
"Doing the things of the masses well is my greatest original intention and motivation" Deng Jumei has been rooted in the community for more than 20 years and has worked hard to keep my original intention

author:Xi'an release

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"I am a party member, and handling the affairs of the masses well is my greatest original intention and motivation." On the occasion of celebrating the 100 th anniversary of the founding of the party, Deng Jumei, secretary of the party committee and director of the neighborhood committee of Huannan Road in Wenyi Road Street, Beilin District, most wanted to say the following words: "Please rest assured that the party will certainly pass on the party's policies and the party's spirit to thousands of households."

"Doing the things of the masses well is my greatest original intention and motivation" Deng Jumei has been rooted in the community for more than 20 years and has worked hard to keep my original intention

"Hard work, single-mindedness for the public, because I am a member of the Communist Party"

As a "pioneer" and witness of community construction in Xi'an, since 2000, Deng Jumei has built a community from scratch, and has been working for more than 20 years, adhering to the people-oriented concept, sprinkling the party's sunshine to the corners and corners of the community, and winning the high praise of the community masses with hard work.

"From scratch, the overall conditions of the community are much better now." Deng Jumei recalled that in 1990, due to the plummeting efficiency of the Jinhua Wood Factory, she became a laid-off worker. Not only to provide for the children, but also to support two sick old people, Deng Jumei's family's life is in trouble, but she is indomitable, with self-improvement, self-reliance, self-confidence in the face of the turning point of life. Starting with a street stall and selling snacks, in two years she paid off all the debts owed by the two elderly people from illness to death. Later, she used the money she had accumulated to set up a security door factory, placed more than 140 laid-off workers, and paid hundreds of thousands of yuan in taxes for the state every year.

In 1998, Deng Jumei's Dong trench village neighborhood committee was re-elected, and she was elected as the director of the neighborhood committee. Although her family resolutely opposed it, she still persuaded her family to give up her small family for everyone and resolutely provoked the burden of the director of the neighborhood committee. After taking office, in the face of the community power outage for several months, garbage accumulation, chaotic construction, road failure and other issues, Deng Jumei was not intimidated, but she took out her own 130,000 yuan to pay the arrears of water and electricity bills, and took out 50,000 yuan to clean up more than 400 tons of garbage that had accumulated for 3 years, and then tried to raise funds and widen the road in the community. After the village was transferred to the community, in order to solve the office space in the community, she took out 70,000 yuan behind her family's back to build a 150-square-meter community service center. With office space, residents can do things more conveniently, and the community environment has been greatly improved. "With the acceleration of the urbanization process, our community has become a clean, beautiful, colorful and harmonious community, and the lives of residents have become colorful, and this sense of gain and happiness can be seen and touched." Deng Jumei said.

With her enthusiasm, enthusiasm and selfless dedication to community construction, Deng Jumei has won the trust and support of the community masses. In 2002, Deng Jumei was elected as a deputy to the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Looking back on the more than 20 years of grass-roots posts, Deng Jumei said: "The party has given me such a great honor, not forgetting my original intention and keeping my mission in mind is my only way forward. ”

"Party members are to do practical and good things for the masses."

"Adhering to the party's principles and doing a good job and doing grassroots work well is to share worries and worries for the party and the government." Deng Jumei said that with the continuous development of community construction and the gradual improvement of work standards and requirements, only with high Chinese, she took the initiative to strengthen learning and actively explore what she learned from books. When the South Huannan Road community took the lead in establishing a large party committee in the city, she led the community staff to actively explore the co-residence and co-construction management mechanism of resource sharing, complementary advantages and common development of the community and resident units, and gradually built a new model of "1+3+X" party building work of "one core leading, three governance integration, and diversified co-construction".

