
The deadliest dog breed, the world's banned combat dog breed 10. Kaslo 9. Wolfhound 8. Neapolitan Mastiff 7. Brazilian Mastiff 6. Argentine Dogo 5. Rottweiler 4. Caucasian Shepherd 3. Tosa Inu 2. Presa 1. Pit Bull

author:Toot is a baby

While dog attacks always have a cause, these accidents also indicate that certain dog breeds can be deadly. Toot toot not only counts the breeds that have been the most admitted to the hospital, but also based on the potential and temperament of various dogs. Here are three main conditions: the size or strength of the dog, aggressiveness, lack of training.

The deadliest dog breed, the world's banned combat dog breed 10. Kaslo 9. Wolfhound 8. Neapolitan Mastiff 7. Brazilian Mastiff 6. Argentine Dogo 5. Rottweiler 4. Caucasian Shepherd 3. Tosa Inu 2. Presa 1. Pit Bull

Today, Toot brings you the deadliest dog breeds, and many countries around the world have even banned their people from breeding them!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >10</h1>

The deadliest dog breed, the world's banned combat dog breed 10. Kaslo 9. Wolfhound 8. Neapolitan Mastiff 7. Brazilian Mastiff 6. Argentine Dogo 5. Rottweiler 4. Caucasian Shepherd 3. Tosa Inu 2. Presa 1. Pit Bull

This large Italian mastiff, the descendant of dogs used by Roman soldiers in warfare, has smooth muscles and a body weighing up to 50 kilograms. The commercial value of this Kaslo dog lies in its large, intimidating head and powerful jaw. At a glance, most people will know that this is a dog that will cause great harm, and the Kaslo is usually in a good and gentle state, but when it comes to protecting the owner and suspecting strangers, it is completely different.

The deadliest dog breed, the world's banned combat dog breed 10. Kaslo 9. Wolfhound 8. Neapolitan Mastiff 7. Brazilian Mastiff 6. Argentine Dogo 5. Rottweiler 4. Caucasian Shepherd 3. Tosa Inu 2. Presa 1. Pit Bull

Therefore, training and early socialization are essential, and this dog is restricted in several STATES AND European countries.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >9</h1>

The deadliest dog breed, the world's banned combat dog breed 10. Kaslo 9. Wolfhound 8. Neapolitan Mastiff 7. Brazilian Mastiff 6. Argentine Dogo 5. Rottweiler 4. Caucasian Shepherd 3. Tosa Inu 2. Presa 1. Pit Bull

These dogs are often referred to as wolfhounds, and at least half of their bloodline is wolf, so they are almost indistinguishable from pure wolves. Its behavioral habits, which vary according to dog or wolf ancestry, skew toward wolf traits make the animal less likely to carry out protective attacks, but because they still have a strong desire to prey, they make them a truly dangerous target in the presence of other small pets, perhaps even young children. They weigh up to 55 kilograms and possess the strength and intelligence of wolves.

The deadliest dog breed, the world's banned combat dog breed 10. Kaslo 9. Wolfhound 8. Neapolitan Mastiff 7. Brazilian Mastiff 6. Argentine Dogo 5. Rottweiler 4. Caucasian Shepherd 3. Tosa Inu 2. Presa 1. Pit Bull

So in the wrong environment, these dogs can be very dangerous.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >8</h1>

The deadliest dog breed, the world's banned combat dog breed 10. Kaslo 9. Wolfhound 8. Neapolitan Mastiff 7. Brazilian Mastiff 6. Argentine Dogo 5. Rottweiler 4. Caucasian Shepherd 3. Tosa Inu 2. Presa 1. Pit Bull

In terms of size alone, this giant bastard dog has the ability to intimidate. Weighing up to 90 kilograms, it's heavier than most adults, and the mastiff's huge head complements their equally large bodies, and the strong muscular tissue is almost impossible to hide from thick skin. The Neapolitan Mastiff is believed to be a direct descendant of the ancient Roman Molosus, which was used in ancient warfare and bloodthirsty arenas.

