
The Hangzhou tour guide was involved in a dispute over the property of an 87-year-old rich woman in Singapore with a property dispute of 200 million
The Hangzhou tour guide was involved in a dispute over the property of an 87-year-old rich woman in Singapore with a property dispute of 200 million

Zhejiang Online, September 25 (Qianjiang Evening News reporter Hu Dake Bai Jianbin) There is a building on Moganshan Road in Hangzhou, and near this building, several small apartments are very low-key.

No one ever thought that a Hangzhou man living in this apartment had recently become a sensational "celebrity" in Singapore.

The Hangzhou native, Yang Tian (pseudonym), was involved in a dispute in Singapore involving a local rich woman of nearly 200 million yuan.

In a huge property dispute case in Singapore, the male protagonist is a Hangzhou native

According to Singapore's Lianhe Wanbao, since September, the whole country has been concerned about a huge property dispute case.

The protagonist of the case is a man whose hometown is in Hangzhou, his name is Yang Tian, 40 years old, he has a family, and he has a son and a daughter.

The other protagonist is an old lady in Singapore, 87 years old, surnamed Zou. The old lady's husband is gone, they have no children, and the closest relative is her 60-year-old niece Mo Cuiling.

Yang Tian used to be a tour guide, and after being introduced, he became a private tour guide for the old lady in 2008, and finally fell in love with his grandchildren. Later, the old lady simply regarded Yang Tian as a dry grandson, and in a will made 4 years ago, it was clearly stated that the bungalow and all the items in the house, including paintings and art treasures, belonged to the dry grandson alone.

You know, this asset, the total amount of 40 million Singapore dollars, converted into RMB, is about 200 million yuan!

Recently, the old lady's niece Mo Cuiling came to the door and said that Yang Tian had deceived the old lady's trust, and the que nest was occupied, and she wanted to get justice for the old lady. One thing, more tangled, at present, the old lady has the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, unable to describe the whole process.

A reporter from Singapore's Lianhe Evening News and a reporter from Qianjiang Evening News contacted each other across the ocean to conduct joint interviews in Singapore and Hangzhou.

Traveling to Beijing, the old lady's friend introduced her to the young Hangzhou tour guide

Assets of SGD 40 million are definitely not a small amount.

In the early years, the old lady and her husband were very far-sighted, and bought some properties at low prices in Singapore, and now the property has increased in value, and after selling some of the properties, the couple has become rich.

In addition, the old lady also invested in calligraphy and painting for many years, and when the reporter of the United Evening News interviewed the Haozhen Gallery that the old lady frequented, the boss Cai Jiafa revealed that the old lady visited his gallery almost every month in the 1980s and 1990s, buying two or three paintings, and there were no more in and out, so that the later collection of calligraphy and paintings was incredible.

Cai Jiafa said that at the price of that year, it is estimated that she spent seven or eight hundred thousand yuan before and after, and the price of these paintings has now doubled several times. Boss Cai also mentioned that the old lady likes to buy anything beautiful and is very accommodating and happy.

The old woman and her husband have been working as medical workers in Singapore and live in a mansion. The husband had a stroke in 1983, and the old woman left her job to take care of her husband at home. My husband passed away in 2007.

It is worth mentioning that they still have a good friend living in their home.

The friend had known the old lady for 50 years, moved into the mansion in 2004 to help her take care of her husband, and moved out of the mansion in 2011. In 2005, when the friend traveled to Shanghai, he met the tour guide Yang Tian.

The following year, Yang Tian came to Singapore and was introduced by this friend to the old lady and her husband. In 2008, when the old lady went to Beijing, Yang Tian was her personal tour guide.

Now, the old lady's friend said that Yang Tian played with and used the old lady's feelings for his own benefit.

His enthusiasm won the favor of the old lady, borrowed the help of the old woman, and also obtained permanent residency in Singapore

At one time, the old lady liked Yang Tian, a young man. Yang Tian arrived in Singapore the year after he met the old lady, and later moved into a mansion. Yang Tian's application for permanent residency in Singapore is a letter of recommendation written by the old lady to the authorities.

According to insiders, the recommendation letter is full of praise.

So, what is Yang's ability to make an old Singaporean lady trust and appreciate him so much?

According to the Lianhe Evening News, the two have been exchanging letters since the old lady and Yang Tian met in Beijing.

Yang Tian and the other party walked very closely, in addition to going to Singapore many times, there were also letters exchanged. Yang Tian seemed very enthusiastic and cared for the old lady very much. Because the other husband has died and has no children, Yang's care makes the old lady very moved. ”

The progress of the relationship between the two people came in March 2009.

That year, Yang Tian went to visit the old lady again as a tour guide and set up a music and dance studio in the local area.

This dance studio takes the old lady's mansion as its registered address. Yang Tian and the old lady are both listed as directors of the company.

