
Hong Kong Xiling Academy opened The Exhibition of Chen Zhenlian's Calligraphy Art was launched

author:Zhejiang Daily

2018-04-24 20:04 | Zhejiang news client reporter Liu Hui

Hong Kong Xiling Academy opened The Exhibition of Chen Zhenlian's Calligraphy Art was launched

On April 23rd, the "Opening Ceremony of The Hong Kong Xiling Academy and the Opening Ceremony of the Chen Zhenlian Calligraphy Art Exhibition" co-sponsored by Xiling Printing Society and United Publishing Group, executed by Jiguzhai Co., Ltd. and co-organized by the Hong Kong Management Institute was held at the Jiguzhai Gallery in Central, Hong Kong.

At the ceremony, Li Jiping, Vice President of United Publishing Group, delivered a speech on behalf of United Group, saying: "The establishment of Xiling Academy" will become a new cultural exchange platform and continuously enhance the exchange and cooperation between Hong Kong and artists at home and abroad. Especially on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the United Publishing Group and the 60th anniversary of the establishment of Jiguzhai, Chen Zhenlian, vice president of Xiling Printing Society, was invited to Hong Kong to hold a calligraphy art exhibition to share the unique charm of calligraphy art with local calligraphy and painting colleagues, on the one hand, chen Zhenlian's extraordinary achievements in the field of calligraphy creation, on the other hand, it also highlighted the close connection between Chinese characters, calligraphy art and history, which has high artistic value, and has the important significance of hooking history and cultural inheritance.

Jin Yaoji, a former president and famous scholar of the University of Chinese in Hong Kong, enthusiastically praised the Xiling Printing Society, a literati group composed of artists with strong traditional culture in China. He believes that the Xiling Printing Society and Jiguzhai holding the Xiling Academy in Hong Kong is a strong combination and will cultivate outstanding artists for Hong Kong.

Dr. Shi Ziqing, Chairman of the Hong Kong Branch of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, said that xiling printing society has a long history, and after the opening of the "Xiling School", it will deepen the cooperation and exchanges between Hong Kong artists and Xiling printing society, and will play a very good role in Hong Kong's culture.

At the opening ceremony, Chen Zhenlian, honorary advisor of "Xiling Academy", jin Yaoji, Shi Ziqing, Xiao Huirong, Liang Zhangkai, Tang Jinteng, Xu Baotao, Chen Liyuan, Deng Weixiong, Deng Changcheng, etc., who participated in the opening activity, were awarded letters of appointment. Chen Zhenlian issued a letter of appointment to Bai He, Lin Mozi, Cai Jianru and Huang Xiangchen, the famous teachers of the first phase of the "Hong Kong Xiling Academy".

This year marks the 115th anniversary of the founding of Xiling Printing Society, the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the United Publishing Group, and the 60th anniversary of the establishment of Jiguzhai. Hong Kong Jiguzhai specially invited Chen Zhenlian, vice president of Xiling Printing Agency, to give the first lecture of "Xiling Academy", Chen Zhenlin not only elaborated on the significance of opening Xiling Academy, but also hoped that Xiling Academy can become a bridge and link for the spread of Chinese culture, and the students deepened their deep understanding of Chinese culture through their professional understanding of calligraphy, seal engraving, painting and other arts.

At the same time, the literary charm of "reading calligraphy" - Chen Zhenlian calligraphy art exhibition opened. The exhibition is divided into two parts, the first and second, and a total of 55 calligraphy works created by Chen Zhenlian in recent years are exhibited. The first part focuses on the history of calligraphy, such as the record of the contemporary history of the Xiling Printing Society and the record of the late President Rao Zongyi, which can be both viewed and read, expressing the literary charm of "reading calligraphy" advocated by Chen Zhenlian; the second part focuses on providing aesthetic appreciation, mainly based on the famous ancient poems. It can be said that the works in the exhibition reflect the distinctive characteristics of "originality" and "research" in terms of content and form.

Spring in the spring, the mountains spit green. In the new era, with the establishment of the "Xiling Academy", xiling has opened a new opportunity to go overseas, so that the printing, calligraphy and painting, and epigraphy that represent traditional Chinese culture can be displayed in a broader world with a richer appearance.