
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

author:Yan Zhao released
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

Hebei Zhuolu Baodai Middle School 74th class 10 graduation photo

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

Zhuolu Baozhong 74th Class 10 girls photo

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

Group photo of the members of the 2nd branch of The 1974 Baozhong Central Committee

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

Source: The Beauty of Thorn Mei

Author Fan Jinmei, female, born in the late 1950s, Zhuolu people, Hebei Province, graduated from the 10th class of Baodai Middle School in 1974, after resuming the college entrance examination, admitted to colleges and universities, assigned to Work in Zhangjiakou, now living in Zhangshi

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

Fan Jinmei congratulated the ninth class party

Through Li Shi'e, I conveyed my greetings to all the students of the ninth class. I am heartily pleased to hear the news that you are going to meet today! And from the bottom of my heart, I would like to say hello to everyone you can come to the party! Greetings to students who can't leave due to their careers and families and can't be here!

You may well know me, some can't remember me anymore, and some of you don't even know me all the time. And I know each of you. Don't be surprised, you are all part of the Ninth Class!

In 1972, we walked into the campus of Baodai Middle School on the same day, and the ninth and tenth classes became brothers and sisters; we were the right and left hands; we were the same class (set) teachers during the day; we rested in the same dormitory (girls are, boys are not very clear) Deeply impressed, the feelings are true. Unforgettable and moving scenes of joy, play, entertainment, labor, etc...

I also miss you very much, imagining the exciting moment when the brothers and sisters who have been separated for 44 years are together, and it will be worth the trip to talk about everyone's wonderful life one by one. I wish you a happy reunion and a complete success...

Hebei Zhuolu Baodai Middle School Class 9 old photo

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

↑ Fifth row: Ren Yonghe, Qiao Zhong (China Agricultural University), Wang Jianming, Wang Xiuming, Liu Shichen (Zhangjiakou Daily), Duan Cunbao, Jia Yuping, Wu Guiquan, Tang Xifu, Cao Shize, Gu Zhenglin, Tang Yuwang

Fourth row: Hu Jinxing, Sun Shouqing, Ren Xiliang, Dong Dekui, Jia Guicheng, Hu Jianjun, Dong Weicheng, Xia Yulin, Ma Shifu, Sun Yubao, Dong Guimin, Tang You (Zhuolu Education)

Third row: Tang Ke, Yu Xiaohe (Construction Group), Ji Zhonghua, Yan Zhixiang (Zhuolu Government), Liu Guizhong (Railway Soldier, Ministry of Railways 20 Bureau), Ma Dongxiang, Dong Fukui, Fan Lijun, Qu Chunjin, Xu Ruichun, Zhi Shijie, Li Haizhou (Baozhong)

Second row of teachers from left: Zhao Yulan, Zhao Lanhua (Beijing Institute of Electronics), Dong Liansheng (Shijiazhuang No. 2 Middle School), Li Fenglin, Liu Chunhai (Director fu of the Revolutionary Committee), Liu Hongnian (Secretary of the Party Branch), Wang De (Zhangjiakou Forestry Bureau), Zheng Ruzhou (Zhangjiakou Municipal Party Committee), Xie Shiran (Zhangjiakou College), Guo Bing (Zhuolu Teachers' Training College), Qu Zhijiang (Zhangjiakou Municipal Government)

First Row: Cao Jimei, Xu Aiping, Zhang Guirong, Li Changfang, An Guimei, Zhou Yingzhen (Shijiazhuang Middle School), Qin Xiaohua, Li Shi'e, Wang Jin'e (ZhuoluCheng), Hu Zongfeng, Chen Jinxiang (Zhuolu Education)

Class 9 Teachers: Guo Bing - Mathematics; Zhou Yingzhen - Chemistry; Shi Hongguang, Xie Shiran - Physics; Li Fenglin - History; Wang De, Qu Zhijiang - Politics; Zhao Lanhua, Zhai Yuhua - Chinese; Miao Wenfang - English; Dong Liansheng - Physical Education.

