
"Mobile game consultants" frequent calls, what is this routine?

author:Big River Newspaper

Dahe Newspaper Dahe client reporter Li Shuai intern Zhao Donghuan

"Hello, hello, I am your mobile game consultant....." Hearing this, I believe that many people have heard this opening sentence and have received calls from self-proclaimed "mobile game consultants". Moreover, this so-called "mobile game consultant" is also very annoying, whether you play mobile games or block her, she will always continue to "greet" through other phone numbers and recommend games!

So, what is the routine of these "mobile game consultants"? How should citizens prevent and avoid being disturbed?

"Mobile game consultants" frequent calls, what is this routine?

Have you ever been harassed by a "mobile game consultant"?

Xiao Li, 25 years old this year, is a mobile game (mobile game) enthusiast, coupled with his night security work, so that he spends more time playing mobile games than other mobile game enthusiasts. In his words, the hottest mobile game at the moment, he has played almost all of them. But there is one thing that makes him very annoyed, that is, his "mobile game consultant" frequently calls and harasses!

Xiao Li said that the mobile games he played had nothing to do with this "mobile game consultant". This "mobile game consultant" called him to recommend the game, sometimes every three to five, sometimes seven or eight times a day, and said how many levels of VIP he would send as long as he played the game, and how many yuan treasures (game recharge currency). After that, a text message will be sent.

"It's useless for me to block the phone of the 'mobile game consultant', every two days, she will call another phone number, and now as long as I see the strange number, I will not answer it!" Xiao Li said.

Coincidentally, Mr. Shen, a citizen, is also frequently harassed by "mobile phone consultants", and what is different from Xiao Li is that he usually has no time to play mobile games when he is busy at work, and he himself does not like mobile games, but "mobile game consultants" still frequently call to greet "hello"!

Mr. Shen said that these "mobile game consultants" can make two or three calls a day at most, and when they are less than two or three days, they also blocked their numbers, but after two days, the other party will change their numbers.

"Once, when I was called at seven o'clock in the morning, I was very annoyed, so I interrupted the other party and said that I don't play mobile games, but the other end of the phone is like a repeater, without any interruption. After that, my colleague told me that it was a recording and that there was no one on the other end of the phone!" Mr. Shen said.

"Mobile game consultants" frequent calls, what is this routine?

"Mobile game consultants" frequent calls, what is this routine?

During the interview, through network inquiries, the reporter found that in addition to Xiao Li and Mr. Shen, many netizens have also encountered harassment by "mobile game consultants". Even some netizens are overwhelmed, through the number called by the "mobile game consultant" to find the company behind it, but do not know how to complain, can only paste its relevant information on the Internet, let other netizens jointly condemn!

So, what exactly is the routine of these "mobile game consultants"?

According to Mr. Guo, who has been engaged in the development of online games for many years, the telephone harassment of "mobile game consultants" is the promotion routine of some mobile game operators. Of course, it is not excluded that some criminals will use this method to carry out fraud.

Mr. Guo said that in the 2019 mobile game market related reports, 80% of the often played game carriers of domestic game players are mobile phones, and the scale of the mobile game market in 2019 has reached more than 150 billion yuan. Under the temptation of this huge market "cake", many mobile game operators have hollowed out their minds to develop players.

Because a game wants to make a profit, it must not lack players, and it must not lack "quality" players who recharge frequently. Therefore, in order to develop mobile game players, telemarketing such as "mobile game consultants" will also arise. Moreover, according to his understanding, in addition to "mobile game consultants", there are many similar mobile game sales calls!

In addition, Mr. Guo also told reporters that "mobile game consultants" and other telephone harassment sales are a routine, as long as players "enter the pit" (into the game) will find another routine, that is, recharge. The "mobile game consultant" and other promised VIPs and yuanbao will indeed be given to the player, but all players who enter the game have it, and once the player wants to "get the best out" in the game, it is still necessary to recharge.

"Mobile game consultants" frequent calls, what is this routine?

Why are mobile games not being harassed? How should citizens guard against it?

Since, the routine of "mobile game consultant" is to develop players. So, why are citizens who don't play mobile games also harassed? How can citizens prevent disturbances?

Mr. Guo said that as long as you think about it, you will find that the way "mobile game consultants" promote mobile games is very similar to telecommunications fraud, but the difference is that telecom fraud is to defraud money, and "mobile game consultants" are to let players "enter the pit" to recharge.

The "mobile phone consultant" makes a hundred phone calls, and as long as ten people enter the game, it is considered to have successfully developed ten players. As long as one or two of these ten players recharge, the mobile game operator can make money. Therefore, in order to develop more players to recharge, mobile game operators will "cast a full net", which will lead to some citizens who do not play mobile games are also harassed. "In addition, it is not excluded that some mobile game operators obtain citizens' information through other illegal channels!" Mr. Guo said.

As for how should citizens guard against it? Mr. Guo said that in addition to blocking these phone numbers, he feels that the best way is to use the security protection APP on the mobile phone, such as: mobile phone butler, etc., to directly set up the number segment that does not want to be answered. Because he has received many similar calls before, these numbers mostly start with 95, as long as they are set to intercept, they can be greatly avoided.

In addition, is it illegal to promote "mobile game consultants"? The reporter also consulted lawyer Zhang Shaochun, director of Henan Chunyi Law Firm. According to Mr. Zhang's analysis, if there is a contractual relationship between the two parties to provide goods or services, then the merchant does not stop calling and selling without consent, which violates the provisions of Article 23 of the Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law on "prohibiting commercial sales calls"; If there is no legal relationship between the two parties, then the so-called "mobile game consultant" telephone is a pure "harassing call", which uses the form of telephone to harass the normal life of others, and its behavior is illegal, and the victim can call the police on the spot and ask the public security organ to investigate and punish according to law.

Here, Lawyer Zhang reminds that when reporting a case, try to provide the other party's telephone number, recording, telephone list and other materials.

Legal basis:

Article 42 of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law, whoever commits any of the following acts shall be detained for not more than five days or fined not more than 500 yuan; Where the circumstances are more serious, they shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than ten days, and may also be fined not more than 500 yuan: ... (5) Repeatedly sending obscene, insulting, intimidating, or other information, interfering with the normal lives of others.

Source: Dahe Client Editor: Hao Gong