
Adaptation of the true story of "Tsunami Miracle"

author:Chase the drama to see Xiao Yi
Adaptation of the true story of "Tsunami Miracle"

Maria (Naomi Watts) and Henry (Ivan McGregor) and their three sons travel to Thailand to spend the Christmas season together, but just after Christmas, when the happy family is enjoying a leisurely time by the pool, a beast-like wave of 10,000 feet is coming.

Adaptation of the true story of "Tsunami Miracle"

Frightened by the sight of her eyes, Maria was unable to react for a moment, and unfortunately was swept by a huge wave; And although Henry grabbed his two sons in time to prepare to flee, it was still too late, and the fierce water finally washed them away. Maria, who had been knocked unconscious by the waves, woke up to find herself floating on the surface of the sea, and all the scenery that had originally surrounded her had been submerged under the water, and she was convinced that her family had died, and found that her eldest son Lucas was floating on the sea only a few meters away from her.

Adaptation of the true story of "Tsunami Miracle"

Maria was suddenly shot in the arm, and she decided to do everything she could to take her eldest son Lucas and leave alive...

Film critics

"Tsunami Miracle" and "Tangshan Earthquake" have similarities. The film is based on the structure of disasters, the separation of relatives, the struggle to find, until the dark clouds are gone and the reunion. The difference is that the time span of "Tsunami Miracle" is not extended like the latter, but the main line scattered to the reunion is condensed into a specific time point before and after the specific tsunami, which invisibly tests the director's ability to control the overall film, and to show a richer and more accurate plot line and content in the most limited time and space, which is more skilled.

Adaptation of the true story of "Tsunami Miracle"

Spanish director Juan Antonio Bayana, who came from a horror film, did a good job, the flood wave surged up, the lives were destroyed, the rest of his life, sensational tears, the movement was equally divided, it began with a natural disaster, it ended with a fight against the disaster, echoing back and forth, and finishing the finishing touch. However, the content is too dense, which also causes the development of the side plot to be mixed, the plot connection is unnatural, and the cross-montage performance method plays the role of the characters in the film too scattered, resulting in less strength.

It is worth mentioning that the artistic values of "Tsunami Miracle" are very different from similar domestic films. The film does not focus on who rescues, the country depends on the government, and relies on international rescue. None. People save themselves, people rescue, people of different regions, different races, different languages before facing natural disasters, to eliminate all kinds of barriers, help each other, showing the greatness of human nature in the face of danger, which is a world away from the content of the government, officials, and soldiers to save the people presented in the domestic movies "Super Typhoon" and "11 Days of Ice and Snow". The difference in artistic value orientation also creates the difference of the film, so that the whole film always looks at the disaster from a very objective point of view, and makes the viewer more moved. After the disaster, people's reaction is also very calm, there is no domestic film like crying, always maintained in a peaceful state, abandoning the great joy and great sorrow, infiltrating a wisp of mourning, silence and calmness to create a very special realm, the warm tone of the whole film, but also just right to put the audience in a gentle and hopeful atmosphere.

Adaptation of the true story of "Tsunami Miracle"

The film also installs many delicate details to amplify people's views on life and salvation after the disaster, such as Lucas picking up a drink in the midst of a mess, first giving it to his mother, the mother giving it to the strange child, and finally Lucas's turn, completely treating the strange child as his own flesh and bones, which expresses the emotional resonance of empathy. For example, the husband played by Ivan McGregor was refused to borrow a mobile phone when he first sought help from others, which in turn examined the differences in human nature from a dialectical point of view, and the rescue of life is also a moral salvation.

The flaw in Tsunami Wonder is its lack of novelty. In the context of the disaster, the film still expresses the torture and damage of the disaster to the hearts and bodies of all those who witnessed the disaster through the encounter of a very specific family, and through the way of small and big. Film and television works with the same theme have been common, and films such as "2012" are the same, and the whole film has not developed a more fresh and complex structure of the narrative, which is regrettable. The actor's performance is encouraging, the three little boys are the strokes of God, especially Lucas is the protagonist of the whole film. And Naomi Watts, who won the 70th Golden Globe Nomination for her superb performance in this film, did play a loving, tenacious and resolute mother, who is basically a restless injured person who hovers on the death line in the film, only through trembling lips, tear marks in the corners of the eyes and a few words at the time of death, which is extremely difficult and wonderful. McGregor, on the other hand, exerted too much force, and several crying scenes were hoarse and had no highlights.

Adaptation of the true story of "Tsunami Miracle"

The most beautiful scene in the film is two small actors, sitting on the top of the mountain, looking at the night sky galaxy. This echoes the scene at the beginning of the film where everyone releases Kong Ming lanterns to the dark ocean. The stars are brilliant, and if they go out of it, it seems that the whole universe is swallowed up by the sea at this moment.

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