The deadliest dog breed, the world's banned combat dog breed 10. Kaslo 9. Wolfhound 8. Neapolitan Mastiff 7. Brazilian Mastiff 6. Argentine Dogo 5. Rottweiler 4. Caucasian Shepherd 3. Tosa Inu 2. Presa 1. Pit Bull

Essentially, the dog's genes have been bred to be a capable killer, making it a popular guard dog and guard.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >7</h1>

The deadliest dog breed, the world's banned combat dog breed 10. Kaslo 9. Wolfhound 8. Neapolitan Mastiff 7. Brazilian Mastiff 6. Argentine Dogo 5. Rottweiler 4. Caucasian Shepherd 3. Tosa Inu 2. Presa 1. Pit Bull

This is another very powerful large dog, the Brazilian Mastiff weighs up to 75 kilograms and is a trained hunting dog that can be used exclusively to control without killing the prey in front of it. It is said that during the period of slavery, Brazilian mastiffs could return fugitive slaves to their owners unscathed. The United Kingdom, Norway, Israel, Denmark and many other countries have banned the use of this dog.

The deadliest dog breed, the world's banned combat dog breed 10. Kaslo 9. Wolfhound 8. Neapolitan Mastiff 7. Brazilian Mastiff 6. Argentine Dogo 5. Rottweiler 4. Caucasian Shepherd 3. Tosa Inu 2. Presa 1. Pit Bull

It is often said that Brazilian mastiffs can be very aggressive with strangers if not properly trained.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >6</h1>

The deadliest dog breed, the world's banned combat dog breed 10. Kaslo 9. Wolfhound 8. Neapolitan Mastiff 7. Brazilian Mastiff 6. Argentine Dogo 5. Rottweiler 4. Caucasian Shepherd 3. Tosa Inu 2. Presa 1. Pit Bull

This agile and muscular dog, bred as a companion for large hunting dogs, was even capable of knocking down wild boars and mountain lions, this dog has 60 kilograms of muscle, and their short white hairs are easily recognizable. Argentine Dogos often have the potential to carry out deadly attacks and are therefore banned in many countries, including the United Kingdom and Australia.

The deadliest dog breed, the world's banned combat dog breed 10. Kaslo 9. Wolfhound 8. Neapolitan Mastiff 7. Brazilian Mastiff 6. Argentine Dogo 5. Rottweiler 4. Caucasian Shepherd 3. Tosa Inu 2. Presa 1. Pit Bull

The fact that it is a breed loved by dog fighters further cements its reputation as a feared dog.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >5</h1>

The deadliest dog breed, the world's banned combat dog breed 10. Kaslo 9. Wolfhound 8. Neapolitan Mastiff 7. Brazilian Mastiff 6. Argentine Dogo 5. Rottweiler 4. Caucasian Shepherd 3. Tosa Inu 2. Presa 1. Pit Bull

The Rottweiler is a medium to large dog with a strong body, it was once known as the butcher's dog, but that was because it used to work with domestic animals, pull a cart to the market, not an evil species, however, the fact is that the Rottweiler is a capable killer, and statistics reflect this.

The deadliest dog breed, the world's banned combat dog breed 10. Kaslo 9. Wolfhound 8. Neapolitan Mastiff 7. Brazilian Mastiff 6. Argentine Dogo 5. Rottweiler 4. Caucasian Shepherd 3. Tosa Inu 2. Presa 1. Pit Bull

In the United States, it has been the second most frequent attack on dogs, causing death or serious injury.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >4</h1>

The deadliest dog breed, the world's banned combat dog breed 10. Kaslo 9. Wolfhound 8. Neapolitan Mastiff 7. Brazilian Mastiff 6. Argentine Dogo 5. Rottweiler 4. Caucasian Shepherd 3. Tosa Inu 2. Presa 1. Pit Bull

It existed to protect sheep from thieves on the fringes of the Soviet Union. This big dog can drag anything weighing up to 90 kilograms with its huge claws and equally frightening jaw, and its thick fur hides strong muscles. In fact, these dogs are fearless and capable of exhibiting ferocious behavior, they have long been a favorite of bear hunters, and this is also the breed used to patrol the borders of East and West Germany during the Cold War, their size and strength, coupled with their strong will and loyalty, when the dog feels that its owner is threatened, it will attack almost anything, in Russia, this dog is loved by dog fighters.