There are no students in the photo: Wang Lin, Wang Weicheng, Yang Mingshan, Sun Xueqin (Ju Shijiazhuang), Tang Xianmei, Wei Xiaori, Tang Youping, Du Liangfei, Zhang Xilian.

Group photo of female students of the ninth class of Baozhong In 1974

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

1973 Baodai State-run High School Phase II Five Rows Graduation Photos

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

First row: Bi Yufeng, Ding Shengfang, Xie Zhimei (Shijiazhuang), Liu Yanlou (County Safety Supervision Bureau), Tang Guizhi, Tang Lianfeng, Zhang Lijun, Liu Haimei (Zhuolu Education), Gu Lanying, Yang Yufeng, Geng Zhen, Gao Guifen, Liu Haiping, Zhang Jianfeng

Second row (teachers): Zhou Zhixiao (County Party Committee), Miao Wenfang, Xie Shiran (Zhangjiakou College), Wang De (Zhangshi Forestry Bureau), Hao Minjie (Beijing Yanqing), Qu Zhijiang (Zhangshi), Li Fenglin (County Education Bureau), Mao Cunming (County Technical School), Shi Hongguang (Teaching and Research Office), Zhao Tingwu (Education Bureau), Zhou Yingzhen (Shijiazhuang), Li Jilian (County No. 2 Middle School), Sun Xiuzhi, Zhao Lanhua (Senior Engineer of Beijing Research Institute)

Third row: Guo Kai, Tang Wanqing, Ren Yongchuan, Ren Shouhai, Yin Shujun (Propaganda Department), Wang Denggui, Tang Cunfu, Yang Ming, Wang Yufu, Wang Wenjie, Meng Yugui, Dong Zhanyun, Tang Yourui, Guo Yutang, Wang Yubao, Wu Jingmin, Zhang Wenhui

Fourth row: Dong Zhihai, Quan Ruicheng, Zhang Xingde, Xu Jide (county party committee), Gu Chunhe, Wang Wenquan, Wang Wensheng, Gu Chungen, Ren Dashun (Agricultural Bureau), Wang Zhengxiang, Tang Yongjiang, Zhang Wenfeng, Gu Zhancheng, Ji Yufu, Meng Tianlong, Li Bulin, Zhang Baozhong, Lü Shuhua

There are 49 students in the fifth row of the second phase of Baodai State-run High School (including Liu Yanlou in the first phase), the class teacher Li Fenglin, who is also chinese and history, Zhao Tingwu teaches mathematics, Yang Linlin and Zhou Zhiyi teach politics, Wang De teaches physics, Zhou Yingzhen teaches chemistry, Miao Wenfang teaches English, and Mao Cunming is the general manager of the school

Graduation photo of the first row of Baodai Middle School in 1972

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

Group photo of all the graduates of the first row of the first batch of zhuolu Baodai Middle School

15 March 1972 (1970.3 - 1972.3 academic year)

First row

From left Li Jilian (Transferred No. 2 Middle School, deceased) Zhou Yingzhen (Shijiazhuang 17 Middle School Vice Principals Union Chairman, Ju Shijiazhuang Hainan) Zhai Yuhua (Zhuolu Middle School) Miao Wenfang (English Teacher) Lv Zhengfeng (Vice Chairman of the CPPCC County) Yang Forest (Secretary General of the CPPCC Committee) Mao Cunming (Secretary general of the Technical School) Teacher Ji (School Worker Propaganda Team Leader, Zhangjiakou Dongfanghong Machinery Factory) Xie Shiran (Director of the Physics Department of Zhangjiakou College) Wang De (Deputy Director of zhangjiakou Forestry Bureau) Guo Bing (County Continuing Education Principal, Ju Zhangjiakou) Li Fenglin (Director of the Education Bureau) Zheng Ruzhou (Director of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Zhangjiakou City) Zhao Tingwu (Director of the Education Bureau) Shi Hongguang (Director of the County Teaching and Research Department, deceased)