"Community work is a matter of all kinds, all of which are ordinary people's affairs, but everything is related to the vital interests of the masses. As party members, we must do practical things for the masses and do good things. Deng Jumei said that relying on the leadership of party building and through co-residence and co-construction, today's community appearance has undergone earth-shaking changes: the area of the house has expanded from less than 300 square meters to more than 5,000 square meters, forming a comprehensive community service center integrating many service projects such as home care center for the elderly, rehabilitation room for the disabled, activity center for middle-aged and elderly people, Deng Jumei reemployment service center, people's mediation Deng Jumei studio, women's shelter, party member electric classroom, love supermarket, one hall office and many other service projects. It has greatly improved the scope of serving the people, the efficiency of doing things for the people, and facilitated and enriched everyone's daily life.

In order to give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, Deng Jumei led community party members to carry out in-depth activities such as "one party member and one banner, the party's purpose into the community" and the creation of "demonstration posts for communist party members", organized and mobilized party members and the masses to actively participate in mass spiritual civilization creation activities such as "civilized families, civilized communities, and civilized units", and organized party members to pair up with the disabled, empty nest elderly, and the masses in difficulty to help. Through the establishment of a social organization sharing platform in the community, the Huannan Road community currently has 13 social organizations and community-owned organizations, and every year through the development of service activities such as "Learning from Lei Feng Tree's Example", "Strong Love Dragon Boat Dumplings are Love", "Jiujiu Chongyang Festival" and "Winter Solstice Dumpling Feast", it has effectively enhanced the happiness, pride and sense of belonging of community residents.

"Do a good job in grassroots work and solve the urgent needs of the people"

Be anxious about what the masses are anxious about and think about what the masses think. Over the years, Deng Jumei has always wholeheartedly provided intimate and thoughtful services for the masses in need. While caring, helping, and influencing the "two laborers" released personnel, she has arranged employment for more than 30 released people and helped them start a family... Taking care of the old party members in the community, she often cleans the elderly Gao Xiuzhen, removes and washes the bedding, and sends rice flour oil and other daily necessities to the elderly during the New Year's Festival. One day, the old man Bai Xueyun suddenly fell ill in the middle of the night and was hospitalized, and the hospital asked him to pay 5,000 yuan first, and his son was only 3,000 yuan at that time. After Deng Jumei knew about this, she took out 2,000 yuan in time and said: "First let the old man be hospitalized." ”

The community disabled Ma Zili suffered from cerebral palsy, Zhang Menglin was paralyzed in the lower limbs, life could not take care of themselves, family life was difficult, Deng Jumei saw in the eyes, anxious in the heart, and tried every means to help them solve their worries. In order to let Ma Zili's family get out of the predicament as soon as possible, she helped Ma Zili set up a small stall selling milk to help him increase his income; by contacting the resident unit and forming a pair of help and support with Zhang Menglin, she helped Zhang Menglin build up the courage to live...

In many years of community work, Deng Jumei summed up the "six permanent work methods in the alleys": that is, often listening to the words of the masses, often knocking on the doors of the people's homes, often resolving small contradictions around them, often telling the neighborhood feelings, often doing filial piety for their children, and often sending true feelings for hardships. Relying on the "People's Mediation Deng Jumei Studio", Deng Jumei has mediated more than 80 contradictions and disputes, achieving "small things do not leave the hospital, and big things do not leave the community". During the epidemic prevention and control period, Deng Jumei, who is more than one year old, has always rushed to the front and worked in the front, adhering to the front line of epidemic prevention and control, and achieving that the hospital does not leak households and households do not leak people.

"In recent years, the city of Xi'an has undergone tremendous changes, the urban environmental sanitation has been improved, the housing and medical reform have changed greatly, the happiness index of the people has also improved, and we are very happy to see that the fine management of the city has been greatly improved." Deng Jumei said that as a leading person in the community, she deeply feels a heavy responsibility, and only by rolling up her sleeves and working hard, can she overcome difficulties, live up to her mission, and hand over a qualified answer sheet to the party and the people.

Xi'an Newspaper All-Media Reporter Liu Xiaoyun

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