
Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

author:Bright Net

Comprehensively compiled from the WeChat public account "Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics", "CHRISON posture", Xinhua News Agency client, netizen comments, etc


Ushered in the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing

Opening countdown on the occasion of 100 days

Beijing Winter Olympics medal "One Heart" officially debuted ~ ~

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

The medal consists of a ring and a center

The image is derived from the ancient Chinese concentric circle jade bi

There are five rings

The five rings are concentric, concentric to the circle

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

It expresses the connotation of Chinese culture of "the unity of heaven and earth and the unity of people's hearts"

It also symbolizes the people of the world

Inspired by the Olympic spirit


Share the Winter Olympics

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

The front ring of the medal is treated with a puddle treatment

It is inspired by the traditional string pattern jade bi

Elegant "Chinese- style" details give the medals a more three-dimensional feel

Among them, the ice and snow patterns show the characteristics of the Winter Olympic Games

The auspicious cloud pattern conveys auspicious meanings

And echoes the 2008 Olympic Games

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

The medal is on the back of the ring

Engraved with 24 points and arcs of motion

It is derived from ancient astronomical maps

Symbolizes the vast expanse of the starry sky

Harmony between man and nature

It also symbolizes the 24th Winter Olympics

Athletes shine like stars

Write a wonderful chapter

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

The medal strap is also quite oriental

Traditional mulberry silk weaving process is used

The color is red

It is in line with the cultural characteristics of the Chinese New Year

There is also an interesting design detail!

Compared to the Summer Olympics

Winter Olympic medals are generally on the larger side

Because the Winter Olympic athletes wear heavy clothes

If the medal is too small, it is not eye-catching enough

After repeated comparisons

The design team set the diameter of the medal at 8.7 cm

The overall shape of the "One Heart" medal is simple and simple

It reflects the requirements of the Winter Olympic Games that are "simple, safe and wonderful"

Also with the 2008 Olympic Medal

"Gold inlaid jade" echoes

It also shows the cultural heritage of the "City of The Two Olympics"

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

This "large peripheral" was released

It has aroused heated discussion among netizens

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...
Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...
Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...
Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

Medals such as this "large peripheral"

We can't have it anymore


Don't you still have a peripheral badge?

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

When watching the Tokyo Olympics

I don't know if you remember such a scene?

In the gymnastics balance beam final

Tang Xijing, a Chinese girl, suddenly took out a piece

"Mahjong cards" are displayed to the camera

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

The sharp-eyed audience recognized it at a glance

This is the badge of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics

Netizens commented:

"Thought it was really a mahjong

"It's so much fun around the Winter Olympics!"

And this time the Winter Olympics around far more than that

The official website for sale of souvenirs from the Winter Olympics

You can understand what it is

Play with souvenirs

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

Like this Winter Olympics above

"Countdown 200 Days Badge"

The last "0" in it is a shape that can be rotated!

Because the countdown to 200 days coincides with the Tokyo Olympics

And the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics have never been so close

"Turn over the cherry blossoms of Tokyo

It's the snowflakes of Beijing."

This design is both ingenious

It's a little romantic

And this set of "countdown badges"

It can also form a complete series

From 1000 days, 800 days

Two years and then 200 days...

The design of each piece is different

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

When you gather them all and put them together

It makes up the number "0"

- It is the end of the penultimate

It also means the official opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

Such a designed countdown badge

Just the tip of the iceberg around the Beijing Winter Olympics

In the badges of previous Winter Olympic Games


Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

Rio 2016 Summer Olympics & Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics Badge

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics badge

The Beijing Winter Olympics are designed to promote traditional culture

A more conceptual design was made

For example, the Ancient Myth series —

Contains "Quao-father chasing the sun" and "Nuwa patching up the heavens"

"Da Yu Zhi Shui" "Chang'e Running Moon"

Did you find out?

Selected for every mythological image

It's all about "sports"

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

These four allusions have long been well known in China

I believe that foreign athletes are in their hands

Will be curious and get "popular science"

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

There is also the familiar "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea"

Same as the Countdown series

This is a large collection of badges that can be stitched together

The whole group can form a scroll painting

It can also be removed individually

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

Take a closer look

You will find every immortal

It also incorporates the ice and snow events of the Winter Olympics

For example, Cao Guo's uncle who participated in the snow jumping on the high platform

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

Figure skating He Xiangu and so on

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

Witty and fun

It is also a fusion of tradition and modernity

Myths merge with the Olympics

Except for the mythical stories

There are also sports that the ancient people liked to see

It was also made into a badge

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

For example, playing Go, dragon boats, and kicking keju


From the drawing to the color matching, it is very delicate

On a small side of metal

It shows a lot of traditional skills and craftsmanship

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

There are also the "Four Great Inventions" and "Four Treasures of the Study Room" badges

These badges

None of them had the word "China" printed on it

But it is reminiscent of China at a glance

Because these are all unique cultural traditions of China

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

Winter Olympic memorabilia also have a "Childhood Memories" series

It's like glass marbles and feather shuttlecocks

Windmills, clockwork frogs

Recreate the childhood games you remember

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

The opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics

It is the Spring Festival of the Chinese Lunar Calendar

Therefore, the organizing committee specially launched the Spring Festival series

The traditional New Year symbols have been made into badges

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

It's not hard to find

The reason why the Olympics are pleasing this time

It is the various traditional cultures of China

It's all condensed into tiny badges

But it is not at all rustic and old-fashioned

Even the common zodiac signs

All have been made with novelty and beauty

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

The official design of each zodiac sign is accompanied by a commentary

Except for the animals themselves

Even the corresponding background is annotated

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

The badges aren't all cartoonish and brightly colored either

There are also groups like the following "Beijing under the snow"

With a strong sense of emotion

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

In previous Olympic Games

Olympic venues are also frequent

A fixed element that appears in the Olympic Badge

This time, the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee also played a new idea

Take it a step further in design

A small mechanism is set up in each badge

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...
Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

Each venue can be unfolded

Inside, there are pictures of the projects held by the various venues

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

As for the mascot "Ice Pier", it will not be absent

It's cute in every theme

It's so cute

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

The emblem of the Winter Paralympic mascot "Snow Rongrong"

Also very attentive

Each badge is inscribed with Braille

Sure enough, there are tricks! When she came up with a "mahjong" at the Olympics, I felt that it was not simple...

The emblem design of this Winter Olympics

It's really creative

The Winter Olympics under the epidemic

Not only have many difficulties been overcome

It is also an improvement beyond hardware

A comprehensive upgrade of cultural and creative products and cultural output

Show one to the world

More advanced, more modern, more aesthetic China!

Source: Central Committee of the Communist Youth League

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