The second row starts from left

Liu Yanlou (County Safety Supervision Bureau) Wang Yonghong (female tractor driver) Yang Xiuzhen Yang Guirong Dong Yaqin (Nanhu, Zhejiang) Hu Lianzhen (Deputy Director of the County Organization Department and Secretary of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce) Tao Kai (Large State-owned Enterprise Hydraulic Parts Factory) Hu Jianxin (County Distillery) Yang Shumei (Editor-in-Chief of Zhuolu Newspaper of the Propaganda Department) Xu Ruiping Liu Hongmei You Xiumei (Senior Teacher of Baodai School District) Fan Huashan (Teacher of Baodai School District, deceased)

The third row is from left

Wang Zhien (Graduated from Beijing Technology and Business University) Yu Xiaoming Liu Chengyin (Senior Teacher of Baodai District) Sun Rongxi (President of County Maternal and Child Health Hospital) Gu Kejun (Zhangjiakou City) Xu Guifu (Vice President of the Provincial Construction Bank) Zhang Xiucheng Dong Guocheng (graduated from Zhangjiakou Finance and Trade School and worked for Zhangjiakou City (Regional) Supply and Marketing Cooperative) Chen Hongyu Li Cuncheng (Director of Paper Mill Workshop) Li Shude (Chief of The Procuratorate's Arrest Section) Guo Zhanqing (County Drama Troupe, Second Middle School Foreign Language Teacher) Zhang Wenguang (Chief of Labor Management Section of County Distillery) Fan Huilin Quan Qinggong (deceased)

Fourth row from left Tang Shengman Dong Aijun (deceased) Zhang Jianshan Wang Shanglu (teacher, hydropower master) Yan Guilong (tractor driver) Hu Zonggui (Secretary of Xiaolushan Township) Zhang Dalin Chi Jinsheng Wen Zhanhai (Sports Captain of the County Sports Committee and Water and Power Bureau) Yan Dazhong (Teacher of Baodai Villagers' Office) Tang Yilong Xu Wansheng Xue Shusheng Tang Shunbao Shi Jicheng Zhang Jinbao (Teacher in the Society, Director of Chafang Village)

Meet Again in 20 Years: Chinese Stars - 100 Red Songs dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the party's birth

The past can only recall music: Gao Shengmei - Laser Golden Song (1)

The past can only recall the music: the stars - old Shanghai classic old songs

Hebei Zhuolu Baodai Middle School

Class 10 Reunion of the 74th Class (1)

(May 05, 2018)

Author Jie Ermei (Zhangjiakou)


Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

Seeing the notice of the gathering of the 10th class of Baodai Middle School in Zhuolu County, Hebei Province, my heart looked at the "meeting place of the 10th class of Baodai Middle School".

Although the vicissitudes of the years,

Washed away the fragrance and innocence of our youth,

But it can't wash away the deep and strong friendship in our hearts. Recalling the pure campus years,

Deeply feel the simplicity and preciousness of the same window!

Meeting is fate, without you, me, his party is not perfect!

To this end, after coordinating the arrangement of business and family, grandchildren, and big and small things, I took a decisive step!

Attend a class reunion to go: 岀發岀 (Zhangjiakou Longxing Runcheng Community)...

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

Sitting on the Zhangjiakou Zhuolu bus in front of me, looking out the window at the tall buildings, trees, flowers and grass pedestrians, I unconsciously entered the dream: as if a strange face → a familiar voice→ a name that can never be forgotten is now in front of you.

Suddenly, a sharp brake was braked before he woke up!!! expect... The time when our 44 years of lost brothers and sisters get together must be worth the trip, looking forward to...

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

I recently went to see Teacher Guo Bing again, he is 83 years old, in good health, walking in the community, riding a bicycle to buy vegetables, raising fish and planting flowers. Still so optimistic and open-minded, students rest assured!

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

Today is an unforgettable day, scattered grandparents living in all directions have flocked to the One-One Zhuolu Jinlan Hotel...

At 09:30, the old class leaders Liu Chengpeng and Zhang Ying waited at the hotel to warmly greet each of the brothers and sisters who came one after another. Smiles on their faces, hugging each other, the scene is exciting! After a period of mutual heartfelt talk, fruits are served, liquor, beer, and drinks are full, and everyone talks while eating, respecting and giving in to each other. When the party reaches its climax, all of them wish each other well, for the sake of classmates' true feelings, friendship forever, and good health and happiness! Cheers!!! Nearly two o'clock the banquet entered the end, and the group photo was taken separately.

