
Taiwan's "green-headed flies" do not feel that danger is coming?


At a critical juncture in the global fight against the epidemic, the US Navy's Seventh Fleet went to the Asia-Pacific region to conduct live-fire military exercises, which seemed so out of place, reflecting how irresponsible the United States was.

There are even more shameless people exposed.

The U.S. Navy's Seventh Fleet had just published the news on the Internet, and the media on the island of Taiwan immediately carried out a large-scale report. According to the official information of the Seventh Fleet, live-fire exercises were conducted and a missile was launched while carrying out in-Place security missions in the Indo-Pacific. However, many Taiwan media reported that the US military was conducting live-fire exercises in the South China Sea. Dpp legislator Wang Dingyu said in a Facebook post that this should be "the first time that the US military has fired missiles in the South China Sea, which is a serious matter.", and the ugly face of self-respect of the foreigners can be seen at a glance.

Taiwan's "green-headed flies" do not feel that danger is coming?

However, Wang Dingyu was soon punched in the face by the Seventh Fleet. After about a few hours, the Seventh Fleet updated the narrative of the image, saying that the launch site was the "Philippine Sea" rather than the South China Sea west of the Philippines, and that the launch date was March 19, and Wang Dingyu also corrected the article with a shy face.

Whether the U.S. military launches missiles in the South China Sea or the Philippine Sea, the difference is clear as long as it is not a fool. If the US military really launches missiles in the South China Sea, then the damage and threat to peace and stability in the South China Sea will be naked and real. Even firing missiles in the Philippine Sea is not a common occurrence. Public opinion generally believes that this show of the US military is still shown to China. However, it still pays attention to proportions. Lynn, a researcher at the Institute of Maritime Security Planning at the National Defense and Strategic Research Institute in Singapore, stressed that the Philippine Sea will be an important battleground in any future Sino-US armed conflict.

However, the US military chose to show its muscles at such a special moment, exposing the ghost of the Cold War mentality of the US military and some politicians in Washington, which has not been affected by the epidemic.

Foreign media noted that on the same day that the US Navy released the news of the live-fire exercise on March 23, the people's liberation army navy of the Chinese also posted a number of photos of coordinated anti-submarine training over a certain area of the South China Sea on its official microblog. Foreign media commented that this is a contest between China and the United States in the South China Sea during the epidemic period. It must be said that this interpretation is inaccurate. The People's Liberation Army conducts routine training in its own territorial waters, while the U.S. military runs to China's doorstep to show off its might, and there is a fundamental difference between the two behaviors. The U.S. military is a war machine, and the Chinese People's Liberation Army is a division of peace.

Taiwan's "green-headed flies" do not feel that danger is coming?

Since it is a war machine, it will not stop. Some Taiwan media today reported with undisguised excitement that a US "Burke-class" destroyer, the McCampbell, sailed in the Taiwan Strait on the 25th. The green-headed flies on the island of Taiwan are now drawing a little bit of pitiful courage from the symbolic actions of the US military. However, there are still people on the island who understand. As US military planes were exposed one after another in the airspace near Taiwan, some netizens on the island once angrily said that the Americans were less involved in the Taiwan Strait to cause trouble, and some netizens shouted that rats crossing the street were asking for more blessings.

Taiwan's "green-headed flies" do not feel that danger is coming?

I don't know if Taiwan's green-headed flies feel the danger or not, and the mainland will never allow them to harm the whole of Taiwan. Once their actions violate the red line, they will inevitably suffer a devastating blow, whether or not the US military is behind it.

The green-headed fly is reluctant to admit that the US military is actually unreliable. Not only is the U.S. military's will to support them half-hearted, but the U.S. military's capabilities are limited. In the face of the epidemic, the US military cannot bear it. According to CNN reported on the 25th, according to three defense officials, due to the spread of the new crown virus, US Defense Secretary Mark Esper has signed an order to freeze all US military operations overseas for 60 days.

This means that all U.S. overseas service personnel or personnel currently deployed on a planned assignment will remain in their current positions for the next 60 days. The freeze will affect the expected deployment plans for 90,000 troops, including those planning to return home and those planning to deploy overseas. "This measure was taken to further contain the spread of COVID-19 to protect U.S. personnel and maintain the readiness of our global forces," the U.S. Department of Defense said. ”

Taiwan's "green-headed flies" do not feel that danger is coming?

The data shows that 227 U.S. service members have been tested for COVID-19, while another 67 family members, 81 Defense Department civilians and 40 defense contractors have tested positive for the virus.

Whether it is the US military or the DPP authorities in Taiwan, let us stop focusing on politics, or deal with the virus. You know, the new crown virus is a monopoly on all kinds of disobedience.

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