
Such a shameless mother-in-law is also rare in the world

author:Too much to nag

The ming dynasty essays are attributed to Mr. Youguang's "Mr. Zhenchuan Collection", which occurred in Jiading County, Zhejiang Province, in May of the 23rd year of Jiajing.

Such a shameless mother-in-law is also rare in the world

Zhang Zhen's daughter, home Jiading Cao Lane, married to a family surnamed Wang, this Wang family was originally from Jiaxing, moved to live in Anting.

This virgin's father also has a problem, before marrying the daughter did not have a good understanding of the character of this Wang family, directly sent such a good daughter into the fire pit.

Lao Wang was an alcoholic, drunk every day, unconscious. He has a mercurial wife, called Wang Fei in the text, and often drinks and fools around the house with a bunch of evil teenagers.

On this day, Wang Fei asked the virgin to bring her hot water, saying that she wanted to take a bath, and the virgin quickly sent her over, and when she entered the door, the virgin suddenly found that her mother-in-law was actually bathing with an evil boy! She panicked and ran back to her mother's house, crying for several days.

Such a shameless mother-in-law is also rare in the world

Her mother persecuted her, and she had no choice but to tell the truth. There is such an improper mother-in-law in the world, the ugliness of the family cannot be publicized, and the mother can only sigh.

Later, Wang Fei came to pretend to apologize, and the virgin could only follow her back, but as soon as the door was closed, Wang Fei's face changed, "a hundred ends of humiliation."

The virgin had no choice but to persuade her husband Xiao Wang not to let the evil boys come again, and persuaded the father-in-law to drink less, who knew that this father and son were a pair of stupid eggs, not only did not realize, but also told the old demon woman, as a result, the virgin daughter caused another torture.

Such a shameless mother-in-law is also rare in the world

One of these evil boys, Hu Yan, was their leader, and this guy had already made a bad idea. He said to the crowd, "This lady is too old, we are just trying to get her money and drink her wine, this bride is so delicate, how can we let it go?" ”

So he muttered to Concubine Wang: "This little lady of your family is so upright every day, I look very uncomfortable, and when I 'sleep' with Hu Lang one day, won't I become a family with joy and joy?" ”

Unexpectedly, the concubine who killed her on this day was not jealous, and she nodded her head and said yes, in order to facilitate her actions, she also sent her son Xiao Wang to the county to write a lawsuit.

Such a shameless mother-in-law is also rare in the world

On this day, Hu Yan came with three other guys, went upstairs to drink, and made a fuss for a while. Then Wang Fei took a bath, Hu Yan came to bathe together, and Wang Fei said, "Stay with the bride today."

Hu Yan washed up and went to violate the virgin, and the virgin shouted, "Kill! homicide! He touched a wooden stick to defend himself, and Hu Yan was beaten and angry, but he could only withdraw in sorrow.

The virgin returned to her room, threw herself on the ground, and cried all night.

The next day, the virgin breath was weak, fell into a coma, and slowly woke up at dusk. Hu Yan and Wang Fei were afraid that the matter would leak out, and tied the virgin to the foot of the bed.

Such a shameless mother-in-law is also rare in the world

On the third day, a group of evil boys drank again, and at the second drum, they decided to kill the virgin, so they "handed over the axe", and the virgin curled up on the ground and rolled over, saying the last sentence: "Why don't you use the knife to stab, you can let me die faster..."

Sure enough, the evil boys took the knife, and stabbed it into her neck and into her armpit. The evil youngsters have more cruel means, and they can't bear to write here, and forgive them are omitted.

The nineteen-year-old virgin was tortured to death. These guys discussed taking her out and burning her, to burn the body, but strangely enough, the body of such a weak woman was so heavy that it could not be lifted!

Such a shameless mother-in-law is also rare in the world

So they set fire to her room...

However, the enthusiastic fire-fighting neighbors came too quickly and too bravely, and they rushed into the room to save people in the fire, only to find that the virgin was already dead, so they reported to the government.

The funny thing is that this Wang Concubine actually pointed at Hu Yan and scolded in the courtroom: "What do I have to do with you?" Don't you say that a mother-in-law is not guilty of beating her daughter-in-law to death? What's going on today? ”

Such a shameless mother-in-law is also rare in the world

How did this inhuman legally illiterate mother-in-law die, the article does not introduce, only said: "Seek to die in prison." "He died in prison very quickly, was he killed by his fellow inmates with a sense of justice?"

When Gui Youguang was thirty-nine years old, he came to Anting and learned of this, "Sighing that he was so self-reliant at his childhood age." The deeds of the virgin made him "awe-inspiring", so he carefully understood and recorded the beginning and end of the incident, and wrote the article "Shu Zhang Zhennu's Death".

His exclamation was: "A virgin is a lady of a gentle woman, and she is very respectful; although she has been poisoned, she has not complained or acted against her, and she has acted with a white blade without being afraid." Not a virtuous! ”

Such a shameless mother-in-law is also rare in the world

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