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

Two old squad leaders, 44 years later, are still so tacit!

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

Because of the relationship between time and distance, I have to catch the car, and I am deeply sorry that I can't sing together!

Everyone regretted to send me to the car to Zhangjiakou, but they still clenched their hands and did not want to leave.

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

The car drove off, unable to resist the car's forward movement. Goodbye to the familiar Zhuolu City! Goodbye old classmates! Good bye... We didn't finish our words, we didn't drink enough wine, and the interesting things in the classmate period were not finished... Looking forward to the next reunion, we will stay up all day, sleepless all night, "play" the wonderful life of each of us...

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

I got home smoothly,

Students rest assured!

May we:

Often meet in their hometown,

Chat more online

In front of Unit 1, Building 5, Wenhuayuan Community, Zhangjiakou City

Zhuolu Baodai Middle School 74 class 10

2019 Reunion (2)

Thorn Mei


<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="105" > graduation photo</h1>

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

2017.04.05, gathered in Zhuolu County Huasheng Restaurant

Front row from left:

Hou Xing, Tang Baoye, Jiang Wenfang, Fan Jinmei, Yan Xiaoying

Xie Chenglian

Rear row from left:

Liu Chengpeng Gu Runchun Zhang Ying Xie Zhiling Zhu Xiuyan

Xu Cunhua Zhang Yourong Li Jinyun Chen Rui

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="114">


2018.05.05, meet one by one Zhuolu County Lanjin Hotel

Jiang Wenfang, Zhu Xiuyan, Fan Jinmei, Zhang Yourong, Zhang Ying

Xie Zhiling

Xie Chenglian Hou Xing Dong Zhenxing Liu Chengpeng Dong Yuzhu

Chen Rui Quan Qinggong Yan Xiaoying

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="122">

This year, the old class leader is thinking carefully, carefully pondering, carefully arranging, graduating for 45 years, the spirit and style of the class leader have not changed, the work is still so dedicated, still serving the students wholeheartedly, worrying about our gatherings. Here I sincerely say: Old squad leader, thank you!

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

Solicit comments

After preliminary consideration of the 2019 happy gathering of the tenth class of Baodai Middle School on June 8 and 9 (Saturday and Sunday), we hereby solicit everyone's opinions, please consider according to the actual situation of their work, life, body, time and so on, and voluntarily register. We will determine the plan according to the number of applicants.

Welcome everyone to make valuable suggestions!

Thank you for your cooperation!

Preparatory group




1. Date and time of the meeting: June 8, 11:00 noon (tomorrow)

2. Location: HuashengLou Hotel.

3. The form of gathering implements the AA system

4. Bring your own transportation to ensure safety.

5. Please enroll students to get together as soon as possible and talk about friendship!

Thank you!

Preparatory Group 2019.6.7

Students on leave (in order):

Zhao Haiquan:

I have no opinion on this party, such a party should always be maintained, into the exchange and friendship between our classmates, now because I work in Mentougou can not get together with classmates, I hope everyone has fun.


Fan Jinmei:

Yan'er: Hello, lately you have been busy with the matter of the party, and you are also bothering, "I have been overworked recently and have some lack of energy, and I am "charging", I don't know how many days." If I can walk away, I will definitely get together with everyone, which is the moment I dream of. Not guaranteed now! I thought about it for more than a day or

Feel that it should be: through you to say hello to the preparatory group first, because: "no squeak" is also a kind of impolite, but can not be publicized in the group, do not affect everyone's joyful and excited mood and atmosphere.

Thank you! You've worked hard!

Hu Lianxia:

Thanks to Liu Chengpeng and the grand invitation of the preparatory team, I am sorry that I can't go back to the party with my old classmates because I can't see the little grandson around me, and I hope that the students have a good time.

Zhang Yourong:

The 11th son has something to do here and can't go back. There will be a chance later. I'll wait to see your pictures.