The deadliest dog breed, the world's banned combat dog breed 10. Kaslo 9. Wolfhound 8. Neapolitan Mastiff 7. Brazilian Mastiff 6. Argentine Dogo 5. Rottweiler 4. Caucasian Shepherd 3. Tosa Inu 2. Presa 1. Pit Bull

In some countries it is forbidden to breeding, while others it is restricted.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >3. Tosa Dog</h1>

The deadliest dog breed, the world's banned combat dog breed 10. Kaslo 9. Wolfhound 8. Neapolitan Mastiff 7. Brazilian Mastiff 6. Argentine Dogo 5. Rottweiler 4. Caucasian Shepherd 3. Tosa Inu 2. Presa 1. Pit Bull

This huge Japanese dog was bred as a fighting dog, and although it varies in size, the largest Tosa can weigh up to 100 kilograms, so it is also known as a sumo Ao dog. The danger to this dog comes from its size, strength and combat effectiveness. Most of the time, it is a very calm breed, and for Tosa dogs, good training and an experienced owner are essential. Without this, the potential harm to this dog is unlimited.

The deadliest dog breed, the world's banned combat dog breed 10. Kaslo 9. Wolfhound 8. Neapolitan Mastiff 7. Brazilian Mastiff 6. Argentine Dogo 5. Rottweiler 4. Caucasian Shepherd 3. Tosa Inu 2. Presa 1. Pit Bull

Deadly attacks have also occurred, which is why Tosa dogs are banned from breeding in all countries.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >2</h1>

The deadliest dog breed, the world's banned combat dog breed 10. Kaslo 9. Wolfhound 8. Neapolitan Mastiff 7. Brazilian Mastiff 6. Argentine Dogo 5. Rottweiler 4. Caucasian Shepherd 3. Tosa Inu 2. Presa 1. Pit Bull

You may also think that Presa is the most terrifying kind of dog. Its huge square head is almost as wide as its head, and it also has a matching body, with a large skeleton and muscles that can make Presa weigh up to 60 kilograms. As a combat dog, they retain a high aggressiveness, making them suitable for breeding only by experienced owners, and presa could be an extremely dangerous dog if it does not show absolute authority. It is said that they are more aggressive in numbers because they are a group of dogs, which can certainly be confirmed by some deadly attacks.

The deadliest dog breed, the world's banned combat dog breed 10. Kaslo 9. Wolfhound 8. Neapolitan Mastiff 7. Brazilian Mastiff 6. Argentine Dogo 5. Rottweiler 4. Caucasian Shepherd 3. Tosa Inu 2. Presa 1. Pit Bull

In many countries, Presa is forbidden to be kept.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > 1</h1>

The deadliest dog breed, the world's banned combat dog breed 10. Kaslo 9. Wolfhound 8. Neapolitan Mastiff 7. Brazilian Mastiff 6. Argentine Dogo 5. Rottweiler 4. Caucasian Shepherd 3. Tosa Inu 2. Presa 1. Pit Bull

As you can guess, research has consistently shown that nearly half of all recorded attacks were caused by pit bulls, including even many deaths. Even experts have different opinions on the composition of the pit bull, but in general, the pit bull is very strong, muscular, with a square head and a very powerful jaw. Although the pit bull is the smallest dog on this list, weighing less than 40 kilograms, it has advantages in terms of strength, agility and ferocity. These dogs are built for fighting or fighting, and they look very scary!

The deadliest dog breed, the world's banned combat dog breed 10. Kaslo 9. Wolfhound 8. Neapolitan Mastiff 7. Brazilian Mastiff 6. Argentine Dogo 5. Rottweiler 4. Caucasian Shepherd 3. Tosa Inu 2. Presa 1. Pit Bull

At the end of the day, this is the most notorious dog on the planet right now, and too many countries have put it on the banned list, and for this reason, Toot has decided to put it first.

Have you ever been attacked by a dog?