
Is the river flood of "dream pen raw flower" really "Jiang Lang is exhausted"? History owes him justice

author:Xiang sister shopping history

Jiang flooded his people, with the sentence "Jiang Lang is exhausted" and the sentence "Dream pen is born of flowers" and passed down to the world.

Legend has it that when he was young, he dreamed of flowers on his pen, and the gods held the pen as a gift, and when he woke up, he became a man of excellent literary talent. Later, after being an official for a long time, he dreamed that the gods and men came and took back the pen he had given in the past, so there was no good sentence since then.

Is the river flood of "dream pen raw flower" really "Jiang Lang is exhausted"? History owes him justice

For many years, people have used the metaphor of "Jiang Lang is exhausted" to a talent who is exhausted and has a short mind, which makes people only sigh at the flooding of the river.

Ancient China has always emphasized literature and art over management, and the injustice to the flooding of the river is a case in point.

Jiang Yan was a native of the Southern and Northern Dynasties (444-505 AD), and when he was young, he was indeed poetic and had a strong artistic appeal. When he was young, he was lonely and studious, and later he was unjustly imprisoned, and he was released and appointed by a letter of appeal with great emotion.

Is the river flood of "dream pen raw flower" really "Jiang Lang is exhausted"? History owes him justice

Jiang Yan not only has poetic talents, but also has management ability, and the two are superior and inferior, I am afraid it is difficult to compare. However, in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, there were several dynasties, many who were good at poetry, and not many who gained a good reputation in politics such as the river.

It is also understandable that precisely because Jiang Yan is engaged in politics, he is also suffering from chaotic times, the political situation is unstable, the daily situation is full of opportunities, the work is invested, the poetry is gradually decreasing, and the phrases are becoming thinner, which is also understandable. The problem is that poetry is not necessarily exhausting, and few good sentences are not necessarily less talented. This can be seen by looking at his political achievements.

Is the river flood of "dream pen raw flower" really "Jiang Lang is exhausted"? History owes him justice

In 485, he became Shang Shu Zuo Cheng (尚書左丞), and later concurrently served as the Imperial History Zhongcheng (御史中丞) in charge of the examination official. At that time, people said to him: "When you were in shang shu zuo cheng's post in the past, you did not have official affairs and did not travel casually, and you could handle political affairs with leniency and severity, and now doing this post is enough to deter hundreds of officials!" ”

Jiang Yan replied: "The current situation can be described as 'acting as an official', and I am even more worried that my moral integrity will live up to the expectations of the people." ”

From this point of view, Jiang Yan was a serious, rigorous, upright, and honest official, and this kind of life would obviously affect his poetry creation, but it would enable him to be a clean official praised by the world.

Is the river flood of "dream pen raw flower" really "Jiang Lang is exhausted"? History owes him justice

Sure enough, as soon as he took office, he investigated and dealt with many incompetent officials, impeached Zhongshu Ling Xie, the poet Zuo Chang Shi Wang, the protector Shi Yuhong, and other officials with bad deeds, and ordered the arrest of the former Li Zhou Assassin Shi Liu Jun and the Liang Prefecture Assassin Shi Yin Zhibo, and raised a huge amount of stolen goods and handed them over to Ting Wei for disposal. There were also a number of incompetent officials with more than 2,000 stones, who were also impeached by Jiang Yan.

In that era of poor governance of officials, Jiang Yan can be said to have made a good article that attracted the attention of the government and the public. Since then, the imperial court has been solemn, so that Emperor Qi Ming has made such a comment: "Since the Song Dynasty, there has been no longer a strict and clear Zhongcheng, and the King's present can be described as a unique step in the recent world." ”

It can be seen that Jiang Yan has used his talents to govern political affairs.

Is the river flood of "dream pen raw flower" really "Jiang Lang is exhausted"? History owes him justice

In 500 AD, a rebellion broke out and the rebels besieged the capital. Many high-ranking officials in the imperial court, in order to protect the future of Wusha, contacted the rebels one after another and handed over the famous thorns, hoping that they could still become officials in the future when the dynasty changed. Only Jiang Yanquan ignored it, saying that he was sick at home, that is, he did not interact with the rebels. After the counter-rebellion, the world admired his discipline and insight.

Although Jiang Yan's political achievements were very good and praised by the government and the public, he did not covet fame and wealth, and repeatedly asked to resign and return to his hometown, because his talent and prestige were not approved. In this regard, he also saw it very clearly: "This is the official I should be, and everyone who passes by will understand that it is just a false name borrowed from me, not to mention that the personnel will soon change in the sky!" ”

But he remained loyal to his duties, not selfish, and impartial. The official, The Grand Master of Jin Ziguanglu and the Marquis of Liling, he resigned vigorously, and finally surrendered power at the age of 58 under the pretext of illness.

Is the river flood of "dream pen raw flower" really "Jiang Lang is exhausted"? History owes him justice

It can be seen from this that Jiang Yan was still unashamed in his life, and he was talented and virtuous. The world tends to tolerate those literati who have no talent, and ridicules those who have shifted their talents from words to the rule of the army, regardless of their talents and achievements in governing political affairs.

Try to see that on that day, Jiang Lang made corrupt officials and mediocre officials fall one after another, and the political discipline was solemn, and he was talented, was it not as good as a boudoir poem enough to praise?

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