
Interpretation of Lin Lingdong's "Yin and Yang Mistake"

author:Da Kan

I remember reading a report that said that the current post-95s are particularly prone to resignation, resignation from the wrong job, resignation with less money, too busy or too tired to resign, resignation seems to have become synonymous with this generation. And the world-famous action director Lin Lingdong, the initial job is not a director but an actor, from the wireless training class, and Zhou Runfa is a classmate, with the dream of an actor Lin Lingdong Yin yang mistakenly turned to act as a director. In the few years after becoming a director, he had no connection with the action theme, but successively filmed the "Love Quadrilogy": "Yin and Yang Mistake", "Gentleman Good Luck", "Eros No. 1", "Best Partner Thousand Miles to Save the Poor Wife", and then Da Kan came to talk about this "Yin and Yang Mistake".

Interpretation of Lin Lingdong's "Yin and Yang Mistake"

"Yin and Yang Mistake", released in 1983, as the first work directed by Lin Lingdong, can be called the Hong Kong version of "people and ghosts are not over", which is 7 years earlier than the American version of "people and ghosts are not in love". The story of the film revolves around the protagonists Gu Zhiming (played by Tan Yonglin) and Zhang Xiaoyu (played by Ni Shujun), one is an employee of an insurance company, the other is a female ghost who was killed by the disaster of innocence, two people in the two worlds met because of the "disc fairy" game, a constant cut, rational and chaotic fate also began, the relationship between the two is also full of wonderful unknowns, from pinching at first sight to peaceful coexistence, from ignorance to falling in love, from glue like paint to the heavens.

Interpretation of Lin Lingdong's "Yin and Yang Mistake"

Mention the "disc fairy", the audience is not unfamiliar, the common performance methods in horror movies have been used badly. As early as 36 years ago, in 1983, Lin Lingdong did not occupy a lot of space when dealing with the link of "Disc Immortal", but simply passed by, "Disc Immortal" is just an introduction, the real story is still around the female ghost induced by the "Disc Immortal", focusing on the love story of one person and one ghost. This operation alone is enough to make many horror films that represent everything in shame.

Interpretation of Lin Lingdong's "Yin and Yang Mistake"

As a fantasy romantic comedy, the film pays attention to the meticulous description of the feelings of men and women, although it is the unequal love of the special way of people and ghosts, but many details between lovers are interspersed with it, from bathing, changing clothes to living under the same roof, not only opening the curtain of "human ghost love", but also triggering a number of imitation trends, "Happy Ghost" series of films, there are very strong traces of imitation.

Interpretation of Lin Lingdong's "Yin and Yang Mistake"

"Yin and Yang Mistake" Douban scored 7.4 points, box office 14.1 million. The film is also a representative of the ups and downs, it is said that a total of five directors were changed that year, seven cinematographers were used, and more bizarrely, the wives of the five staff members were all miscarried at that time, and the degree of spirituality was the same as that of the later "Mr. Zombie".

Interpretation of Lin Lingdong's "Yin and Yang Mistake"

In the film, the performance lineup of Tan Yonglin, Ni Shujun, Ye Tong and others is brought together, 36 years ago, they were still a green look, full of collagen written on the face, the standard male god and goddess performance lineup, especially the opening of the film, women get together to play "Pacea Eater" on the Yalida game console, men gather in front of the TV to buy tickets, the iconic character Dong Biao, or so talkative, quite a sense of traveling through time and space. In the next issue, Da Kan will interpret "Gentleman's Good Luck" for everyone. Which of Lin Lingdong's works do you like? Or which character? You may wish to leave a message to discuss together.