
Chronic hepatitis B, nourishing yin and draining soup


Nourish the yin and clear the soup


30 grams of rotten sauce grass, 30 grams of raw barley malt, 20 grams of salvia, 15 grams of raw ground yellow, 10 grams of fried white peony, 10 grams of Guanzhong, 10 grams of forsythia, 10 grams of psyllium.

【Indications】Chronic hepatitis B.


1. Mix the various medicines, add an appropriate amount of water, fry over low heat into a decoction, filter to remove the slag, and set aside;

2. 1 dose per day, divided into 2 oral doses. 30 days is 1 course of treatment.

【Addition and subtraction】

1. Insomniac dreamers: add 10 grams of sour jujube kernels, 10 grams of Porphyra;

2. Liver blood deficiency: add goji berries and angelica 10 grams each;

3. Hepatic depression: add 10 grams of chai hu and 10 grams of citrus shell;

4. Blood bruises: add 10 grams of earth turtles, 3 grams of ginseng three seven (end of research swallowing);

5. Those with weak spleen: add 20 grams of astragalus, 10 grams of scorched whiteness;

6. People with waist and knee pain: 10 grams of Qin Gang, 10 grams of Huai Niu Knee;

7. Those with fever in the hands and feet: add 10 grams of peony peel and 10 grams of bone skin;

8. Those who are sluggish and bloated: go to raw ground yellow, white peony, add chicken inner gold 10 grams, scorched hawthorn 10 grams;

9. Loose lichen: raw ground yellow, white peony, 10 grams of scorched cang, 10 grams of tangerine peel, 10 grams of half-summer;

10. Dream slipter: add 10 grams of dogwood, 30 grams of calcined keel, 30 grams of calcined oysters;

11. Serum alanine transaminases (ALT) above 200 units: add 20 grams of white flower snake tongue grass, 20 grams of weeping potted grass;

12. Jaundice index of more than 20 units: add knotweed 20 grams, Yin Chen 20 grams;

13. Toothworm and epistaxis: 30 grams of chamomile, 30 grams of crane grass, 15 grams of calcined horn cheeks;

14. No jaundice and serum alanine transaminases (ALT) below 100 units: add 10 grams of schisandra; 15. Liver and spleen: add stone to see wearing 20 grams, hot turtle nails 20 grams.


1. In this formula, forsythia, psyllium clear damp heat, detoxification and enzyme reduction;

2. Raw ground yellow and white peony nourish yin blood, nourish the liver and kidneys;

3. Salvia officinalis cool blood tonify blood, activate and dissolve stasis, which is conducive to the recovery of liver damage:

4. Raw barley malt thin liver and stomach;

5. Defeat sauce grass can promote hepatocyte regeneration and prevent hepatocyte degeneration, can dredge the portal circulation, promote hepatocyte regeneration, and thus can lower enzymes and turbidity;

【Special Instructions】

Chronic hepatitis B is more common in young adults, the disease is mostly caused by the damp and hot epidemic poisoning of the liver and spleen for a long time, wet and sticky, the most easy to block the gas machine, so that the liver disorder reaches and depression, liver depression for a long time will turn into fire and yin. Heat is sunny, enduring, and the most vulnerable to fluid consumption. Damp and hot cementing, lingering is difficult to get rid of, and for a long time, it consumes blood and hurts the yin, causing insufficient liver yin. Liver and kidney homology, long-term disease and kidney, resulting in liver and kidney yin loss, damp heat retention, liver vein stasis invasion. Therefore, the clinical use of the yin and void evidence type of the virtual standard is more common, and the treatment should nourish the yin and drainage, so that the middle and the leakage are replenished, and the softness is strong, so as to promote the evil to go and be at peace.


During the medication, the diet should be light and avoid spicy and greasy things.

【Excerpt】Land machine