona.

Doron a returned some of his concubines, but none of his wives and concubines returned.

He said to him: "This is a woman of the Cantonese bandit Chen Yucheng, and she cannot go with the team." ”

When Katsuho heard this, there was nothing to argue about.

The four shogunate Chinese accompanied by the messenger who escorted Katsuho to the capital of Puzhou in Shanxi, and bid farewell with tears.

At this time, Shengbao also gave each person a hundred taels of silver as the cost of the boat.

This bit of face, Katsuho still wants it.

Even when Katsuho arrived in the capital and was arraigned by the Punishment Department, he was still unruly.

However, his arms could not twist his thighs, and he finally gave Katsuho a silk veil.

Many people think that Katsuho deserves it, as written in the previous song of many people impeaching him. However, there are also different opinions.

Zeng Guofan once said: "Shengbao has the merit of defending and defending, and there is no fault of losing his teacher, although there is a private crime but no capital crime." ”

Many people say that Zeng Guofan's evaluation is more fair.

I don't know my friends who are familiar with Katsuho, what do you think?

(End of full text)

This article is original by Jiangnan Yizheng, welcome to pay attention to, take you along with long knowledge!

Original link: Late Qing Manchu general Shengbao trivia

Kunshan Night Reading 09: Bizarre Cases

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