Chen Rui:

Hello old students, sorry not to be able to participate in the activity tomorrow, because 15 days ago to make an appointment in Beijing expert number, tomorrow at 5 o'clock carpool departure, to see the wife to buy medicine, it is estimated that the afternoon back is also late, can not and many years have not met the old classmates party is very sorry, the next time to meet.

1. Tomorrow's meeting place: Huasheng Building on the third floor of the private room "home".

2, the feast has been booked, the dishes have been ordered.

All the preparations for the party are complete, and we look forward to your arrival!

囍 囍 囍 囍 囍 囍 囍 囍 囍 囍

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

List of participants (in order of registration):

Liu Chengpeng Quan Qinggong Dong Yuzhu Zhu Xiuyan Yan Xiaoying Dong Zhenxing Song Yingui Wang Jiancang Ren Youtian Xie Chenglian Fan Jinmei Jiang Wenfang

Zhang Ying, Hou Xing

  Today, through the persistence and determination of the class leader, our efforts and struggles have finally reached the goal of ✌ sitting together for the third time after graduation

We are delighted!

We cheer!!

We applaud!!!

First of all

* I would like to express my admiration for the students who boldly asked for leave in order to be a better "nanny" who did not want to leave their jobs without permission!

* Greetings to students who can't get in place because of their own bodies!

* To express my nostalgia to the students who can no longer meet us...

Although I only had two years of study and life in Baodai Middle School, it affected my thinking and concepts throughout my life and strengthened my confidence and will to pursue a happy life. I know that we can also walk through the mountains and see what the outside world is like. Hi, "As big as the heart is, the stage is big"! Getting together makes me

We relive the days we walked together and recalled the unforgettable years of "talking very casually, walking one by one"! Timeless, never fade! .......... Together, we not only experienced the laughter and bittersweet and bittersweet of the growing up period, but also gained brotherly and sisterly friendship!

......... There are too many things that each other wants to say, there are endless past events, there are endless partings, and there are endless topics of joy and trouble for parents, children, and grandchildren.

The smiling faces are still kind, and the call is like before.

Looking back on the ups and downs of the past few decades, we have too many emotions, too many memories... Although the wind and frost of the years have quietly climbed up our sideburns, the accumulation of years has made us have a richer color of life, the grinding of life, and let us have a more calm everyone is different

The same life pride............

Decades have been scattered, and to this day:

Fang knows the beauty of life; more knows the preciousness of student friendship!

I want to let the time go faster and meet again in a year;

Want to let the time go slower, just got together and broke up!

I only hope that the spring light will pass away and the true feelings will not grow old, and look forward to the day of reunion!

come! Cheers to a happy today and a sunnier tomorrow!!!


It's not easy to take a "family portrait"! What is really reflected is: the strength of the team that unites cooperation!



Jiang Wenfang, Yan Xiaoying, Fan Jinmei, Zhu Xiuyan, Zhang Ying

Quan Qinggong Wang Jiancang Ren Youtian Dong Yuzhu Liu Chengpeng

Dong Zhenxing, Song Yingui, Hou Xing

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="204" > handsome man</h1>

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="205" > pretty girl</h1>

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women


Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

2021.04.10 It is not easy to get together under the condition of normalization and epidemic prevention...

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

The only three Ying in the class (Zhang Ying, Yan Xiaoying and Cao Guiying) were "seeing each other and hating the night" in the 48th year after they were separated, and they talked cordially...

00:24 Good sisters are affectionate and unchanging, and their faces are not old

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women
Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

There are thousands of scenes in the world, everywhere. Drink tea under the flowers, the heart is fragrant; Listening to the rain under the eaves, the heart is poetic; Running in the wilderness, the heart is broad; If you have a gentle insistence on love and beauty, life will be beautiful enough. Some people can't put down too many things in their lifetime, let the clouds and flow with it, another intersection, and see the flowers and swallows in the spring... Students... unfold

Middle school graduation 45 years of girls' testimonials Zhuolu Baodai Middle School old photos graduation photos handsome men and beautiful women

Old classmates, you are too polite, thank you very much for your reward money encouragement!


That's nice

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