
In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

author:Ah Zheng said anime

If there's any indie animation that the audience will still remember ten years later, the animation must have a name —

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > "Chiko"</h1>

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

In 2009, the anime Chiko (センコロール) was released in 27 minutes, but it was a great surprise for independent animation fans.

Generally speaking, the animation of the combat department is easier to do a long story, so that the world view can be slowly unfolded in sufficient space, and the protagonist can calmly upgrade and fight monsters all the way, and finally embark on the peak of life.

However, "Thousand Sons" is not like this, and its worldview is interesting and self-explanatory.

In less than 30 minutes, it tells the audience a relatively complete story.

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

The story takes place in a small town that is calm on the outside, so calm that it is impossible to feel the presence of people.

At this time, the male protagonist sat on a giant "ball" and looked up at the sky leisurely.

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

The giant dumpling is named Chiko, a monster of unknown origin, whose skill is to deform, basically what you eat can change, but the staple food is other monsters of the same kind.

After being subdued by the male protagonist, Qianzi will obey the male protagonist's command to fight with the monsters and wait until victory to have a full meal.

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

But Chiko is not the obedient pet monster in other anime.

It is not an appendage of the male protagonist, and the relationship with the male protagonist is more like a partner, often disobeying the male protagonist's orders and acting according to his own will.

This became more and more obvious with the arrival of the heroine.

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

By chance, the heroine found an abnormality on a bicycle, and that bicycle was changed by a thousand children.

She poked the cushion of the bicycle with her finger, but unexpectedly poked Chiko's eye, scaring the man who was about to push the bicycle away into a cold sweat.

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

Stimulated by this, Chiko first changed back into her chubby original form, and then transformed into a panda.

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

After the heroine saw it, she immediately revealed "Who am I?" Where am I? What am I doing? "Three consecutive expressions.

Soon, the heroine bribed Chiko with delicious food — first pudding, then chocolate.

The male protagonist impatiently warns her not to give Qianzi strange things, which will affect the transformation.

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

Then, the male second was online.

Like the male protagonist, the male second can also manipulate the monster, and his two monsters are large and the other has purple tentacles.

The monster is manipulated by an antenna formed by the hairs on its head.

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

The second man with his two monsters declares war on the male protagonist and Chiko.

During the first battle, halfway through the fight, In order to save the heroine whose reflection arc was too long, Chiko swallowed her without saying a word, and then transformed into a small car, carrying the male and female protagonists away.

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

In the second engagement, the second man took the heroine as a hostage, and ordered the tentacle monster to lift the heroine into the air.

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

The male protagonist rushed to hear the news and leaned out from Qianzi's mouth to try to rescue the female protagonist, but unexpectedly, the male second was in his arms - a long gun thrown by the tentacle monster hit Qianzi, and Qianzi broke an arm and fell to the ground in response.

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"
In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

Then, a surprising scene appeared.

Only to see Chiko re-grow an arm, which she actually obtained after eating the man's arm.

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

At this time, the heroine's hair cocked.

She not only took control of Qianzi from the male protagonist, but even after Qianzi was swallowed by the male second's big monster, she could then manipulate the male second's big monster and turn it into an oversized yellow pudding.

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

Interestingly, although the animation depicts the battle between the monsters is dazzling, the final solution to the problem is very simple and crude.

That is, the female protagonist picked up the baseball bat and ran to the male second, giving him a blow.

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

The overall tone of the animation is very special.

Obviously, it is a story of a young boy and a girl carrying a monster to fight, but it is not made into a burning style, from the picture to the rhythm, it gives people a feeling of light wind and clouds.

In "Thousand Sons", you don't see the monsters coming and people panic and flee, and all the people have retreated ahead of time.

The battle between the boy and the monsters is like unfolding on the ruins of the end of the world, but there is no sense of doomsday despair.

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

In the design of animated characters, if the female protagonist is particularly long in the reflection arc, then the male protagonist is less rooted, no matter what kind of things he encounters, he is calm.

Even if he later broke a right arm, he didn't say much.

At the end of the anime, Chiko becomes the scene of the male protagonist's right arm, and if you want to come to the "Parasitic Beast" crew next door, you will also call out to the insider.

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

Director Atsuya Uki was originally an illustrator and manga artist, and in "Senko", he single-handedly took over the positions of supervisor, screenwriter, character design and drawing.

This is actually what many independent animation creators have in common.

The double limitation of human and financial resources forced those animators who were bored in their small workshops to achieve the decathlon.

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

Judging from the animation production process alone, the poverty index of "Thousand Sons" seems to be exaggerated.

It is said that it was first drafted by Atsuya Uki in pencil, and then in the 17-inch Macbook, with the help of the familiar Adobe "family bucket" processing -

Photoshop coloring, After Effects compositing, and finally editing with Premiere.

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

(Atsuya Uki work live)

However, ordinary or even simple production tools not only do not make animation seem shabby, but instead contribute to the unique style of animation to simplify, which makes people look very comfortable.

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

In addition, the completion of "Senko" was inseparable from the support of an original animation production support organization, animation revolution Tokyo.

The use of its funds stands out in two places.

One is the luxurious voice actor lineup:

The heroine Hanazawa Kaori does not need me to introduce more, and there is also a "Story of Transformation" that was launched in the same year (2009) as "Senko".

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

For a long time after that, Sengoku Fumiko's song "Love Cycle" would appear on various magical occasions to brainwash the people of the Heavenly Dynasty.

For example, the "Love Cycle" at the 2019 New Year's Eve Party of Beijing Satellite TV, the response without a soul, really makes people have mixed feelings.

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

In addition to the female lead voice actress Kaori Hanazawa, the male lead voice actor Kano Shimono and the male second voice actor Kimura Ryohei also contributed their excellent acting skills in "Chiko".

Another budget burn point is the theme song of the anime.

Through the matchmaking of the animation revolution in Tokyo, RYO, the core character of the Japanese music group SUPERCELL, provided a stunning theme song and soundtrack for "Senko".

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

Another identity of RYO is the "Divine Primal Teacher". From the earliest "メルト" and "Love は戦 Controversy" to the later "The World's First Princess Highness", the creation of Hatsune songs will set off a craze almost every time.

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

Even many viewers of "Senko" said that they watched the anime after they were attracted to its theme song "LOVE &amp; ROLL" (aka "Rolling Sheets of Love").

In 2019, ten years after the release of "Thousand Sons", "Thousand Sons 2" began to come out, causing the fans of "Thousand Sons" who have been looking forward to it for tears.

In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

Some people feel that "Thousand Sons 2" has fulfilled their wishes, others feel that the story is still not fully unfolded, and more people have issued soul torture:

So, when will "Thousand Sons 3" be on the top?

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In just 27 minutes, it tells a battle story, and it does "Thousand Sons"

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