
CBA three news: domestic giants landed in Australia, Jeremy Lin suffered a waist injury, and Franklin had hidden dangers

author:Sister Luo CBA

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This year's offseason CBA league several major events, the first must belong to Zhou Qi left the Xinjiang team this matter, when he and the team had a contract dispute, the fans did not realize the seriousness of the problem, after all, the Xinjiang team held Zhou Qi's priority exclusive contract renewal rights, Zhou Qi wanted to play in the CBA can only stay in Xinjiang team, but in the end the development of things surprised everyone, Zhou Qi out of his own path, he chose to go to the Australian NBL League to play, It is worth mentioning that this year, in addition to Zhou Qi, there is another player who got a contract with an Australian NBL league team, he is Liu Chuanxing, a domestic giant with a height of 2 meters 26, and fans are also quite concerned about his current situation.

Before the National Games Liu Chuanxing represented the Guangdong team to participate in the U22 level of the game, after the end of the game, Liu Chuanxing lost the news, he generally does not use social media, so the fans do not know where he went, recently the Australian Chinese basketball reporter revealed Liu Chuanxing's movements, according to him, Liu Chuanxing actually arrived in Melbourne, Australia in early October, and now his quarantine period has ended, the domestic giant officially landed in Australia.

Liu Chuanxing played for the CBA Qingdao team last season, he is the main big center in the team, now there are many players in the CBA league who are more than 2 meters tall, but Liu Chuanxing is one of the more comprehensive in technology, and the body is relatively strong, last season Liu Chuanxing had an average of 22 minutes of playing opportunities in Qingdao, can contribute 9.4 points, 8.1 rebounds, and his shooting rate reached 67%, which is already quite good in the CBA.

The most important thing is last season's playoffs, Liu Chuanxing played quite well against the Sichuan team's veteran Haddadi, he cut 20 points, and limited Haddadi's score to 8 points, perhaps for this reason, Liu Chuanxing was signed by the Bullets of Brisbane, Australia, not to mention whether he can play the main force in the Bullets in the future, even if he trains with the team, there should be a lot of improvement, I hope that the domestic giant can make Australian fans remember him with his performance.

Luo Jie has always been very supportive of domestic players to challenge other leagues overseas, and now the reason why the Chinese men's basketball team is difficult to make progress is because there are too few people going out, if every year the top players in the league want to go overseas to play, then it will not take too long for Chinese basketball to have the opportunity to play with the world's strongest teams, this is a good cycle, the master goes out, the young players in the CBA have more opportunities, Liu Chuanxing is willing to take this step is certainly worthy of the fans' affirmation, Next season we were all hardcore fans of him.

CBA three news: domestic giants landed in Australia, Jeremy Lin suffered a waist injury, and Franklin had hidden dangers

Liu Chuanxing officially landed in Australia

The second news about the Beijing Shougang team's small foreign aid Jeremy Lin, fans should have questions, Lin Jeremy has ended the quarantine period, why he has not gone to Zhuji City and the team to meet, now Beijing Shougang team needs his help very much, even if you want to get back to the state, through the game should be faster, why doesn't Jeremy Lin return to the team?

The answer to this question is very simple, in fact, Jeremy Lin has already begun to go through the formalities to enter the closed area of Zhuji, and now he is training at a private training ground in Shanghai, as long as the formalities are completed, Jeremy Lin will immediately go to Zhuji to meet with the Beijing Shougang team, but there is still a problem for fans to see Jeremy Lin play.

According to a well-known basketball reporter in Beijing, now Jeremy Lin suffered a waist injury, he has to carry out recovery training and massage of waist injury every day, when Jeremy Lin can represent the Beijing Shougang team depends on when his waist injury can recover, maybe Jeremy Lin will not be able to catch up with the first stage of the regular season.

This news is definitely bad news for the fans of Beijing Shougang Team, now the team's main local point guard Fang Shuo has also suffered an injury, Jeremy Lin is not in the absence, the team's number one position is still very lacking, although in the previous few games Beijing Shougang team won 3 wins and 1 loss, but this is not their full strength.

Luo Jie feels that there is really no way to do such a thing as injury, and Jeremy Lin himself definitely wants to play for the Beijing Shougang team as soon as possible, but as far as the current situation is concerned, the time for Jeremy Lin's comeback is still unknown, and I hope that he can recover from his injury and strive to return to the field to help the team as soon as possible.

CBA three news: domestic giants landed in Australia, Jeremy Lin suffered a waist injury, and Franklin had hidden dangers

Beijing Shougang team small foreign aid Jeremy Lin

The third news about the Shanghai team's small foreign aid Franklin, from the first few games of the regular season, it can be seen that since Franklin was injured in the Shanxi team last season, his athletic ability has declined visibly, and after coming to Shanghai, Franklin's ability to decline in the offensive end is very serious, which will be a hidden danger to him.

Franklin has played 5 games for Shanghai since the start of the new season, he has averaged 32.6 minutes of playing time per game, can contribute 14.8 points, 8.8 rebounds, 11.4 assists, although Franklin is still very good at rebounding and assists, but his scoring ability is far less than the level of healthy times.

It is reported that after the end of the first stage of the regular season, Franklin will return to the United States to deal with his father's affairs, he may return to shanghai in the second stage of the regular season, from Franklin's previous performance, if the Shanghai team wants to impact the final four or even the finals this year, his ability is still somewhat insufficient.

From Franklin's state of dribbling on the court, it can be found that he still has some discomfort in his legs, especially when the explosive power of the breakthrough is far less than the original, but his basic skills are still there, so the ability in assists is still good, shanghai team needs to consider Franklin's state into, in the playoffs they may need stronger small foreign aid.

Luo Jie feels that franklin's playing style is actually very in line with Li Chunjiang's guidance standards, he has always been a requirement for foreign aid is to string together the team's attack, as for Franklin's own average score per game, Li Chunjiang's guidance actually does not care, at least in the regular season stage, Franklin is enough for the Shanghai team to use.

CBA three news: domestic giants landed in Australia, Jeremy Lin suffered a waist injury, and Franklin had hidden dangers

Shanghai team small foreign aid Franklin

Now the Shanghai team can choose from a small foreign aid is still more, the most suitable is undoubtedly Fredette, after all, he has been in the team for several seasons, Fredette basically does not need too much running-in to play directly for the Shanghai team, but so far there is no news between Shanghai and Fredette.

Fredette declined the Nuggets' summer league invitation in the offseason, when fans thought he had completed a contract extension with Shanghai, but as things stand now, it is not the case, and whether Fredette will return to the team next season is unknown, but one thing is certain, Shanghai should sign a third foreign player.

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