"Lianhe Wanbao" mentioned the layout of the mansion in the report - turn right from the gate of the (mansion), pass through Yang Tian's bedroom and toilet, enter the old lady's bedroom, and then enter the collection room where the artwork is placed from the old lady's bedroom.

Speaking of collecting, it can be added that Dr. Chen Yijun, president of the Southeast Asian Art Association, revealed that he and the old lady have been friends for more than ten years, and the old lady likes to buy paintings not for investment, but pure appreciation.

However, when Yang Tian was introduced by the old lady to himself, he began to ask for paintings.

Yang Tian claimed to be the grandson of the old lady, and did not understand calligraphy and painting, but he auctioned it on his behalf. After contacting Yang Tian, Dr. Chen Yijun and professional auctioneers in Beijing mentioned that Yang Tian was a "layman" of calligraphy and painting, but his sales of paintings were close to one million.

The old lady recognized him as a grandson and made a will to leave him a huge fortune

A reporter from the Lianhe Wanbao said they had repeatedly gone to the old lady's residence for interviews.

Chen Linda, the old lady's neighbor, said in an interview with the "Lianhe Evening News" that the old lady was very good, and they could open the door directly before, but after Yang Tian came, the door was locked deeply, and she did not see the old lady come out to exercise.

The maid of the old lady's family and the driver that the old lady once hired both expressed some doubts about Yang Tian. Garuddin, a former driver, said that yang tian was laid off shortly after he moved into the mansion, and he felt that this was not the old lady's intention.

"Yang Tian coaxed the old lady into obedience, and before dinner or when he was ready to fall asleep, he would hug her in front of his family." Ms. Su, a maid who has served the old lady for 6 years, said that Yang Tian and the old lady were very intimate, sometimes kissing each other's cheeks. The maid said that Yang Tian felt like he was making a play by doing so. "If you're going far, you're going to do it too."

At the same time, Yang Tian would also take the old lady to meet friends and eat every week, and his attitude was very sincere. It is understood that the old lady used to work as a physical therapist in a local hospital, and maintained the habit of often gathering with old colleagues, because these are the old lady's best friends, so Yang Tian will personally send her to participate every time to increase the recognition of his friends.

On the one hand, he and the old lady showed great intimacy, but Yang Tian did not allow visitors or friends to visit the house. Ms. Su said that since last year, he has not even allowed his neighbors to enter the house. "Yang said that if someone came to visit, he would say that the old lady was not at home, or he could just refuse." The maid also said that sometimes when she went out to take out the garbage or something, she had to lock the door.

In 2010, the old lady made a will, which called Yang Tian a "dry grandson" and designated him as the heir to the estate. In her will, she said that "the bungalow and all the items in the house, including paintings and art treasures, belong to him alone." ”

How to finally complete the permanent residence permit and obtain the old lady's will is not yet clear, but from the notepad found by the Singapore police from the mansion, It is estimated that Yang Tian's plan at that time can be seen.

Local media called this notepad Yang Tian's "book of development.". The notepad details his timetable for obtaining permanent residency and formulating a permanent power of attorney, as well as contact information for many law firms and a lot of real estate in China.

The Hangzhou tour guide was involved in a dispute over the property of an 87-year-old rich woman in Singapore with a property dispute of 200 million

If yang tian had not done it himself, things might not have changed so quickly.

"Lianhe Wanbao" once had an exclusive report that Yang Tian showed off his wealth and happiness on the Weibo signed "Wentao Wuluo Fine" two years ago, saying that he wanted to "let my treasury march towards 50 million", and there was also a sentence of "Come on!" Money,I Love You.” (Come on, money, I love you)

From time to time, Yang Tian also shared antique paintings, precious furniture and stone sculptures on Weibo, and some claimed to be his own treasures.

There is also a little strange, Yang Tian shared hundreds of photos, none of which can see the figure of the old lady.

At this moment, many posts have been deleted.

In fact, Yang Tian may have dealt with a lot of calligraphy and paintings and jewelry collected by the old lady, so he and his wife and so on have already lived a rich life. After the interview with the local media, it was revealed that the posts and pictures of Yang Tian's Weibo found could be seen, showing that he loved antiques, wore famous brands at the same time, and lived a very luxurious life.

The niece of the old woman took the old woman back to her home

Yang Tian called the police to accuse her of kidnapping

The above is all in the past, and the flashpoint of this case is August 21 this year.

"Lianhe Evening News" reported that on that day, the old lady's niece Mo Cuiling took the old lady to the Coastal Park for a walk, and then directly took the old lady back to her home. However, she had informed Yang Tian in advance that she would take the old lady out.

After Mo Cuiling took the old lady back to her home, Yang Tian once called the police to accuse her of kidnapping. However, the local police did not come to the door, but only called to inquire, and Mo Cuiling explained.

