
The grand event is approaching, endorsements are flocking to it, what qualities does the brand look at gu Ailing?

author:Three big balls

The 2022 ice and snow event officially entered the 100-day countdown, but as early as more than a month ago, the 18-year-old "talented ski girl" Gu Ailing has become one of the hottest Chinese athletes at the moment.

In September 2021, in just one month, 5 brands officially announced that they had reached an endorsement cooperation with Gu Ailing, and such a high frequency of commercial endorsement also made people realize that "Gu Ailing" is becoming a phenomenon. Compared with Su Bingtian, Quan Hongchan and other athletes who have both strength and traffic in Tokyo, Gu Ailing, although she has not participated in the Olympic Games, is equally influential in popularity, what makes her become the top of the sports circle, and then let many domestic brands compete to chase it?

The most important traits of a person who are chased by the market are uniqueness and scarcity. Internationalization, localization, youthfulness, idolization, these keywords combined with the identity of "top skier" have achieved the Gu Ailing phenomenon.

- Recognizable and contoured facial features give her a natural sense of internationality;

- Express a sense of identity with China anytime and anywhere, and use words and deeds to prove that "China's rise" is not a lie;

-Born in 2003, the young Gu Ailing has the unique self-confidence temperament of Generation Z;

- Less than three years after her naturalization, she won 15 world-class medals for China, including 11 gold medals, and is a true sports icon.

The grand event is approaching, endorsements are flocking to it, what qualities does the brand look at gu Ailing?

These elements create a girl who grows on the traffic password. Under the blessing of the ice and snow boom, Gu Ailing is bound to sweep the market traffic, so in addition to the traffic, in what ways can the signing of Gu Ailing enhance the value of the brand?

First of all, Gu Ailing dares to try, dare to explore, in addition to the ski career, she is also a "slash youth" who is also an athlete, model and other multiple identities, good at basketball, rock climbing, bungee jumping, horseback riding and other sports of genius girl. On the road to pursuing professional sports, she also took care of her studies and realized her dream of being admitted to Stanford.

The grand event is approaching, endorsements are flocking to it, what qualities does the brand look at gu Ailing?

The second is that she dares to express. In the second season of the documentary "My Time and Me", she recorded her charity marathon at 3 a.m. and her efforts to break gender stereotypes and promote extreme sports with her influence. Chinese skier Gu Ailing expressed more about lofty ideals beyond achievement in front of ESPN's camera: "I hope to inspire young women all over China with sports."

Promoting the "world" change through its own influence is the "Generation Z dream" headed by Gu Ailing, and it is also the value that the brand hopes to pass on through Gu Ailing, so the brand side also makes an unprecedented attempt based on the many characteristics of Gu Ailing in the market activities.

On the occasion of the 100-day countdown to the ice and snow event, China Mobile launched the avatar of Gu Ailing - China Mobile's 5G ice and snow digital expert Meet Gu, Meet GU digital intelligence not only perfectly reproduces the real person, but also can carry out immersive real-time interaction. After the user sets the video RINGT with one click, he can interact with the meta-universe girl through the mobile phone screen during the call.

At the same time, Meet GU will also walk into the Migu Ice and Snow Event Studio of China Mobile to explain ski events, broadcast related events and interact with the virtual reality of scene e-commerce, etc., breaking the boundaries of time and space, so that ice and snow lovers and Gu Ailing can meet in the wonderful ice and snow world.

The core promotion appeal of "5G helps ice and snow" is cleverly implanted into the image of the spokesperson, which can be described as a perfect combination of brand and spokesperson based on business content.

The grand event is approaching, endorsements are flocking to it, what qualities does the brand look at gu Ailing?

In the process of the rise of the ice and snow economy, China Mobile is committed to improving infrastructure construction, with the help of its own technology, content and user scale, with the help of its own technology, content and user scale, to empower ice and snow sports with digital communication, and work with Gu Ailing and many parties to jointly "drive 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports".

China Mobile and Migu Video hope to make a breakthrough in the young market, break the content tone established in the past, and openly use the spokesperson IP to open up consumer awareness of mobile and Migu brands. Through the signing of Gu Ailing and the creation of avatars that cater to the preferences of Generation Z, it is more like issuing its own declaration - the brand shoulders the mission of breakthrough and innovation, and needs to be brave enough to become a market breaker and forerunner, connecting the "present" and "future".

"Born to Shine", born to shine, is a unique trait of Gu Ailing. For the brand, signing a contract with Gu Ailing is a routine action of the ice and snow event cycle, how to combine Gu Ailing to achieve the transmission and promotion of the brand's own value, China Mobile undoubtedly gives a qualified paradigm.

The grand event is approaching, endorsements are flocking to it, what qualities does the brand look at gu Ailing?

On the occasion of the 100-day countdown to the ice and snow event, "5G + Sports" helped China's ice and snow, Gu Ailing, Xu Mengtao, Sui Wenjing, Han Cong, Ren Ziwei and other 5 ice and snow world champions, 4 ice and snow project national teams and a number of industry partners attended together, and the "China Mobile 5G Ice and Snow Team" was officially unveiled.

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