
Zhang Yiyuan: Love eye protection

author:Cheng Shikang

Class 33 Primary 5 (4) in Nanyang City, Henan Province, Zhang Yiyuan Instructor Shi Fuying

The eye is the "window of the soul". It allows us to distinguish between beauty and ugliness, good and evil. How green our trees are, how blue our blue sky is, and how blue we can see everything in the world.

Zhang Yiyuan: Love eye protection

Lo and behold, the flowers are so bright. At this time, you will feel how beautiful and wonderful the world is! If the beautiful world in front of you is covered with a thick black veil, then you will know how precious the eyes are. It's not anyone's fault, it's ourselves.

For example: some children who love to read books do not do the correct sitting posture when reading books, and the little friends who love the Internet and love to watch TV use their eyes for too long, and over time, the eyes will lose their original vitality. Can't contribute to us anymore. Today, some children do not know how much myopia is harmful: during class, the words on the blackboard cannot be read clearly, the notes cannot be remembered, and when playing in physical education class, the shooting is inaccurate. There are many examples in life that we can realize the importance of the eye to us.

Children, we must protect our eyes, which bring us joy and sadness. Let the eye clear serve us at the same time, but also let us serve our eye clear for the eye clear.

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