Mo Cuiling and her family found that the old lady's body was still OK, but her memory was very bad. According to Mo Cuiling's son Aiken, the aunt will remember the events of 5 years ago more clearly, and the subsequent events cannot be remembered now. Aiken gave an example of something like Yang Tian, and he said it countless times, but the old lady forgot about it shortly after listening to it.

"My aunt remembers the previous things and has no way to say what Yang Tian has done to her over the years, so we are very worried."

The niece went back to the mansion to change the locks

And called the police to let Yang Tian's family move away

On September 2, 2014, her niece Mo Cuiling returned to the mansion with the old lady to change the lock, and called the police to ask the Yang Tian family to move away, and the two sides were deadlocked for 7 hours.

On that day, Yang Tian was not in Singapore, but his wife and children were there, and he finally left the mansion.

On the day of leaving, Yang Tian's wife once told the media that she had a good relationship with the old lady and that the children liked to see their grandmother.

Mo Cuiling found the old lady's will in the mansion.

At the same time, Mok also found a will made by the old lady in 2009, indicating that she intended to set up a charitable fund in the name of her deceased husband, and donated annually to the Community Chest, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Cruelty and the Singapore Zoo to commemorate her husband.

The old lady is very fond of small animals, used to have many pet dogs, and even had a baby tiger in her backyard in the 1970s.

On September 10, Yang Tian returned to the mansion to take some of his luggage.

Yang Tian

It is under investigation by the local police

According to singapore media sources, Yang Tian is currently under investigation by the local police.

On the morning of September 16, Yang Tian was interviewed by the Immigration and Checkpoints Bureau.

On September 17, Yang Tian was arrested and investigated by the local police on suspicion of dishonesty, and was released on bail the next morning. When he walked out of the police building, Yang Tian looked tired.

The local investigation of Yang Tian appears to be multifaceted, among which the local media disclosed that Yang Tian filled in the "university" he studied on an application, and the information could not be found on the Internet. The Investigation by the Immigration Checkpoints Authority of Singapore revealed that Yang Tian was suspected of violating the regulations for applying for a permanent residence permit or providing false information when applying. If eventually found guilty, Yang Tian's permanent residency status will be revoked and he will be deported back to China. At present, Yang Tian's passport has been withheld by the Immigration Bureau.

Obviously, the current evidence shows that it is unfavorable to Yang Tian, and the local lawyer said that if Yang Tiancheng is convicted, he may face imprisonment, and the assets of nearly 200 million yuan may not be insured.

The senior lawyer said that Yang Tianshi's arrest for "untrustworthiness" would be tantamount to facing criminal civil proceedings at the same time if he was finally charged. "If Yang Tian is untrustworthy, or if he is guilty of a crime because of sufficient evidence after being charged, the niece of the old lady can use this as evidence to accuse Yang Tian of having committed illegal acts and is not suitable to be a trustee, so the previous enduring power of attorney is overturned." The lawyer said that in this way, Yang Tian could not intervene in the old lady's nearly 200 million assets.

Approaching his home in Hangzhou

Because Yang Tian had written a letter to a rich woman in Singapore in Hangzhou at that time, the local police in Singapore obtained the address where the letter was paid. The day before yesterday, the Lianhe Evening News provided Yang Tian's residence in Hangzhou.

"We only know that he opened a company in Singapore, how can there be such a thing?" Yesterday, the Qianjiang Evening News reporter came to the apartment where Yang Tianhukou was located, and the neighbors were very surprised to learn of the reporter's intentions.

"I saw his wife a few days ago, and my two children were there, as if I had just returned a few days ago." Lao Lin, the property of the community, said that he had also met Yang Tian in the community a month ago. Yang Tian's family is relatively low-key. They only know that this person used to be a tour guide, and then went to Singapore, the people are very enthusiastic, and everyone can talk about it when they meet.

Yang Tian's family lives on the 1st floor.

Knocking on the door and coming out was Yang Tian's father.

"We don't know, there's nothing to say." The old man wears a pair of reading glasses and looks very capable. The old man was only willing to reveal that his son had been going to Singapore for a few years, and used to be a tour guide, and as for what he did outside, only the son himself knew.

When I heard that Yang Tian's affairs in Singapore involved 200 million yuan, this figure surprised everyone in the community who was familiar with Yang Tian's family.

Some residents said that this is a school district house, and the Yang family lives in a house with an area of less than 100 square meters, which is only two or three million, and it is not obvious that he is involved in so much money there. "They all thought he was just starting a company there, and such a big thing had happened, and it seemed that his ability was really not small."

Someone else said, "I only know that he used to be a tour guide, but how he went to Singapore and what he did there, no one knows, and his family has never talked about it."

The Qianjiang Evening News reporter learned through the inquiry of relevant people in tourism that the Yangtian tour guide card seems to be valid, but there is no specific tourism company.